Relocating Collections

By default, search collection data is stored in the data/search-collections directory of your installation directory. The location of the data for a Watson Explorer Engine search collection can be configured on a per-collection basis in the Directories section of the Configuration > Meta tab for that search collection in the Watson Explorer Engine administration tool. To configure the default location of the data for all Watson Explorer Engine search collections, you must set the VIVISIMO_SEARCH_COLLECTIONS_DIR environment variable of the search-collections-dir option in your vivisimo.conf file. This configuration file option or environment variable should be set to the full pathname of the directory that will be used to store Watson Explorer Engine search collection data, and should only be set when your Watson Explorer Engine platform application is not running.

Important: If you specify the search-collections-dir option in your vivisimo.conf file, the directory that you specify must be writable by the user that Watson Explorer Engine is executing as, or Watson Explorer Engine will fail when it tries to create or access any of your search collections.

See the section of the Watson Explorer Engine Installation and Integration Guide entitled vivisimo.conf and Watson Explorer Engine Environment Variables for detailed information about setting environment variables on various operating systems, and about other environment variables and configuration options that you may want to set for Watson Explorer Engine platform applications.