What's new in IBM® watsonx Orchestrate®

As new features and capabilities are added to IBM watsonx Orchestrate for December of 2024, you can read about them here. Refer to Previous releases to learn more about changes that happened in the previous months.

Note: Do you want to get updates on new features, bug fixes, and security fixes for IBM watsonx Orchestrate as an on-premises solution in IBM Software Hub? See What's new and changed in IBM watsonx Orchestrate in the IBM Software Hub documentation.

13 December 2024

The following sections describe changes that happened on the release of 13 December 2024 for IBM watsonx Orchestrate on IBM Cloud® and on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Direct search integration support for Milvus

You can now directly configure your search integration with Milvus. Milvus is a high-performance, highly scalable vector database that you can use for Conversational Search.

For more information, see Setting up search integration with Milvus.

12 December 2024

The following sections describe changes that happened on the release of 12 December 2024 for IBM watsonx Orchestrate on IBM Cloud® and on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Adding AI assistants from external AI agents

You can add purpose-built AI assistants from AI agents built on third-party platforms to help your users to resolve specific use-cases through the chat. The external AI agent must comply with the API contract of IBM watsonx Orchestrate.

See more details in Adding AI assistants from external AI agents.

Configuring conditional branching in skill flows

You can now configure conditional branches in skill flows to define different execution paths dependent on determined logical conditions, such as variable values. You can also use conditional branches to ensure that your skill flow runs even when a skill fails.

Branch in skill flow
Figure 1. Configuring a conditional branching in a skill flow.

See more information in Set up conditional branches and Continue on error.

More apps and skills

This release adds new skills to the skill catalog. See the list of new skills per app:

  • Zoho Recruit

    • Skills
      • Associate candidates with job openings
      • Create a candidate
      • Create a job opening
      • Get all applications
      • Get all applications by record ID
      • Get all candidates
      • Get all candidates by advanced filters
      • Get all departments
      • Get all job openings
      • Get all job openings by advanced filters
      • Get all users
      • Update a candidate status
      • Update a job opening status

Other enhancements and changes

The following table details the enhancements that are delivered in this release and the user role that is affected by the enhancement.

Enhancements Description Affected role
User experience was enhanced in the AI agent chat Users can now efficiently start skills or skill flows by gathering the necessary inputs. Improvements include:

  • Users can use previously mapped inputs without confirmation, providing only the required inputs.
  • AI agent pre-fills required inputs for individual skills from user's utterance or previous conversation, prompting for additional inputs through a conversational flow, especially for complex or numerous inputs.
  • If a skill flow fails due to one of the skills in the flow failing, the AI agent returns the error message and gives you the option to retry the skill flow run from the point of failure by prompting you again for the input values for the skill that failed.
User or WO User

The following table details the fixes that are delivered in this release and the user role that is affected by the fix:

Bug fixes Description Affected role
Mapping to the filter input was not working Fixed an issue where the mapping to the filter input of a skill was not working when the user tried to apply the filter directly in the AI agent chat. User or WO User
The next best skill was not working for skill flows Fixed an issue where the next best skill was not working when it appeared after the user runs a skill flow. The user received an error in the AI agent chat despite they clicked the next best skill. User or WO User
The second skill didn't start in another chat Fixed an issue where the second skill didn't start in another chat while the asynchronous slot-based skill was still running. User or WO User
Skill flow with mapping from asynchronous skill to synchronous skill was not working Fixed an issue where the skill flow with mapping from asynchronous skill to synchronous skill, with form-based, was not working in the AI agent chat. User or WO User
Builder or Writer
UI errors in the Available apps from AI agent chat Fixed an issue where the Available apps area from AI agent chat was showing some UI errors such as scroll bar next to the apps and wrong instruction for users. User or WO User
The Replace a string data transformation was not working Fixed an issue where the Replace a string data transformation was not working in the skill input and output from a skill flow that ran in the AI agent chat. User or WO User
Builder or Writer
Japanese translations in the legacy chat Fixed an issue where the legacy chat had texts that were not translated to Japanese. User or WO User
Retry functionality was not working in forms Fixed an issue where the retry functionality was not working in forms from skills ran in the AI agent chat. User or WO User
Table text appeared outside the frame Fixed an issue where the table text appeared outside the frame in the Output tab from the Enhance this skill page. Builder or Writer
Typographical errors in the text on Enhance this skill page Fixed typographical errors in the text in the Input tab from the Enhance this skill page. Builder or Writer
Documentation links were not opened from some pages of Agent configuration Fixed an issue where documentation links were not opened from some pages of Agent configuration, such as the "What makes a good description?" link. Admin or Manager
Duplicated prebuilt skills in the Orchestrate Agent catalog Fixed an issue where the prebuilt Salesforce skills were appearing duplicated in the Orchestrate Agent catalog after configuring these skills. Admin or Manager

Documentation updates

See the updates in the watsonx Orchestrate documentation and other contents for this release.

  • As IBM Software Hub is called IBM Software Hub from the version 5.0.3, all the labels in the watsonx Orchestrate documentation were updated to reflect this change.

New sections

  • The Testing skills and skill flows section shows how to test skills and skill flows to ensure functionality and check if refactoring efforts are needed.

Updated sections

3 December 2024

The following sections describe changes that happened on the release of 3 December 2024 for IBM watsonx Orchestrate on IBM Cloud® and on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Introducing dynamic background

The watsonx Orchestrate platform received a dynamic background on the home page for admins and builders. The new design is based on the IBM Carbon UI standards and is more intuitive for admins to change the chat setting from legacy chat to AI agent chat for the team. Look at the new background!

IBM watsonx Orchestra new UI
Figure 2. New home page interface of IBM watsonx Orchestrate.

Enhancements and changes in Skill studio

In this release, the following additions and changes were made to Skill studio:

New versioning and publishing experience

The version and publish tabs are now combined into a single menu for a more seamless experience. In addition, a new Version history pane is also available to help you republish and restore earlier versions of your projects. See more details about this new experience in Publishing projects.

Configuring interactions for user task

Within user tasks, there are new field interactions that you can configure, including new functions that can get the values and properties of fields. You can also reorder interactions. For more information, see User task interaction.

Support for Watson Machine Learning

You can now configure Watson Machine Learning for IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM), User Management Service (UMS), and Platform UI (Zen). For more information, see Building prediction models.

Using document extractors in Skill studio (Beta version)

You can now create document extractors to define and extract specific fields from rich document formats such as PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, and images. Powered by a large language model (LLM), the configured document extractor identifies and extracts instances of the fields and highlights these fields directly within the document for review.

Note: Document Extractor is currently in Beta. You cannot share this skill or publish it for use in workflows or in the chat.

See more information in Creating document extractors.

Evaluating the performance of your AI assistants

You can evaluate and analyze the performance of your AI assistant by uploading a comprehensive and relevant collection of utterances, in addition to send the utterances to your AI assistant in a test run.

For more information, see Evaluating the assistant.

Adding skills directly to the AI agent

Admins can now add apps and their skills to the AI agent chat to directly use the capabilities of the added skills in the chat. When an admin adds skills to the AI agent chat, they need to provide a description with the purpose and capabilities of the skill for the AI model to route to the right skill based on the user prompt.

For more information, see Adding skills to the AI agent chat.

Configuring skills for multi-turn conversation in the AI agent chat

The inputs and outputs of skills added directly to the AI agent chat are checked separately and automatic fallback to forms over multi-turn conversations when any of the defined criteria applies. For more details about the criteria, see Configuring the number of input fields for multi-turn conversations.

Hiding the AI assistants from the AI agent chat

From this release, admins can hide the AI assistants from the AI agent chat for the user. This configuration is available for AI assistants that were added to the AI agent chat.

See more information in Hiding AI assistants from the chat.

Registering AI Agents from third-part platforms with the standardized API contract

Register AI agents that come from external third-party platforms and that adheres to the watsonx Orchestrate API contract to the AI agent chat.

For more information, see the API operations available in the External AI agents method.

Other enhancements and changes

The following table details the enhancements that are delivered in this release and the user role that is affected by the enhancement.

Enhancements Description Affected role
Importing the same OpenAPI specifications The following enhancements were deployed for importing the same OpenAPI specifications:

  1. When a different user tries to import the OpenAPI specification after editing the summary and the operation ID, the importing is blocked.
  2. When the same user is reimporting the OpenAPI specification after modifying the summary and the operation ID, this user gets a warning message. In this case, only the summary is updated.
Builder or Writer
Improvements for Configure prebuilt skills interface The Configure prebuilt skills interface received some improvements such as the title without period and a space between skill icon and text. Builder or Writer
Error handling improved in the AI agent chat The way to show error messages in the AI agent chat was improved to make it more intuitive for users know what happened and what they can do. User or WO User
Enhancing the skill in other languages Builders can now enhance the skill in the preferred language even if the skill was imported with another language defined in the OpenAPI file. For more information, see Enhance the skill content in other languages. Builder or Writer
Continue a conversation in an incomplete journey The AI agent chat now sends reminders to users about incomplete journeys for AI assistants. In this way, users can choose to return to the journey directly from the reminder notification to continue the conversation with the AI assistant. User or WO User

The following table details the fixes that are delivered in this release and the user role that is affected by the fix:

Bug fixes Description Affected role
Capital letter error Fixed an issue where the successful notification in Phrases generated had a capital letter error. Builder or Writer
Skill search was failing Fixed an issue where the skill search in the Skill catalog was failing when the name contained a colon. User or WO User
Specific AI assistants were not being listed Fixed an issue where AI assistants with brackets or some other special characters in the name were not being listed on watsonx Orchestrate. Builder or Writer
Disappearing and misaligned buttons in custom input form Fixed an issue where the buttons to edit custom input forms in skill flow were disappearing and, when they returned, they remained misaligned. Builder or Writer
Skill tile was visible when it was set to be invisible Fixed an issue where the skill tile remained visible on the legacy chat page even with the x-ibm-visible property set as false. User or WO User
Builder or Writer
No validation for version number Fixed an issue where the OpenAPI file that contained an underscore character (_) in the version number was being imported. Now, an error message is displayed and the file is not imported. Builder or Writer
Error in the AI assistant chat preview Fixed an issue where the builders got an error message in the chat preview in the AI assistant builder when the AI assistant's name had quotation marks or brackets. Builder or Writer
Enhance this skill page was refreshing after pressing the Enter key Fixed an issue where the Enhance this skill page was refreshing after pressing the Enter key for Bearer token field in the Security tab. Builder or Writer
Data mapping in a next best skill was not removed Fixed an issue where the data mapping in a next best skill was not removed automatically after the builder deletes the last skill in the skill flow. Builder or Writer
Getting error to run skill with multiple decisions
Fixed an issue where the users were getting the 504 error when they tried to run a skill with multiple decisions that had business rule. User or WO User
Builder or Writer
Problem to collaborate in projects
Fixed an issue where builders were having a problem to collaborate in projects with other team members in the Skill Studio. Builder or Writer
Skill credentials related to the audit log were not recorded properly Fixed an issue where the skill credentials related to the audit log were not recorded properly in both, Activity Tracker for IBM Cloud and external logging for AWS. Admin or Manager
Edit the condition tab with wrong color Fixed an issue where the Edit the condition tab in the workflow was with the wrong color when selected. Builder or Writer
Publishing a project as a skill Fixed an issue where, if the workflow project had user type inputs or outputs, or contained nested user type inputs or outputs, the builder was not able to publish it as a skill in the skill catalog. Builder or Writer

Documentation updates

See the updates in the watsonx Orchestrate documentation and other contents for this release.

Updated sections