Installing and uninstalling the administrative console
You can install the administrative console during profile creation or after you create a profile. You can uninstall any administrative console that you install. To install an administrative console after profile creation, or to uninstall the administrative console, use the wsadmin command. This topic discusses how to use the wsadmin command to install and uninstall the administrative console.
Before you begin
If you install the administrative console through the wsadmin command, a profile that does not have an administrative console installed must exist.
About this task
Run the deployConsole script on the wsadmin command whenever you want to uninstall the administrative console, or whenever you want to install the administrative console to a profile that does not have an administrative console installed.
You can run the script in either connected or disconnected mode.
Application servers and administrative agents can have their own administrative consoles. The steps in this task apply to these consoles.
The usual security restrictions for the wsadmin command apply to this script. In connected mode, the user must authenticate if security is enabled.
script is located in the
The script is located in the
The administrative console is installed or uninstalled, depending on whether you specified the install or remove option.