Required Knowledge

Different people use Watson™ Explorer Engine in different ways, so the type of knowledge you need to efficiently interact with Watson Explorer Engine depends on your role.

  1. Watson Explorer Engine Admin - manager and administrator of the Watson Explorer Engine install(s). This will most likely be someone in the IT Department, with physical access to the servers and the ability to modify the configuration of Watson Explorer Engine in order to help it run effectively and efficiently.
  2. Application Developer - the designer or the big data application itself. This person may be a programmer or web developer and implements ways for end users to interact with Watson Explorer Engine.
  3. Knowledge Worker - this is the Results Module developer; this person creates new data that Watson Explorer Engine users will be able to leverage in their interaction with data sources.
  4. Results Module Administrator - this is the top-level of your user-base, usually a manager or head of a department, The administrator will probably not have the development background required to build up a big data application themselves but will, by using Results Module, be able to modify settings and features desired for users within the administrator's jurisdiction.
  5. User - these are the end users of your big data applications. They will be the people sending queries through Watson Explorer Engine, they will be using its features and will expect quick, relevant, and helpful results.