
An internal node of the clustering (contains more nodes or documents)


  • async (Boolean default: true) - Asynchronous processing. For parse tags, should the request be enqueued (false) or processed before its next sibling. For other elements, this attribute only makes a difference when they contain asynchronous requests which need to be processed before the element is processed. In this case, when false the element's next sibling will only be processed after the current element, when true Watson™ Explorer won't wait for the current element to be processed before processing its next sibling.
  • elt-id (Integer) - Usage: Internal
  • max-elt-id (Integer) - Usage: Internal
  • execute-acl (Text)
  • process (Text) - An XPath determining which of the attributes and/or children will be processed. Currently only "", "*", "@*" and "*|@*" are supported.
  • id (NMToken) - Uniquely generated identifier for the node. Usage: Must be specified once all the child elements have been processed
  • parent-id (NMToken) - Usage: This functionality is deprecated
  • level (Integer) - Depth (the top level is numbered 0) of this node. Usage: Must be specified once all the child elements have been processed
  • ndocs (Integer) - Number of documents in this sub-cluster. Usage: Must be specified once all the child elements have been processed
  • nbdocs (Integer) - Number of documents in this sub-cluster that match the current binning condition. Usage: Must be specified once all the child elements have been processed
  • sep (Decimal number) - Measure of the goodness of the cluster. Internal.
  • cohesion (Decimal number) - Measure of the goodness of the cluster. Internal.
  • score (Decimal number) - Score of the cluster for ordering it within its siblings.
  • instances (NMTokens) - Sorted list of identifiers for the documents within this cluster.
  • ls ( Restricted form of xs:string) - The full state obtained when clicking to view the content of the cluster Usage: Browsing state only
  • ts ( Restricted form of xs:string) - The full state obtained when expanding the cluster Usage: Browsing state only
  • bs ( Restricted form of xs:string) - The full state obtained when expanding the cluster & viewing its content. Usage: Browsing state only
  • active (Boolean) - Is this the node whose content is currently viewed. Usage: Browsing state only
  • subnodes (Integer) - The number of child nodes contained by this node Usage: Browsing state only
  • matched (Integer) - Does this node contain documents matching the current sub-search. Usage: Browsing state only
  • start (Integer) - The rank of the first child nodes displayed for this node. Usage: Browsing state only
  • per (Integer) - The number of child nodes displayed for this node. Usage: Browsing state only
  • open (May only be: open) - Force the node to be open as a default.
  • other (May only be: other) - Is this node an "Other Topics" node? Usage: Browsing state only
  • type (Any of: open, close, top, more, document) - A type added in the API output to help decide how to use this node.
    • open: Node is open and has subnodes displayed.
    • close: Node is closed.
    • top: Top node.
    • more: Node is a "more" link to get more clusters.
    • document: Node is not a true cluster, just a document container.
    Usage: Browsing state only


  • Use these in the listed order. The sequence may not repeat.
    • descriptor: (Zero or more) - A (cluster) label
    • node: (Zero or more) - An internal node of the clustering (contains more nodes or documents)
    • document: (Exactly 1) - One document to be clustered (input) or that has been clustered (in tree in the output) or a duplicate (in documents in the output)