Enhancing the query performance through caching

You can configure different layers of caching in watsonx.data to optimize the query performance.

watsonx.data on Red Hat® OpenShift®

About this task

This procedure helps you to add (enable), edit, and delete different layers of caching that watsonx.data supports.

  • Data cache: It reduces the need to repeatedly fetch the same data from the storage layer for running similar queries and the overall query processing time.
  • Fragment result cache: It stores intermediate results of queries to speed up the repeated or similar queries.
  • Metastore versioned cache: It stores the metadata about tables, like structure and schema, to reduce the need for repeated metadata lookups.
  • File list cache: It keeps a list of files for a specified table and partition to avoid querying the storage system repeatedly for this information.
  • File and stripe footer cache: It stores the footers of files and stripes in ORC/Parquet files, reducing the I/O for reading file metadata.

Metastore versioned cache and File and stripe footer cache are enabled by default with an option to update any of the properties listed in the following procedure:

Note: Data cache and Fragment result cache are not supported if multiple Presto pods are running on a single node.


  1. Set up the caching on a wxdengine instance.
    1. Set the namespace in the console.
      oc project ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS}
    2. Determine which Presto engine you want to update.
      oc get wxdengine -o custom-columns='DISPLAY NAME:spec.engineDisplayName,ENGINE ID:metadata.labels.engineName'
      oc get wxdengine -o custom-columns='DISPLAY NAME:spec.engineDisplayName,ENGINE ID:metadata.labels.engineName'
        Presto         presto750
        presto-01      presto-01
    3. Delete all the statefulsets belonging to that Presto engine by using its ENGINE ID from the previous command. This allows each Presto statefulset to be re-created with new volume mounts.
      oc delete sts -l engineName=<ENGINE_ID>
      oc delete sts -l engineName=presto750
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-coordinator-blue" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-prestissimo-worker" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-presto-worker" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-single-blue" deleted
    4. Add the cache configuration under the spec section of engine configuration.
      oc patch wxdengine/<engine-name> \
        --type=merge \
        -p '{ "spec": { "<property1>": "<value1>", "<property2>": "<value2>" } }'
      oc patch wxdengine/lakehouse-presto-01 \
       --type=merge \
        -p '{ "spec": { "hive_metastore_cache_partition_versioning_enabled": "true", "hive_metastore_cache_scope": "PARTITION", "hive_metastore_cache_ttl": "3d", "hive_metastore_cache_refresh_interval": 4d, "hive_metastore_cache_maximum_size": "20000000" } }'
      Note: Add all the configurations that you want to change in json format.

      Customizable configurations for different levels of cache

      Data cache
      cacheStorageClass: <nfs-client>
      cacheStorageSize: <10Gi>
      cache_alluxio_max_cache_size: <8GB> 
      • cacheStorageSize is the name of the StorageClass.
      • cacheStorageSize is the size of storage that is required for the cache mount.
      • cache_alluxio_max_cache_size is the maximum size of the cache that is allowed for data cache. This must be less than or equal to cacheStorageSize.
      Fragment result cache
      fragment_result_cache_enabled: true
      fragment_result_cache_max_cached_entries: 1000000
      fragment_result_cache_ttl: 36h
      fragment_result_cache_partition_statistics_based_optimization_enabled: true
      fragmentCacheStorageClass: <your storage class>
      fragmentCacheStorageSize: <10Gi>
      • The properties fragment_result_cache_max_cached_entries, fragment_result_cache_ttl, and fragment_result_cache_partition_statistics_based_optimization_enabled are optional.
      • The default value for fragment_result_cache_max_cached_entries is 1000000.
      • The default value for fragment_result_cache_ttl is 36 h.
      • The default value for fragment_result_cache_partition_statistics_based_optimization_enabled is true.

      Metastore versioned cache

      You can add/update the following properties into the engine configuration by using the oc patch command.
      hive_metastore_cache_partition_versioning_enabled: false
      hive_metastore_cache_scope: ALL
      hive_metastore_cache_ttl: 10m
      hive_metastore_cache_maximum_size: 10000000
      hive_metastore_cache_timeout: 3m
      hive_metastore_cache_refresh_interval: 2m
      Note: The property hive_metastore_cache_timeout is not applicable from version 1.1.4 and later of watsonx.data.
      • The property hive_metastore_cache_partition_versioning_enabled is disabled by default. All the other properties except hive_metastore_cache_maximum_size are defaulted with the values listed here.
      File list cache
      file_status_cache_expire_time: 24h
      file_status_cache_tables: "*"
      file_status_cache_size: 100000000
      • If you add any of the three properties, file list caching is added with the default values of the other two properties that are specified in previous steps.
      File and stripe footer cache
      • For ORC or DWRF:
        The default values are:
        file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_enabled: true
        file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_size: Calculated based on jvm.Xmx
        file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_ttl_since_last_access: 6h
        file_metadata_orc_stripe_metadata_cache_enabled: true
        file_metadata_orc_stripe_footer_cache_size: Calculated based on jvm.Xmx
        file_metadata_orc_stripe_footer_cache_ttl_since_last_access: 6h
        file_metadata_orc_stripe_stream_cache_size: Calculated based on jvm.Xmx
        file_metadata_orc_stripe_stream_cache_ttl_since_last_access: 6h
        file_metadata_orc_use_column_names: true
        You can add/update the following properties into the engine configuration by using the oc patch command.
      • The properties file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_enabled and file_metadata_orc_stripe_metadata_cache_enabled are set as true by default. The default values for the other properties are listed under the default values.
      • For Parquet:

        The default values are:

        file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_enabled: true
        file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_size: Calculated based on jvm.Xmx
        file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_ttl_since_last_access: 6h
        file_metadata_parquet_metadata_batch_read_optimization_enabled: true
        file_metadata_parquet_metadata_use_column_names: true
        You can add/update the following properties into the engine configuration by using the oc patch command.

        The property file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_enabled is set as true by default. The default values for the other properties are listed under the default values.

    If you want to update the properties for Metastore versioned cache, File list cache, and File and stripe footer cache without deleting the stateful sets, then update the cr.yaml file and run the following command to track the status of operator reconcile and the config maps.
     watch --color "oc get wxdEngine -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} -o custom-columns='NAME:metadata.name,DISPLAY NAME:spec.engineDisplayName,RECONCILE:status.engineStatus,STATUS:status.middleEndStatus'"
    The RECONCILE status first appears as RUNNING and then changes to COMPLETED. Restart all Presto pods to apply the new configuration.
  2. Optional: Set up Persistent Volume (PV).

    This step is for setting storage classes for data cache and fragment result cache. You need two separate PVs and storage classes for data cache and fragment cache. Use the localStorageProvisioner, and complete the following steps:

    Note: This step is optional.
    1. Create a yaml file.
      vi pv1.yaml
    2. Copy the content to pv1.yaml file and save it.
      Note: The values for name, storage, storageClassName, path, and nodeAffinity are based on the client requirement.

      For example, in name: presto-cache-pv1 in the following output, presto-cache-pv1 is customizable.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolume
        name: presto-cache-pv1
          storage: 1Gi
        volumeMode: Filesystem
        - ReadWriteOnce
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
        storageClassName: cache-storage
          path:  /dev/cache
            - matchExpressions:
              - key: kubernetes.io/hostname
                operator: In
                - worker0.bicorn.cp.fyre.ibm.com
                - worker1.bicorn.cp.fyre.ibm.com
    3. To get the values field under nodeAffinity, run oc get nodes and use the name of the worker nodes that have the disk space available to mount the cache of Presto pods.
    4. Access the debugging session on the selected worker node and create the necessary directory structure.
      oc debug node/<name of node> -- chroot /host mkdir -p <path used under local, /dev/cache>
      Note: Repeat steps c and d for all the selected nodes.
    5. Run the following command to apply the PV configurations.
      oc apply -f pv1.yaml
    6. Provision more PVs based on the t-shirt sizing. If you have three Presto pods, create pv2.yaml, and pv3.yaml. For pv2, use name as presto-cache-pv2 and path as path /dev/cache/pv2. For pv3, use name presto-cache-pv3 and path as path /dev/cache/pv3.
    7. Create two or more PVs based on the requirements.
      oc apply -f pv2.yaml pv3.yaml
  3. Delete the caching.
    1. Determine the Presto instance from which you want to remove the cache.
      oc get wxdengine -o custom-columns='DISPLAY NAME:spec.engineDisplayName,ENGINE ID:metadata.labels.engineName'
      oc get wxdengine -o custom-columns='DISPLAY NAME:spec.engineDisplayName,ENGINE ID:metadata.labels.engineName'
        Presto         presto750
        presto-01      presto-01
    2. Delete all the statefulsets belonging to that Presto engine by using its ENGINE ID from the previous command. This allows each Presto statefulset to be re-created with new volume mounts.
      oc delete sts -l engineName=<ENGINE_ID>
      oc delete sts -l engineName=presto750
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-coordinator-blue" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-prestissimo-worker" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-presto-worker" deleted
        statefulset.apps "ibm-lh-lakehouse-presto750-single-blue" deleted
    3. Remove the configurations of the cache that you want to delete.
      oc patch wxdengine/<engine-name> -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} --type='json' -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/property1"}, {"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/property2"}]'
    4. Delete the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) of the cache.
      For data cache
      1. List the PVCs of the data cache.
        $ oc get pvc | grep ibm-lh-cache-mount
      2. Delete the PVCs.
        $ oc delete pvc <PVC's name>
      For fragment-result cache
      1. List the PVCs of the fragment-result cache.
        $ oc get pvc | grep ibm-lh-fragment-cache
      2. Delete the PVCs.
        $ oc delete pvc <PVC's name>
    5. Delete the PVs if you have completed step 2.
      oc delete pv <pv name>
    Data cache
    • cacheStorageClass
    • cacheStorageSize
    • cache_alluxio_max_cache_size
    Fragment result cache
    • fragment_result_cache_enabled
    • fragment_result_cache_max_cached_entries
    • fragment_result_cache_ttl
    • fragment_result_cache_partition_statistics_based_optimization_enabled
    • fragmentCacheStorageClass and fragmentCacheStorageSize
    Metastore versioned cache
    • hive_metastore_cache_partition_versioning_enabled
    • hive_metastore_cache_scope
    • hive_metastore_cache_ttl
    • hive_metastore_cache_refresh_interval
    • hive_metastore_cache_maximum_size
    • hive_metastore_cache_timeout
      Note: The property hive_metastore_cache_timeout is not applicable from version 1.1.4 and later of watsonx.data.
    File list cache
    • file_status_cache_expire_time
    • file_status_cache_tables
    • file_status_cache_size
    File and stripe footer cache
    • file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_enabled
    • file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_size
    • file_metadata_parquet_metadata_cache_ttl_since_last_access
    • file_metadata_parquet_metadata_batch_read_optimization_enabled
    • file_metadata_parquet_metadata_use_column_names
    • file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_enabled
    • file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_size
    • file_metadata_orc_file_tail_cache_ttl_since_last_access
    • file_metadata_orc_stripe_metadata_cache_enabled
    • file_metadata_orc_stripe_footer_cache_size
    • file_metadata_orc_stripe_footer_cache_ttl_since_last_access
    • file_metadata_orc_stripe_stream_cache_size
    • file_metadata_orc_stripe_stream_cache_ttl_since_last_access
    • file_metadata_orc_use_column_names