Configuring the use of class loaders by an application
You can configure whether your application and web modules use their own class loaders to load classes or use different class loaders, as well as configure the reloading of classes when application files are updated. Class loaders enable an application to access repositories of available classes and resources.
Before you begin
This topic assumes that your application or module is already deployed on a server.
However, a Java EE 5 or later module can exist within an application that includes pre-Java EE 5 files and uses the .xmi file name extension.
The ibm-webservices-ext.xmi, ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi, ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi, ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi, and ibm-portlet-ext.xmi files continue to use the .xmi file extensions.
About this task
Class loaders affect whether your application and its modules find the resources that they need to run effectively. You can select whether your application and web modules use their own class loaders to load classes, or use a parent class loader.
An application class loader groups Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) modules, shared libraries, resource adapter archives (RAR files), and dependency Java archive (JAR) files associated to an application. Dependency JAR files are JAR files that contain code which can be used by both enterprise beans and servlets.
An application class loader is the parent of a web application archive (WAR) class loader. By default, a web module has its own WAR class loader to load the contents of the web module. The WAR class-loader policy value of an application class loader determines whether the WAR class loader or the application class loader is used to load the contents of the Web module.
You can also select whether classes are reloaded when application files are updated. For EJB
modules or any non-web modules, enabling class reloading causes the application server run time to
stop and start the application to reload application classes. For web modules such as servlets and
JavaServer Pages (JSP) files, a web container reloads a web module only when the IBM extension reloadingEnabled
in the
ibm-web-ext.xmi file is set to true
To configure use of class loaders by your application and web modules, use the Class loading and update detection page of the administrative console.
The application or module configuration is changed. The application or stand-alone web module is restarted so the changes take effect.
What to do next
Save changes to your administrative configuration.