Configuring for database session persistence

You can configure a database to collect session data for database session persistence.

About this task

To configure the session management facility for database session persistence, complete the following steps.


  1. Create and configure a JDBC provider.
  2. Create a data source pointing to a database.

    Use the JDBC provider that you defined: Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > New. The data source should be non-JTA, for example, non-XA enabled. Note the JNDI name of the data source.

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][IBM i]Point to an existing database.

  3. Verify that the correct database is listed under Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > datasource_name.
    If necessary, contact your database administrator to verify the correct database name.
  4. Go to the appropriate level of Session Management.
  5. Under Additional Properties, click Distributed Environment Settings
  6. Select and click Database.
  7. Specify the Data Source JNDI name from a previous step.
    The database user ID and password are case-sensitive.
  8. Specify the database user ID and password that is used to access the database and for table creation.
    When you created your data source, you might have specified a Container Managed Authentication Alias or a Component Managed Authentication Alias; however, these two settings are not used by the session manager for session persistence. The session manager uses the userId and password specified in this step for session persistence.
  9. Optional: [IBM i]Append the schema name in the session User ID field if you want to have more than one instance of the session table.

    The session manager uses the schema name to qualify the session table name for all database operations. If only the userid is specified without the schema name, the schema name defaults to NULL and therefore a table name with NULL as the schema name, for example, NULL.SESSIONS, is created. You can create multiple session tables with different schema names, other than NULL, and access them separately by modifying the user name to contain the appropriate schema name.

  10. [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][IBM i]Retype the password for confirmation.
  11. [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][IBM i]Configure a table space and page sizes for DB2® session databases.
  12. Switch to a multirow schema.
  13. Click OK.
  14. If you want to change the tuning parameters, click Custom Tuning Parameters under Additional properties.
  15. Click Apply.
  16. Click Save.