Interface ProviderConfig

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Configuration, ProviderConfiguration

    public interface ProviderConfig
    extends ProviderConfiguration

    This interface encapsulates the configuration information for the SAML token provider.

    User should never implement this interface directly, and is required to use SAMLTokenFactory to get an instance of ProviderConfig.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyInformationConfig

        KeyInformationConfig getKeyInformationConfig()
        Retrieves the key attributes for the SAML token issuer.
        key information configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
      • getKeyStoreConfig

        KeyStoreConfig getKeyStoreConfig()
        Retrieves the keyStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
        keyStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
      • getTrustStoreConfig

        KeyStoreConfig getTrustStoreConfig()
        Retrieves the trustStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
        trustStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
      • getTimeToLive

        long getTimeToLive()
        Retrieves the lifetime of the SAML tokens issued by this provider.
        a long integer representing the lifetime of the token issued by this provider.
      • getAttributeProvider

        java.lang.String getAttributeProvider()
        Retrieves the name of the Attribute provider used by this SAML token issuer.
        a string representing the name of the Attribute provider.
      • getNameIDProvider

        java.lang.String getNameIDProvider()
        Retrieves the NameIDProvider provider used by this SAML token issuer.
        a string representing the NameIDProvider.
      • getSamlModifier

        java.lang.String getSamlModifier()
        Deprecated. Not for public use.
      • getIssuerFormat

        java.lang.String getIssuerFormat()
        Retrieves the Issuer Format
        a String representing the Issuer Format attribute
      • setTimeToLive

        void setTimeToLive(long ttl)
        Sets the lifetime value for the tokens issued by this SAML token issuer.
        ttl - Token's lifetime.
      • setAttributeProvider

        void setAttributeProvider(java.lang.String provider)
        Sets the name of the Attribute provider used by this SAML token issuer.
        provider - Attribute provider class name.
        See Also:,
      • setNameIDProvider

        void setNameIDProvider(java.lang.String provider)
        Sets the NameIDProvider used by this SAML token issuer.
        provider - NameIDProvider provider class name
        See Also:
      • setSamlModifier

        void setSamlModifier(java.lang.String mod)
        Deprecated. Not for public use.
      • setKeyInformationConfig

        void setKeyInformationConfig(KeyInformationConfig kic)
        Sets the key information attributes for the SAML token issuer.
        kic - object encapsulating the attributes of the issuer's key information.
      • setKeyStoreConfig

        void setKeyStoreConfig(KeyStoreConfig ksc)
        Sets the keyStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
      • setTrustStoreConfig

        void setTrustStoreConfig(KeyStoreConfig tsc)
        Sets the trustStore configuration object for the SAML token issuer.
      • setIssuerFormat

        void setIssuerFormat(java.lang.String format)
        Sets the Issuer Format
        format - A string identifying the Issuer Format attribute
      • setIssuerURI

        void setIssuerURI(java.lang.String uri)
        Sets the Issuer URI
        Specified by:
        setIssuerURI in interface ProviderConfiguration
        uri - A string identifying the Issuer URI
      • setAudience

        void setAudience(java.lang.String audienceRestriction)
        Sets the value for the Audience element in the AudienceRestriction Condition. Only one Audience can get set.
        uri - A string identifying the value for the Audience element
      • getAudience

        java.lang.String getAudience()
        Retrieves the setting for the Audience element
        a String representing the Audience value
IBM WebSphere Application ServerTM
Release 9.0