Audit Tool Overview

The Watson™ Explorer audit tools enable system administrators and auditors to monitor Watson Explorer implementations to assess the amount of data that is indexed or analyzed in each collection.

The audit tools are provided to help you determine whether your data usage complies with the data limits stated in your license agreement. No actions occur automatically if the limits are reached. If you reach your data limit, you should either delete data or contact IBM® Software Support to discuss increasing your entitlement terms.

The audit tools are command-line utilities that query every collection in a set of Watson Explorer Engine, BigIndex, Application Builder, and Watson Explorer Content Analytics instances.

Auditing Foundational Components

For Foundational Components, the audit tool produces a report that shows the amount of source data that is indexed in each collection. The report also contains information that can be used to determine which collections are mirrors of other collections.

The audit tool is packaged as an executable JAR file, and is typically run from a command-line prompt, such as a Linux® shell, Microsoft Windows command prompt, or Microsoft Windows Powershell. While the data that it produces is designed to be used by business owners, the application itself is typically run by system administrators who understand how Watson Explorer is deployed in their enterprise environment.

Running the audit tool causes all collections in a Watson Explorer instance to be brought online to analyze their contents. The audit tool does not stop those collections after it completes its analysis because there is no reliable way to identify which collections should be online. Running collections that you might not be actively using can affect overall system performance.

Auditing Analytical Components

For Analytical Components, the audit tool produces a report that shows the amount of source data that is indexed in each collection. The audit tool can also produce a report that shows how much data was analyzed through the natural language processing (NLP) API without being added to an index.

Auditing oneWEX

Starting with version 12.0, the licensing for Watson Explorer oneWEX uses the Processor Value Unit metric., which is based on the number of processor cores. However, customers who are upgrading from version 11 can continue to use the Resource Value Unit metric. If your entitlements are based on the Resource Value Unit metric then you use this tool to determine the number of resources of usage of content analyzed. For this reason, an audit tool is available in Watson Explorer oneWEX that allows customers to determine the number of Resources of usage of content analyzed. This tool is only needed by customers who are using the Resource Value Unit metric.