Preparing to install the Watson AIOps or AI Manager operator

Complete the following steps to install either IBM Watson AIOps or stand-alone IBM Watson AIOps AI Manager.

Note: IBM Watson AIOps is available as an IBM Cloud Pak. For details and documentation, see IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps.

Universal prerequisites

Before installing either the Watson AIOps or the AI Manager operator, you must install the following tools in the cluster:

Before installing either the Watson AIOps or the AI Manager operator, you must install the following tools in the local computer:


  1. Prepare to install
  2. Create a namespace
  3. Install Strimzi 0.19
  4. Create the entitled registry secrets

1. Prepare to install Watson AIOps or AI Manager

Before you begin, you must install a supported Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform version and complete the prerequisites. For more information, see Prerequisites and requirements.

2. Create a namespace

Create a namespace for your Watson AIOps or AI Manager installation. For example, aiops or aimanager.

Important: It must be a newly created namespace, which is made for AI Manager specifically. Other products can't be installed in this namespace.

  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift console.
  2. Click Home > Projects > Create Project. The Create Project area is displayed.
  3. Enter the details of the namespace that you want to create.
  4. Click Create.

3. Install the Strimzi 0.19 operator

  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift console.
  2. Click Operators > Operator Hub.
  3. Filter by Strimzi, click the Strimzi tile, then click Install.
  4. Select strimzi-0.19.x as the Update Channel
  5. Select All namespaces on the cluster (default). Leave other default options unchanged.
  6. Click Install.

4. Create the entitled registry secrets

Complete the following steps to create a secret with the entitled registry key value:

  1. Obtain the entitlement key that is assigned to your ID.

    1. Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library Opens in a new tab by using the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.
    2. In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy the entitlement key to the clipboard.
  2. Log in to your Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform cluster by using the oc login command.

  3. Create the following image pull secrets to pull operand images by entering the following commands. Ensure that you create both of the following secrets. is required for AI Manager and is required for Watson AIOps. Do not change either the secret value of or in either command:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry ''  \
        --docker-server=''                    \
        --docker-username='cp'                         \
        --docker-password='<token>'                    \
        --docker-email='<user>'                        \
        --namespace='<target namespace>'
    kubectl create secret docker-registry ''  \
        --docker-server=''                        \
        --docker-username='cp'                             \
        --docker-password='<token>'                        \
        --docker-email='<user>'                            \
        --namespace='<target namespace>'


    • Replace the <token> with the Entitlement key that you obtained in step 1.
    • Replace the <target namespace> with the name of the namespace that you create in Create a namespace.

You are now ready to install either the Watson AIOps or AI Manager operator. For more information about either install path, see Installing Watson AIOps. To continue installing either, see: