Understanding x-ibm properties

See how to use the x-ibm properties to enhance your app and skills configurations.

Configuring an importable OpenAPI specification

The x-ibm-skill-type property sets the type of the app and skills that are defined in the OpenAPI specification. On watsonx Orchestrate, all imported skills must be imported type.

That property is added automatically when a skill is imported, but you can add it manually in the info section.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-skill-type property.

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-skill-type": "imported"

Configuring OpenAPI specification subtype

The x-ibm-skill-subtype property sets the subtype of the app and skills that are defined in the OpenAPI specification. The subtype of a skill defines whether the skill is public or private.

To configure the x-ibm-skill-subtype property, add that property in the info section and then set one of the following values:

Value Description
public Define that the app and skills in the OpenAPI specification are public. It is the default value for all imported skills if the x-ibm-skill-subtype property is not configured.
private Define that the app and skills in the OpenAPI specification are private.
For private skills, you need to configure the secure tunnel. For more information about secure tunnels, see Configuring secure tunnel.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-skill-subtype property.

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-skill-subtype": "public"

Configuring a secure tunnel

A Secure Tunnel provides endpoint-to-endpoint connections across a network without opening firewall rules in an enterprise network. It allows access between different networks through TCP over HTTPS technology. The traffic through these connections is encrypted with HTTPS.

The secure tunnel configuration is made with the help of the IBM Support. For more information about how to contact the IBM Support and open a case, see Support.

Open a support case to modify your tenant configurations for a tunnel connection and application mapping. Include the following information in the case:

  • Hostname: The hostname or IP address for the API in your private network: https://my-env-dev.nonprod.example.com.
  • Platform: The platform that your host is running, for example: virtual machine (VM).
  • watsonx Orchestrate crn details: To know the crn ID, click your profile and then About. Send the screenshot of the About page.

After your case is processed, you receive an installer with instructions to install on your environment to complete the secure tunnel configuration.

Then, you are ready to use private skills that use this secure tunnel. To configure a private skill, set the x-ibm-skill-subtype property to private in your OAS file.

The following example shows how to configure a private skill:

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-skill-subtype": "private"

Configuring app ID

Use the x-ibm-application-id property to set the unique ID of your app on watsonx Orchestrate.

If you don't configure this property, the unique ID is randomly generated when you import a skill on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-application-id property.

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-application-id": "app-id"

Configuring the app name

Use the x-ibm-application-name property to set a name to your app. It is the app name that the user sees in the user interface. The value must be human-readable and easily understandable.

If you don't configure this property, the name is automatically configured by using the configuration that is defined in the title property.

App name
Figure 1. The image shows the result of the x-ibm-application-name property on the app tile.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-application-id property.

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-application-name": "App name"

Adding an icon to the app

You can use the x-ibm-application-icon property to add an icon for your app. The property is specified at the info or operation levels in your OpenAPI specification. The icon that is specified at the operation level takes precedence over the info level.

The property takes an HTML <svg> as its value, and is rendered at 48 x 48 pixels. To create your <svg>, use any image modification program.

App name
Figure 2. The image shows the result of the x-ibm-application-icon property on the app tile.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-application-icon property.

At the info level.

  "info": {
      "x-ibm-application-icon": "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 32\" style=\"enable-background:new 0 0 32 32;\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><path id=\"user--profile_1_\" d=\"M16,31.36C7.53,31.36,0.64,24.47,0.64,16S7.53,0.64,16,0.64S31.36,7.53,31.36,16S24.47,31.36,16,31.36z M6.349,27c2.579,2.266,5.957,3.64,9.651,3.64c3.693,0,7.072-1.374,9.65-3.64h-0.01c0-4.341-2.941-8.161-7.153-9.29c-0.144-0.038-0.248-0.16-0.265-0.307c-0.018-0.146,0.058-0.289,0.188-0.358c1.678-0.897,2.72-2.635,2.72-4.534c0-2.84-2.306-5.151-5.14-5.151s-5.141,2.311-5.141,5.151c0,1.899,1.042,3.637,2.72,4.534c0.13,0.069,0.205,0.212,0.188,0.358s-0.122,0.269-0.264,0.307C9.292,18.835,6.36,22.655,6.36,27H6.349z M19.435,17.25c3.913,1.377,6.646,4.973,6.905,9.104c2.655-2.651,4.3-6.314,4.3-10.354c0-8.073-6.567-14.64-14.64-14.64C7.927,1.36,1.36,7.927,1.36,16c0,4.04,1.645,7.703,4.3,10.354c0.258-4.135,2.982-7.729,6.883-9.104c-1.506-1.094-2.415-2.846-2.415-4.739c0-3.237,2.629-5.871,5.86-5.871c3.232,0,5.861,2.633,5.861,5.871C21.85,14.404,20.941,16.156,19.435,17.25z\"/><rect id=\"_Transparent_Rectangle\" style=\"fill:none;\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"/></svg>"

At the skill level.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-application-icon": "<svg version=\"1.1\" id=\"Layer_1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" x=\"0px\" y=\"0px\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 32\" style=\"enable-background:new 0 0 32 32;\" xml:space=\"preserve\"><path id=\"user--profile_1_\" d=\"M16,31.36C7.53,31.36,0.64,24.47,0.64,16S7.53,0.64,16,0.64S31.36,7.53,31.36,16S24.47,31.36,16,31.36z M6.349,27c2.579,2.266,5.957,3.64,9.651,3.64c3.693,0,7.072-1.374,9.65-3.64h-0.01c0-4.341-2.941-8.161-7.153-9.29c-0.144-0.038-0.248-0.16-0.265-0.307c-0.018-0.146,0.058-0.289,0.188-0.358c1.678-0.897,2.72-2.635,2.72-4.534c0-2.84-2.306-5.151-5.14-5.151s-5.141,2.311-5.141,5.151c0,1.899,1.042,3.637,2.72,4.534c0.13,0.069,0.205,0.212,0.188,0.358s-0.122,0.269-0.264,0.307C9.292,18.835,6.36,22.655,6.36,27H6.349z M19.435,17.25c3.913,1.377,6.646,4.973,6.905,9.104c2.655-2.651,4.3-6.314,4.3-10.354c0-8.073-6.567-14.64-14.64-14.64C7.927,1.36,1.36,7.927,1.36,16c0,4.04,1.645,7.703,4.3,10.354c0.258-4.135,2.982-7.729,6.883-9.104c-1.506-1.094-2.415-2.846-2.415-4.739c0-3.237,2.629-5.871,5.86-5.871c3.232,0,5.861,2.633,5.861,5.871C21.85,14.404,20.941,16.156,19.435,17.25z\"/><rect id=\"_Transparent_Rectangle\" style=\"fill:none;\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"/></svg>"

Forcing custom endpoint configuration

On watsonx Orchestrate, it is possible to cofigure a custom endpoint for your app after you import the app. For more information about configuring custom endpoint, see Configuring an imported app endpoint.

By default, you don't need to configure a custom endpoint because it's optional. To configure a custom endpoint as required, add the x-ibm-disable-default-server-url in the info section and set it to true.

The following example shows how to configure x-ibm-disable-default-server-url property:

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-disable-default-server-url": "true"

Getting information about skill usage

Use the x-ibm-skill-headers property to configure the headers that pass extra information about the skill usage. The headers that are configured in this property are sent to the skill's API whenever the user uses the skill. Therefore, in your skill's API you can use these headers values according to your business needs, for example to authenticate watsonx Orchestrate users in your API based on caller-name and caller-id that are received from the headers.

Considerations for using the property

You must do additional configurations if you want to get information about skill usage from conversations that happen on the AI chat embedded in external web pages.

Configure user_payload as a private claim when you enable the web chat security for the AI chat to get data from the caller-id, caller-name, and user_payload properties. For the skill-utterance and session-history properties, the encryption is not required.

For more information, see Encrypting sensitive data in web chat.

Configuring the headers

Configure the x-ibm-skill-headers property by adding it in the info section. For each header available, define the name that you want to give to the header. The following table describes the properties and their details:

Property Required Accepted values Description
caller-id no string Set a value to be the header name for the header that passes the caller-id information.
caller-name no string Set a value to be the header name for the header that passes the caller-name information.
skill-utterance no string Set a value to be the header name for the header that passes the skill-utterance information.
Note: This header receives values only if the skill is used through AI assistants deployed in a channel or the AI chat of watsonx Orchestrate .
user-payload no string Set a value to be the header name for the header that passes the user-payload information.
Note: This header receives values only if the skill is used through AI assistants with security enabled deployed in a channel or the AI chat of watsonx Orchestrate.
session-history no string Set a value to be the header name for the header that passes the session-history information.
Note: This header receives values only if the skill is used through AI assistants deployed in a channel or the AI chat of watsonx Orchestrate .

The following example shows how to configure x-ibm-skill-headers property. For this example, the headers names are: X-CUSTOM-CALLER-ID, X-CUSTOM-CALLER-NAME X-CUSTOM-USER-PAYLOAD, X-CUSTOM-SKILL-UTTERANCE, and X-CUSTOM-SESSION-HISTORY.

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-skill-headers": {
      "caller-id": "X-CUSTOM-CALLER-ID",
      "caller-name": "X-CUSTOM-CALLER-NAME",
      "user-payload": "X-CUSTOM-USER-PAYLOAD",
      "skill-utterance": "X-CUSTOM-SKILL-UTTERANCE",
      "session-history": "X-CUSTOM-SESSION-HISTORY"

When this property is defined, the configured headers are sent to the external API referenced by the skill as header parameters. They cannot be sent as explicit parameters or body. How you get these headers and use them in the API depends on your business needs.

The following example is a Python script that shows how to retrieve the headers from a sample API and return the data from them to the user.

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Request

app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter()

async def getHeaders(request:Request) -> dict:
    headers = {}
    if request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-CALLER-ID"):
        headers["X-CUSTOM-CALLER-ID"] = request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-CALLER-ID")
    if request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-CALLER-NAME"):
        headers["X-CUSTOM-CALLER-NAME"] = request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-CALLER-NAME")
    if request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-USER-PAYLOAD"):
        headers["X-CUSTOM-USER-PAYLOAD"] = request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-USER-PAYLOAD")
    if request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-SKILL-UTTERANCE"):
        headers["X-CUSTOM-SKILL-UTTERANCE"] = request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-SKILL-UTTERANCE")
    if request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-SESSION-HISTORY"):
        headers["X-CUSTOM-SESSION-HISTORY"] = request.headers.get("X-CUSTOM-SESSION-HISTORY")
    data = {"headers": headers}
    return data


Email and username headers
Figure 3. The image shows a skill that reads the skill headers and then show the headers as skill output.

Hiding skills from the skill catalog

Use the x-ibm-visible property to hide or show skills on the skill catalog. You can configure this property in the info or in the skill method sections.

Set the x-ibm-visible property to false to hide the skill from the skill catalog. Otherwise, set true to show the skill on the skill catalog. By default, this property is configured as true.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-visible as false in the info section:

  "info": {
    "x-ibm-visible": false

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-visible as false in the skill method section:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "get": {
        "x-ibm-visible": false
Note: This x-ibm is not applicable for skills that are used through the AI chat.

Configuring a skill as conversational

Set skills as conversational to use them as skill-based actions by AI assistants.

To configure a skill as conversational in the OpenAPI specification, use the x-ibm-conversational-skill property, this property requires a boolean true or false.

Boolean Definition
true Default. Enable the skill usage by AI assistants.
false Disable the skill usage by AI assistants.

By default, if you don't configure that property, it is automatically configured as true when you import the skill on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure a skill to be shown as a skill-based action in the AI assistant builder:

  "paths": {
    "/register_user": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-conversational-skill": true

The skills are displayed on Build an action from a skill page after you configure the app connection in the AI assistant team skill set. For more information about how to create a skill-based action on an AI assistant, see Building your AI assistant with actions.

Skills on Build an action from a skill
Figure 4. The image shows the skills on the Build an action from a skill page.

On AI assistant chat, the inputs and outputs schemas of the skill can be displayed in a conversational way. For it occurs:

Training skills with phrases

You can use the natural language model to determine whether the user's phrase that is written in the UI chat box matches a specific skill. When you use the property x-ibm-nl-intent-examples, you can supply example phrases to train the natural language model. If the property is not supplied, phrases are generated from the description and summary that are supplied for the skill. However, these phrases are basic and tend to produce a narrow model.

You can specify the property x-ibm-nl-intent-examples to enable the explicit use of natural language sentences. For good results, provide around 20 to 30 phrases for your skill. You can supply less, but fewer than 10 phrases limits the usability of your skill. See the following example to learn how to use x-ibm-nl-intent-examples property:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-nl-intent-examples": [
          "repeat a message",
          "can you echo this message?",
          "repeat what I say",
          "can you repeat what I tell you?",
          "repeat this message for me",
          "repeat after me",
          "say it back to me",
          "play that again",
          "repeat this message again",
          "repeat this message"

Wrapping schemas for workflow skills

Imported skills from OpenAPI specifications might not have their inputs and outputs correctly mapped when the these skills are added to a workflow in a project. To solve it, use the x-ibm-parameter-wrapper or x-ibm-response-wrapper properties to correctly wrap the schemas of your skill for the workflow.

Example of schemas in a workflow
Figure 5. The image shows how the mapping of an input in a workflow looks like without using the wrapper and how it looks like using the wrapper.

Both properties do the same work to wrap the schemas correctly for the workflow skills. Therefore, their usage depends whether your skill is a synchronous skill or an asynchronous skill.

For synchronous skills, use the x-ibm-parameter-wrapper property to correctly wrap the skill schemas for workflow skills, and for asynchronous use the x-ibm-response-wrapper property.

To configure the x-ibm-parameter-wrapper or the x-ibm-response-wrapper properties, add them inside the schema property of the skill input and output that you want to wrap for the workflows and then set that property to true.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-parameter-wrapper property to wrap the input schema for a synchronous skill:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string"
                  "email": {
                    "type": "string"
                "x-ibm-parameter-wrapper": true

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-response-wrapper property to wrap the input schema for an asynchronous skill:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string"
                  "email": {
                    "type": "string"
                "x-ibm-response-wrapper": true

Mapping inputs from phrases

You can train the natural language model to map input values in the user message, and then automatically fill input fields by using the mapped value. To do it, use the x-ibm-nl-entities property to map the input values, and the x-ibm-nl-intent-examples property to train the natural language model to recognize mapped values.

To map the input value based on the user message, add the x-ibm-nl-entities property to your OpenAPI specification. And then in the entities property list, map the values that you want for each input field by using the following properties:

Property Description
entity The field that receives the mapped input value from the user message. Use the input name to configure it.
values A list of the input values and its mappings. Use the type, value, and synonyms properties to configure each input value.
  • type: The method used to identify the mapped value. It can be synonyms.
  • value: The value that the input receives.
  • synonyms: The values used to train the natural language model to map input value. Use only if you set synonyms in the type property.
  • patterns: Patterns are not supported at the moment but will be considered as part of future enhancements.

To train the natural language model to recognize mapped values, add the examples of the mapped values in x-ibm-nl-entities property phrases by using the structure: [example of the mapped value](field name). See more about x-ibm-nl-entities in Training skills with phrases

Example of mapping inputs from phrases
Figure 6. The image shows an example of how the mapped input looks like on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure the mapping of the input values from the user message.

"paths": {
  "/skillPath": {
    "post": {
      "x-ibm-nl-intent-examples": [
        "I want yo see my input as [wo](yourInput)",
        "Show my [watsonx](yourInput) input",
        "My input is [Orchestrate](yourInput) show it",
        "Please show my input as [automation](yourInput)",
        "So, [rpa](yourInput) is may please show it"
      "x-ibm-nl-entities": {
        "entities": [
            "entity": "yourInput",
            "values": [
                "type": "synonyms",
                "value": "watsonx Orchestrate",
                "synonyms": [
                  "watsonx Orchestrate",
                "type": "synonyms",
                "value": "Robotic Process Automation",
                "synonyms": [
                  "IBM RPA",
                  "IBM Robotic Process Automation",
                  "robotic process automation",
                "type": "patterns",
                "value": "date",
                "patterns": [
Note: This x-ibm is not applicable for skills that are used through the AI chat.

Configuring output messages

You can configure your output message as consistent text into the openAPI specification file, through the x-ibm-nl-output-template property.

By default, the output is "Here are the results of the {your skill name} skill." followed by the skill results. The x-ibm-nl-output-template property replaces this default output for one that you configure in the property.

Important: When you configure the x-ibm-nl-output-template property, only the message that was configured in this property is shown.

Example of a custom output message
Figure 7. The image shows an example of a custom output message.

The following example shows how to configure custom output messages.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-nl-output-template": "The user has been registered successfully"

Using JMESPath to concatenate phrases with API outputs

Use JMESPath to concatenate the output values of an API into a single message for skill outputs.

Example of a custom output message with JMESPath
Figure 9. The image shows an example of a custom output message with JMESPath reference.

To use JMESPath, in the x-ibm-nl-output-template property configure the JMESPath expression by following the structure "{$.JMESPathExpression}", where "JMESPathExpression" is the JMESPath expression for your output.

To create the JMESPath expression, start the reference from the response schema. The following example shows a sample response schema:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "userEmail": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "userName": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "userPassword": {
                      "type": "string"

The following example shows how to configure JMESPath in output phrases:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-nl-output-template": "{$.userName} has been registered successfully. To access the system use the email \"{$.userEmail}\" with the password \"{$.userPassword}\""

Filling string fields automatically for Assistant skills

For Assistant, you can automatically fill a string field based on the user utterance or the skill history. You configure this resource by using the x-ibm-skill-inputs property.

To configure the x-ibm-skill-inputs property, add the property in the string input schema that you want to fill automatically and then set one of the following values:

Value Description
skill-utterance To automatically fill the field by using the skill utterance.
skill-history To automatically fill the field by using the skill history.

Example of the x-ibm-skill-inputs
Figure 10. The image shows an example where the fields are automatically filled by using the skill uterrance and history

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-skill-inputs property:

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-skill-inputs": "skill-utterance"
                  "email": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-skill-inputs": "skill-history"

Disabling inputs

Use the x-ibm-disable property to disable input fields in the form and make it uneditable. By default, all fields are enabled:

Example of disabling inputs
Figure 11. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-disable property to disable input fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to disable inputs.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userName": {
                    "x-ibm-disable": true

Adding instructions to your skill and skill fields

You can use the x-ibm-disable property to add instructions to your skills or skill fields.

Follow the procedure to add instructions to your skill or skill field:

  1. Create a field.
  2. Set x-ibm-disable to true.
  3. Use the x-ibm-label to set an empty string "".
  4. In default set the instructions.
  5. Use the x-ibm-order to set the position of your instructions.

Instruction example
Figure 12. The image shows how an instruction looks like on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure instructions at the skill level.

  "paths": {
    "/register_user": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "skillInstruction": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-disable": true,
                    "x-ibm-label": "",
                    "x-ibm-order": 1,
                    "default": "<h1>Instruction</h1><br><br>This skill is created by using IBM RPA. Therefore, make sure that you have access to the following RPA tenant:<br><ul><li>API server: https://us1api.rpa.ibm.com/</li><li>Tenant name: IBM RPA</li><li>Code: 0000</li></ul>"

The following example shows how to configure instructions at the skill field level.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userID": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "x-ibm-order": 1
                  "skillInstructionForUserID": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-disable": true,
                    "x-ibm-label": "",
                    "x-ibm-order": 2,
                    "default": "The user unique ID in your system."

When you add instructions to your skill or skill fields, you can use the <br>, <h1>, and <ul> HTML tags to format your instructions.

Configuring queryable parameters inputs

A queryable parameter is a parameter input that joins multiple informations in just one parameter, you can configure queryable parameters for watsonx Orchestrate with the x-ibm-queryable-fields property.

Example of queryable parameters inputs
Figure 13. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-queryable-fields property.

To configure the x-ibm-queryable-fields property, add the property to the parameter object; it converts the input parameter in one queryable parameter field.

Then, in the x-ibm-queryable-fields property configure:

Property Description
type The type of the queryable parameter. It must be object.
properties The schema of the elements that presents on the queryable parameter. In that schema, configure the following objects:
  • type: The type of the element.
  • description: The description of the element.
  • title: The name of the element.
  • x-ibm-supported-operators: A list of the operators supported by the element in the queryable parameter. For more information about operators, see Configuring operators of elements in queryable parameters.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-queryable-fields property.

  "parameters": [
      "name": "filter",
      "in": "query",
      "schema": {
        "type": "string"
      "x-ibm-queryable-fields": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "type": "number",
            "description": "The unique user identifier",
            "title": "ID",
            "x-ibm-supported-operators": {
              "and": [
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The name of the user",
            "title": "Name",
            "x-ibm-supported-operators": {
              "and": [

Configuring operators of elements in queryable parameters

Use the x-ibm-supported-operators property to configure the operators of an element in a queryable parameter.

To configure the x-ibm-supported-operators property, add the property inside the schema of the queryable parameter. Then, in the property configure a list with of operations the element supports.

On watsonx Orchestrate, only the equivalence operator is supported. Therefore, configure the and list and then use eq to configure the equivalence operation.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-supported-operators property:

  "parameters": [
      "x-ibm-queryable-fields": {
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "x-ibm-supported-operators": {
              "and": [

Configuring input and output names

You can use the x-ibm-label property to supply a human-readable name for input and output fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

Example of human-readable name for inputs
Figure 14. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-label property to configure an input field name on watsonx Orchestrate.

For multi-turn conversation, it is also the messages that are displayed to request and show the skills inputs and outputs.

Example of human-readable name for multi-turn conversation
Figure 15. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-label property in a skill with multi-turn conversation.

The following example shows how to configure input field names.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-label": "Name"

Example of human-readable name for outputs
Figure 16. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-label property to configure an output field name on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure output field names.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "userEmail": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "x-ibm-label": "Email"
                    "userUsername": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "x-ibm-label": "Username"
                    "userName": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "x-ibm-label": "Name"
                    "userPassword": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "x-ibm-label": "Password"

Configuring the error message response

With the x-ibm-display-message-ref property, you can customize the error message that is shown to the user when the skill run fails. In that property, you must configure the x-ibm-message-abs-path and x-ibm-message-template properties.

Property Required Description
x-ibm-message-template yes The text that is displayed when the skill run fails. It replaces the default text: "The <your skill name> skill can't be used right now. Retry your request later.".
You can concatenate this text with a message that your skills return when it fails. To do it, add the {error-msg} placeholder in your text and then configure the x-ibm-message-abs-path property.
x-ibm-message-abs-path no The path for the property that returns the error message when your skill fails. The message that is retuned in this property replaces the {error-msg} placeholder that is configured in the x-ibm-message-template property.
Important: To enhance the user experience, configure that property for each error message present in your skill responses.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-display-message-ref property with the x-ibm-message-abs-path property to display an error message.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "403": {
            "description": "Error",
            "x-ibm-display-message-ref": {
              "x-ibm-message-template": "An error occurred."

Error message response
Figure 17. The image shows how an error message response looks like on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-display-message-ref property with the x-ibm-message-abs-path and x-ibm-message-template properties to display an error message.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "403": {
            "description": "Error",
            "x-ibm-display-message-ref": {
              "x-ibm-message-abs-path": "message",
              "x-ibm-message-template": "An error occurred. {error-msg}"

Error message response
Figure 18. The image shows how a message response looks like on watsonx Orchestrate.

Configuring inputs and outputs as multiline

You can use the x-ibm-multiline property to switch the text box that is used in input and output fields form from a single line to a multiline box.

Example multiline input
Figure 19. The image shows an example of how the x-ibm-multiline property looks like as an input on watsonx Orchestrate.

To configure the single line and multiline fields, add the x-ibm-multiline property in the input or output schema and then set one of the following values in boolean or text format:

value Description
true Set the field as multiline.
false Keeps the field as a single line. It is the default value if the x-ibm-multiline property is not configured.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-multiline property to configure input fields as a multiline box on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "text": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-multiline": "true"
                  "word": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-multiline": false

Example multiline output
Figure 20. The image shows an example of how the x-ibm-multiline property looks like as an output on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-multiline property to configure output fields as a multiline box on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "text": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-multiline": true

Ordering inputs and outputs

You can use the x-ibm-order property to order the input and output fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

Example of ordering inputs
Figure 21. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-order property to order the input fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-order property to order the input fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userID": {
                    "x-ibm-order": 1
                  "userUsername": {
                    "x-ibm-order": 3
                  "userName": {
                    "x-ibm-order": 2
                  "userPassword": {
                    "x-ibm-order": 4

Example of ordering outputs
Figure 22. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-order property to order the output fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-order property to order the output fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "userEmail": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 3
                    "userUsername": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 2
                    "userName": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 1
                    "userPassword": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 4

Precedence order when use x-ibm-order with other properties

For some cases, the required or x-ibm-important properties might also be configured in your OpenAPI specification file. For that case, when you add the x-ibm-order, an order of precedence is followed between these properties to show the skill inputs and outputs.

The reason of this precedence order occurs is because the required and x-ibm-important properties create a subdivision in the input and output fields to show these most important fields to the user first.

Then, when one of these properties is added to the OpenAPI specification file, the order of precedence of the fields are the following: fields with the required property, followed by fields with the x-ibm-important property, and finally fields that have only the x-ibm-order property.

The following example shows a case when all these properties are configured together and its result.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "required1": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 1
                    "order2": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 5
                    "important2": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 4,
                      "x-ibm-important": true
                    "order1": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 2
                    "required2": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 6
                    "important1": {
                      "x-ibm-order": 3,
                      "x-ibm-important": true
                  "required": [

Example of ordering outputs
Figure 23. The image shows an example of the precedence order.

Hiding inputs and outputs

You can use the x-ibm-show property to show or hide optional inputs and outputs of the generated form on watsonx Orchestrate. By default, all fields are shown.

Example of hiding inputs
Figure 24. The image shows an example of one input hiding by using the x-ibm-show property.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-show property to show and hide input fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userID": {
                    "x-ibm-show": true
                  "userUsername": {
                    "x-ibm-show": false
                  "userName": {
                    "x-ibm-show": true
                  "userPassword": {
                    "x-ibm-show": true

Example of hiding outputs
Figure 25. The image shows an example of the x-ibm-show property to hide the userPassword output.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-show property to show and hide output fields on watsonx Orchestrate.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "userEmail": {
                      "x-ibm-show": true
                    "userUsername": {
                      "x-ibm-show": true
                    "userName": {
                      "x-ibm-show": true
                    "userPassword": {
                      "x-ibm-show": false

Promoting fields to the main section

You can split the input fields in two sections, main and show more sections. The main section shows the input fields by default, and the show more section hides the input fields being necessary to click in the show more button to show it.

You can use it for skills that have many input fields. Therefore, you highlight the most important inputs for your skill.

Figure 26. The image shows an example of a skill that uses the x-ibm-important property. Notice that the Status field appears only if users click the Show
Example of x-ibm-property

To configure the main section and show more sections, add the x-ibm-important property in the input schema and then set one of the following values in boolean or text format:

value Description
true Set the input for the main section.
false Set the input to the show more sections. If you configure at least one input as true, all other inputs where the x-ibm-multiline property is not configured use this value as the default one.

The following example shows how to configure the x-ibm-important property to show a field on watsonx Orchestrate chat.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "id": {
                  "x-ibm-important": true
                "dogName": {
                  "x-ibm-important": "true"
                "category": {
                  "x-ibm-important": "true"
                "animal": {
                  "x-ibm-important": true
                "status": {
                  "x-ibm-important": false
Note: The x-ibm-important property must be placed outside of items section if the data type is an array.

The following example shows the x-ibm-important property with the data type as an array.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "stringArray": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "x-ibm-important": "true",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "description": "The array of strings to process"

Sequencing skills

Sequencing skills is the method of ordering the use of skills to achieve other goals. Therefore, you can sequence these skills to achieve new results.

On OAS, you sequence skills by using the x-ibm-next-actions property. This property contains a list that can sequence the skill. For each item of that list you must configure:

Property Description
skill_id The unique ID of the skill. This ID follows the structure: <info.title>__<info.version>__<paths[].path.operation.operationId>. For prebuilt apps, you get the skills ID in Skill IDs for prebuilt apps.
utterance The name of the next skill.

The following example shows how to sequence skills by using x-ibm-next-actions.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-next-actions": [
            "skill_id": "app_id__1.0.0__skill_id",
            "utterance": "Register User"

When you sequence skills, the value of the first skill output is automatically set in the second skill input if the input and output matches.

Example of sequencing skills
Figure 27. The image shows a result of the sequencing skills when values are transferred ​​from one skill to another.

The following example shows an example of the input and output of skills that matches:

Skill that generates the output

  "paths": {
    "/skillOutputPath": {
      "post": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "userName": {
                      "type": "string"
        "x-ibm-next-actions": [
            "skill_id": "app__1.0.0__skillpath",
            "utterance": "Register User"

Skill that uses the output of the previous skill as input

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "userName": {
                    "type": "string"

Mapping values for the next best skills

To map values to the next best skills specified in the OpenAPI specification, add an element configuration and define the property mappings in it.

In the property mappings, you specify the sourceSkill, targetSkill, and values for the mapped fields. The items that you need to define in the mappings includes:

Property Description
sourceSkill The skill ID of the skill from which the value is mapped from.
targetSkill The skill ID of the skill to which the output is mapped to.
fieldMapping In the fieldMapping, you can add information about the output field of the source skill and input field of the target skill.

In the property fieldMapping, you can configure:

Property Description
sourceSkill The flattened field name of the output from the source skill.
targetSkill The field that is mapped to the output of the source skill.
displayName The flattened field name of the source skill.

The following example demonstrates how to define a next best skill with mappings in an OpenAPI specification. In this example, the Get all the branches skill has no mappings, whereas the Create a bucket skill has mapped fields.

  "paths": {
    "/skillPath": {
      "post": {
        "x-ibm-next-actions": [
            "skill_id": "Amazon-S3-bucket__2.0.0__create_bucket",
            "utterance": "Create a bucket",
            "configurations": {
              "mappings": [
                  "mapping": {
                    "sourceSkill": "Get-Recipes__1.0.0__get-recipes",
                    "targetSkill": "Amazon-S3-bucket__2.0.0__create_bucket",
                    "fieldMapping": [
                        "sourceSkill": "recipes.items.properties.type",
                        "targetSkill": "LocationConstraint",
                        "option": "singleLine",
                        "displayName": "recipes.items.properties.type"
                        "displayName": "recipes.items.properties.difficulty",
                        "sourceSkill": "recipes.items.properties.difficulty",
                        "targetSkill": "Name",
                        "option": "singleLine"

Configuring dynamic values for list of options

With the x-ibm-ui-extension property, you can enhance input fields to turn them into dynamic input fields. Use this property to add a list of options in your skill inputs where the values are dynamically set from the output of another skill that you have in your skill set.

To use the x-ibm-ui-extension property, add the property in the skill input schema and then configure:

Property Required Description
component Yes The field type, must be dropdown.
pagination Optional Define the skip and limit in the list of options.
  • For skip, set the interval to skip items in the list of options.
  • For limit, set the limit of items in the list of options.
actions Yes Define the skill_id, type, mappings, and params of the skill that you want to pull data to the list of options.

The following example shows how to use the x-ibm-ui-extension property to create a list of options with dynamic values from other skills.

  "x-ibm-ui-extension": {
    "component": "dropdown",
    "actions": [
        "skill_id": "<skill_id>",
        "type": "data",
        "mappings": {
          "labels": "<link_to_object_property_name>",
          "values": "<link_to_object_property_name>"
        "params": {}

Mapping items for list of options

In the mappings specify the values and labels, it defines how the data gathered from a specific skill can populate a list of options:

Property Required Description
values Yes The value that the field receives when the user selects it from the drop-down.
labels Optional The values displayed in the drop-down list for the users. You can use this resource in cases where values are not simple to understand for the user, for example
If your values link to an object that returns language codes, you can use labels to link to an object that returns the language names. Therefore, the language names are displayed in the drop-down while the values received to the input are the language code.

To map the values and labels properties, create a link to the output object that populates the list of values. The link is based on the hierarchy of object properties in the response schema.

You can create a link for simple objects, complex objects, or arrays at the root level. The structure of these links might vary based on how an object is built. The following are examples of these structures:

Link to a simple object:


Link to a simple object with multiple properties:


Link to a complex object that nest an array:


Link to a complex object that nest an array of objects


Link to an array at the root level

Note: For complex objects and arrays, you need to specify the mappings section. Otherwise, the mappings section isn't needed.

Mapping inputs of the skill that generate the list of options

If the skill used to generate the list of options has inputs, you can map the inputs by using params. In the params property, you can map a static value or a dynamic value based on other skill input.

To map params with a static value, in the params property add the input from the skill you want to map and set a static value for the input. The following snippet exemplifies a static mapping:

  "params": {
    "input": "value"

To map params with a dynamic value, in the params property add the input from the skill that you want to map and then map the input that receives the dynamic value by the user when the skill is used. To map that input, use the following properties:

Property Required Description
name Yes The name of the input to be mapped with the input of the skill that generates the list of options. The input can be one input that your skill already has or you can create one input in your skill only for propose.
value Yes The value received from the mapped input. It must be __reference__ to pass the value the user set in the input field.

The following snippet exemplifies a dynamic mapping:

  "params": {
    "input": {
      "name": "inputMapped",
      "value": "__reference__"


To examplify the input mapping, suppose the skill that generates the data for the list of options has one input named startWith as shown below:

  "paths": {
    "/skill1": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "startWith": {
                    "type": "string"

Then, to map the startWith input with a static value you must add the input in the params property and set the static value as in the below snippet:

  "paths": {
    "/skill2": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "usersFilter": {
                    "type": "string"
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-ui-extension": {
                      "component": "dropdown",
                      "actions": [
                          "skill_id": "app_id__1.0.0__skill1",
                          "type": "data",
                          "mappings": {
                            "labels": "user.items.properties.name",
                            "values": "user.items.properties.id"
                          "params": {
                            "startWith": "J"

Or, to map the startWith input with a dynamic value, you need to add this input in the params property and configure the name property with one of the skill inputs and the value property as __reference__:

  "paths": {
    "/skill2": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "properties": {
                  "usersFilter": {
                    "type": "string"
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-ui-extension": {
                      "component": "dropdown",
                      "actions": [
                          "skill_id": "app_id__1.0.0__skill1",
                          "type": "data",
                          "mappings": {
                            "labels": "user.items.properties.name",
                            "values": "user.items.properties.id"
                          "params": {
                            "startWith": {
                              "name": "usersFilter",
                              "value": "__reference__"

Showing input fields dynamically

With the x-ibm-ui-extension property, you can enhance input fields to turn them into dynamic input fields. Use this property to show inputs dynamically based on previous input values.

Dynamic input fields example
Figure 28. The image shows an example of a dynamic input field.

To configure dynamic input fields, add the x-ibm-ui-extension property in the input schema that should be shown dynamically. Then, configure the following properties:

Property Required Description
title no The input field title, it overwrites the title that is defined in the name and x-ibm-label properties in the input schema.
component yes The field type, it overwrites the type that is defined in the type property in the input schema. The accepted values ​​are:
  • boolean: Turns the input into a boolean checkbox.
  • date: Turns the input into a date field.
  • date-time: Turns the input into a date and time field.
  • string: Turns the input into a text box field.
  • password: Turns the input into a password field.
  • number: Turns the input into a numeric field.
  • dropdown: Turns the input into a dynamic list of values. For more information about dynamic list of values, see Configuring dynamic values for list of options.
expressions yes A list of connections and the rules to dynamically show the input field. For more information, see Configuring dynamic input fields expressions.

The following example shows how to configure one dynamic input field based on other skill input. In this example, the email input field is shown when the using input receives the Email value.

  "paths": {
    "/skill": {
      "post": {
        "requestBody": {
          "content": {
            "application/json": {
              "schema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "using": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "enum": [
                  "email": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "x-ibm-ui-extension": {
                      "title": "Email",
                      "component": "string",
                      "expressions": [
                          "type": "display",
                          "connector": "AND",
                          "rules": [
                              "referencePropertyName": "using",
                              "operator": "equals",
                              "valuesToCompare": [

Configuring dynamic input fields expressions

Use the expressions property in the x-ibm-ui-extension to configure a list of connections and the rules to dynamically show an input field. For each item of this list, configure the following properties:

Property Required Description
type yes The input action when one of the rules that are defined in the rules property is true.
It must be display to show the input field dynamically.
connector yes The connector for the rules defined on the rules property.
It must be AND. Therefore, if any rule is true then the input field is shown.
rules yes A list of rules used to show the input field. For each rule, you need to configure:
  • referencePropertyName: The input that receives the value to show the dynamic input.
  • operator: The operation that is used to compare the values that are received from the input that is defined on referencePropertyName. It must be equals to show the dynamic input when the input value matches with one of the values that are defined on valuesToCompare.
  • valuesToCompare: A list of values that the input defined on referencePropertyName can receive to show the dynamic input field.

The following example shows how to configure the expressions property.

  "x-ibm-ui-extension": {
    "expressions": [
        "type": "display",
        "connector": "AND",
        "rules": [
            "referencePropertyName": "using",
            "operator": "equals",
            "valuesToCompare": [

Configuring output list pagination

Some APIs might not return all the items in a single request. Therefore, when the user runs a skill it does not show all the possible items in one skill usage. Thus, the user must make multiple uses of the same skill to obtain all items from the API.

Example of skill without pagination
Figure 29. The image shows an skill without pagination.

Use the x-ibm-pagination property with these APIs to make a pagination for the API responses. The pagination makes multiple requests for the API concatenating the items that are returned for each API response when the user uses the skill. Therefore, the skill shows all the items in only one usage.

Example of skill with pagination
Figure 30. The image shows an skill with pagination.

The x-ibm-pagination supports two types of APIs: the "skip" and "limit" API based, and the "next_page_token" API based. You identify the APIs based on the API parameters:

  • To identify an API based on skip and limit, search for the skip and limit input parameters. The parameter names might vary from each API.

    parameter description
    skip The number of items to be skipped to start the response. It is the position of the last item that is returned in the previous API request.
    limit The maximum number of items returned by the API. The count of returned items starts from the first item that is found after the item set in skip parameter.
  • To identify an API based on next page token, search for the next_page_token input parameter and the next_page_token output response. The parameters name might vary from each API.

    parameter type description
    next_page_token input The unique identifier of the items page that needs to be returned from the API.
    next_page_token output The unique identifier for the next page.

Configuring skip and limit pagination

To cofigure the pagination for an API based on skip and limit, first configure the skip and limit parameters responsible for the pagination. To do it, add the x-ibm-pagination property in these parameters schemas and then configure:

Property Description
pagination Set it to true to identify the parameter as one of that is responsible for the pagination.
isSkip Set it to true to identify the parameter as the skip parameter. Otherwise, don't configure this property.
isLimit Set it to true to identify the parameter as the limit parameter. Otherwise, don't configure this property.

Then, you need to configure the pagination. To do it, add the x-ibm-pagination property at the method level and then configure:

Property Description
type Set it to skip-limit to identify the pagination as a skip and limit pagination.
skip-parameter The JMESPath for the skip parameter.
limit-parameter The JMESPath for the limit parameter.
Note: You can hide the next page token input and output for the user by using the x-ibm-show property. For more information about the property, see Hiding inputs and outputs.

The following example shows how to configure a skip and limit pagination.

  "paths": {
    "/skip-limit-pagination": {
      "get": {
            "name": "skip",
            "in": "query",
            "schema": {
              "type": "integer",
              "x-ibm-pagination": {
                "pagination": true,
                "isSkip": true
            "x-ibm-show": false
            "name": "limit",
            "in": "query",
            "schema": {
              "type": "integer",
              "x-ibm-pagination": {
                "pagination": true,
                "isLimit": true
            "x-ibm-show": false
        "x-ibm-pagination": {
          "type": "skip-limit",
          "skip-parameter": "skip",
          "limit-parameter": "limit"

Configuring next page pagination

To cofigure the pagination for an API based on next page token, first configure the token input parameter responsible for the pagination. To do it, add the x-ibm-pagination property in this parameter schema and then configure:

Property Description
pagination Set it to true to identify this parameter as one of that is responsible for the pagination.
isNextPageToken Set it to true to identify the parameter as the next page token parameter.
jmesPath The JMESPath for the output that returns the next page token.

Then, you need to configure the pagination. To do it, add the x-ibm-pagination property at the method level and then configure:

Property Description
type Set it to token to identify the pagination as a next page token pagination.
token-request-parameter The JMESPath for the input parameter that defines the page that is returned from the API.
token-response-parameter The JMESPath for the output that returns the next page token in your API.
Note: You can hide the skip and limit parameters for the user by using the x-ibm-show property. For more information about this property, see Hiding inputs and outputs.

The following example shows how to configure a next page token pagination.

  "paths": {
    "/next-page-pagination": {
      "get": {
            "name": "next_page_token",
            "in": "query",
            "required": false,
            "schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "x-ibm-pagination": {
                "pagination": true,
                "isNextPageToken": true,
                "jmesPath": "next.next_page_token"
            "x-ibm-show": false
        "x-ibm-pagination": {
          "type": "token",
          "token-request-parameter": "next_page_token",
          "token-response-parameter": "next.next_page_token"
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "properties": {
                    "next": {
                      "properties": {
                        "next_page_token": {
                          "type": "string",
                          "x-ibm-show": false