Run with Docker run

Build a container image to serve pretrained Watson Speech to Text Library for Embed models, and run it with Docker. The container image should include both the Watson Speech to Text Runtime and the models.


  1. Use the watson-stt-runtime image as the base
  2. Set the required configuration using environment variables
  3. Pull model archives out of model images and gather them into a single directory
  4. Run a simple file server serving the model archives
  5. Run the STT runtime container configured with a UrlService pointing at the file server to download and extract the models from
  6. Use the resulting files in the model cache as the model source that the runtime uses at bootup


  1. Login to the IBM Entitled Registry

    Container images for Watson Speech to Text runtime and pretrained model images are stored in the IBM Entitled Registry. Once you've obtained the entitlement key from the container software library you can login to the registry with the key, and pull the images to your local machine.

    echo $IBM_ENTITLEMENT_KEY | docker login -u cp --password-stdin
  2. Update configurations for the set of models you want to use

    A list of available models can be found in the models catalog.

    The set of configurations includes environment configurations and resource requirements. The configs provided are a good set of defaults to use, however, depending on which models are being used, some configurations will have to be updated. For more details see the configuration page.

  3. Build the container image from the provided Dockerfile

    # Model images
    FROM as catalog
    FROM as en-us-multimedia
    FROM as es-la-telephony
    # Add additional FROM statements for additional models here
    # Base image for the runtime
    FROM AS runtime
    # Configure the runtime
    # MODELS is a comma separated list of Model IDs
    ENV MODELS=en-US_Multimedia,es-LA_Telephony
    ENV DEFAULT_MODEL=en-US_Multimedia
    # Copy in the catalog
    # $CHUCK is already set in the base image
    COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=catalog catalog.json ${CHUCK}/var/catalog.json
    # Intermediate image to populate the model cache
    FROM runtime as model_cache
    # Copy model archives from model images
    RUN sudo mkdir -p /models
    COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=en-us-multimedia model/ /models/
    COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=es-la-telephony model/ /models/
    # For each additional model, copy the line above and update the --from
    # Run script to initialize the model cache from the model archives
    # Final runtime image with models baked in
    FROM runtime as release
    COPY --from=model_cache ${CHUCK}/var/cache/ ${CHUCK}/var/cache/

    The container image build starts by referencing the set of images that are required for the build. Files from the images are copied into the model_cache stage and then a the model cache is populated by running the script. Finally, the release stage is built with the model cache copied in.

    docker build . -t stt-standalone
  4. Run the newly built image

    docker run --rm -it --env ACCEPT_LICENSE=true --publish 1080:1080 stt-standalone

    The environment variable ACCEPT_LICENSE must be set to true in order for the container to run. To view the set of licenses, run the container without the environment variable set.

    You can also output the licenses to a file for ease of viewing:

    docker run --rm stt-standalone > stt-licenses.txt
  5. List the available models to confirm that the models are being loaded

    curl "http://localhost:1080/speech-to-text/api/v1/models"

    Example output:

       "models": [
             "name": "en-US_Multimedia",
             "rate": 16000,
             "language": "en-US",
             "description": "US English multimedia model for broadband audio (16kHz or more)",
             "supported_features": {
                "custom_acoustic_model": false,
                "custom_language_model": true,
                "low_latency": true,
                "speaker_labels": true
             "url": "http://localhost:1080/speech-to-text/api/v1/models/en-US_Multimedia"
             "name": "es-LA_Telephony",
             "rate": 8000,
             "language": "es-LA",
             "description": "Latin American Spanish telephony model for narrowband audio (8kHz)",
             "supported_features": {
                "custom_acoustic_model": false,
                "custom_language_model": true,
                "low_latency": true,
                "speaker_labels": true
             "url": "http://localhost:1080/speech-to-text/api/v1/models/es-LA_Telephony"
  6. Send a /recognize request to test the service

    Download an example audio file or use your own:

    curl "" \
      -sLo example.flac

    Send the audio file to the service:

    curl "http://localhost:1080/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize" \
      --header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \
      --data-binary @example.flac

    Example response:

       "result_index": 0,
       "results": [
             "final": true,
             "alternatives": [
                   "transcript": "several tornadoes touched down as a line of severe thunderstorms swept through colorado on sunday ",
                   "confidence": 0.99

    To use a different model, add the model query parameter to the request. The audio format can also be changed as long as the Content-Type header matches. For example:

    curl "http://localhost:1080/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize?model=es-LA_Telephony" \
      --header "Content-Type: audio/mp3" \
      --data-binary @hola.mp3
       "result_index": 0,
       "results": [
             "final": true,
             "alternatives": [
                   "transcript": "hola hoy es un día muy bonito ",
                   "confidence": 0.92

    For more details, such as what types of audio files are supported and additional input parameters, view the Speech-to-Text API docs. Note that not all of the endpoints are supported.

Using Additional Models

To include additional models to use:

  1. Find the additional model images from the model catalog

  2. Add the model image to the top of the Dockerfile in a new FROM <model-image> as <short-model-image-name> statement

  3. Populate the intermediate model cache by adding another COPY --chown=watson:0 --from=<short-model-image-name>/* /models/ to the Dockerfile

  4. Update the comma-separated list of Model IDs in the ENV MODELS= line in the Dockerfile


The runtime container itself does not support TLS. The watson-stt-haproxy container (or another proxy) is required for TLS termination. View the configuration page for details.

The runtime caching code includes logic to treat the files as an LRU cache. If any of the model data is deleted, the server will not be able to use the data. Cleanup of the cache is triggered if the size of the files on disk is too large. Therefore, the size of all models in the cache needs should be kept below 2.5 GiB. Smaller is better.