Sending a security token using WSSAPIs with a generic security token login module

You can request an authentication token from an external Security Token Service (STS), and then send the token with web service request messages using the Java™ API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) programming model and Web Services Security APIs (WSS API), with message or transport level protection.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you are familiar with the JAX-WS programming model, the WSS API interfaces, WebSphere® web service security generic security token login modules, SSL transport protection, message level protection, and the use of policy sets to configure and administer web services settings.

About this task

The web service client application used in this task is a modified version of the client code that is contained in the JaxWSServicesSamples sample application that is available for download. Code examples from the sample are described in the procedure, and a complete, ready-to-use web service client sample is provided.

Complete the following steps to request a SAML Bearer authentication token from an external STS and send the token:


  1. Identify and obtain the web service client that you want to use to invoke a web service provider.
    Use this client to request and to insert authentication tokens in the SOAP request messages programmatically using WSS APIs. The web service client used in this procedure is a modified version of the client code that is contained in the JaxWSServicesSamples web service sample application.

    Complete the following steps to obtain and modify the sample web service client to add the Web Services Security API to pass a security token in the SOAP request message programmatically using WSS APIs:

    1. Download the JaxWSServicesSamples sample application.
      The JaxWSServicesSamples sample is not installed by default.
    2. Obtain the JaxWSServicesSamples client code.
      For the purpose of this example, the procedure uses a modified version of the Echo thin client sample that is included in the JaxWSServicesSamples sample. The web service Echo thin client sample file,, is located in the src\SampleClientSei\src\com\ibm\was\wssample\sei\cli directory. The sample class file is included in the WSSampleClientSei.jar file.

      The JaxWSServicesSamples.ear enterprise application and supporting Java archives (JAR) files are located in the installableApps directory within the JaxWSServicesSamples sample application.

    3. Deploy the JaxWSServicesSamples.ear file onto the application server.
      After you deploy the JaxWSServicesSamples.ear file, you are ready to test the sample web service client code against the sample application.

      Instead of using the PolicySet for the protection of the web service client sample, you can choose to add the code snippets to pass authentication tokens in the SOAP request message programmatically using WSS APIs in your own web service client application. The example in this procedure uses a JAX-WS web service thin client; however, you can also use a managed client.

    4. Attach the SAML11 Bearer WSHTTPS default policy set to the web services provider.
      This policy set is used to protect messages using HTTPS transport. Read about configuring client and provider bindings for the SAML Bearer token for details on how to attach the SAML11 Bearer WSHTTPS default policy set to the web services provider.
    5. Assign the SAML Bearer Provider sample default general bindings to the sample web services provider.
      Read about configuring client and provider bindings for the SAML bearer token for details on assigning the SAML Bearer Provider sample default general bindings to your web services application.
    6. Verify that the trustStoreType, trustStorePassword and trustStorePath custom properties correspond to the trust store containing the STS signer certificate.
      Complete the following steps by using the administrative console:
      1. Click Services > Policy sets > General provider policy set bindings > Saml Bearer Provider sample > WS-Security > Authentication and protection.
      2. Click con_saml11token in the Authentication tokens table.
      3. Click Callback handler.
      4. In the Custom Properties section, ensure that the trustStoreType, trustStorePassword and trustStorePath custom properties correspond to the trust store containing the STS signer certificate.
  2. If you are using SSL Transport-level protection to protect the web service request or the WS-Trust request, use the following Java virtual machine (JVM) property to set up the SSL configuration.<profile_root>\properties\ssl.client.props
    Alternatively, you can define the SSL configuration file using a Java system property in the sample client code:
    System.setProperty("", "file:profile_root/properties/ssl.client.props");
  3. Add the JAR file for the JAX-WS thin client to the class path: app_server_root/runtimes/
    See the testing web service-enabled clients information for more information about adding this JAR file to the class path.
  4. Request the authentication token from an external STS.
    The following code snippet illustrates how to request the authentication token to be used with WebSphere generic SecurityToken login module, and assumes that an external STS is configured to accept a Username token as authentication token, and to issue a SAML 1.1 token.
    //Request SecurityToken from external STS:
    WSSFactory factory = WSSFactory.getInstance();
    //STS URL that issues the requested token
    String STS_URI  = "https://externalstsserverurl:port/TrustServerWST13/services/RequestSecurityToken";
    //Web services endpoint that receives the issued token
    String ENDPOINT_URL = "http://localhost:9080/WSSampleSei/EchoService";
    //Begin sample code 1 (Using WS-Trust Issue to request the token from 
    //the STS in which authentication token is send over WS-Security head):
    HashMap<Object, Object> cbackMap1 = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.STS_ADDRESS, STS_URI);
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.APPLIES_TO, ENDPOINT_URL);
    //The following property specifies that the ws-trust request should be 
    //compliance with WS-Trust 1.3 spec
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.TRUST_CLIENT_COLLECTION_REQUEST, "false");
    //This request is made with WS-TRust Issue only (without the use of 
    //WS-Trust Validate)
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_RUN_AS_SUBJECT, "false");
    GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler cbHandler1 = 
    new GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler (cbackMap1);
    //Create the context object for WS-Trust request:
    WSSGenerationContext gencont1 = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();
    WSSConsumingContext concont1 = factory.newWSSConsumingContext(); 
    // Use UNT for trust request authentication
    UNTGenerateCallbackHandler utCallbackHandler = new UNTGenerateCallbackHandler("testuser", "testuserpwd");
    SecurityToken ut = factory.newSecurityToken(UsernameToken.class, utCallbackHandler);
    //End of sample code 1.
    //Begin sample code 2 (using WS-Trust Validate to request a token by 
    //exchanging a token in RunAs Subject).
    //If web service client has RunAs Subject , for example an 
    //authenticated intermediate server acts as a client to invoke the 
    //downstream service, you can program the client to use the token from 
    //the RunAs subject to exchange with the STS by using WS-Trust validate. 
    //To do so, you replace sample code 1 with the following:
    HashMap<Object, Object> cbackMap1 = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.STS_ADDRESS, STS_URI);
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.APPLIES_TO, ENDPOINT_URL);
    //This request is made with WS-Trust 1.3
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.TRUST_CLIENT_COLLECTION_REQUEST, "false");
    //add the next line if you do not want to fallback to WS-Trust Issue if 
    //token exchange fails.
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_RUN_AS_SUBJECT_ONLY, "true");
    //add the next line to specify the token type in the RunAs subject that 
    //will be used to exchange the requested token. For example, you use 
    //the LTPA token to exchange for a SAML token. If the exchanged token 
    //in the RunAs subject has the same value type as the requested token, 
    //setting IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_TOKEN is not required.
    cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_TOKEN, LTPAToken.ValueType); 
    GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler cbHandler1 = 
        new GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler (cbackMap1);
    //The following codes are added if Authentication token in ws-security 
    //head or Message level security protection is required. If there is no 
    //Message level protection or additional authentication token for
    //WS-Trust Validate, do not create the context object that follows.
    //Context object for WS-Trust request:
    WSSGenerationContext gencont1 = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();
    WSSConsumingContext concont1 = factory.newWSSConsumingContext(); 
    // Use UNT for trust request authentication
    UNTGenerateCallbackHandler utCallbackHandler = 
        new UNTGenerateCallbackHandler("testuser", "testuserpwd");
    SecurityToken ut = factory.newSecurityToken(UsernameToken.class, utCallbackHandler);
    //End of sample code 2.
    GenericSecurityToken token = (GenericSecurityToken) factory.newSecurityToken 
    (GenericSecurityToken.class, cbHandler1, "system.wss.generate.issuedToken");
    //The following step to set the ValueType is required..
    //The parameter is always the QName of the requested token's valueType.
    //QName for SAML1.1:
    QName Saml11ValueType = new QName(WSSConstants.SAML.SAML11_VALUE_TYPE);
    //Includes QName definitions for  SAML11, SAML20, TAM 
    //token, and Pass ticket token. 
    //QName for SAML 2.0:
    QName Saml20ValueType = new QName(WSSConstants.SAML.SAML20_VALUE_TYPE);
    //QName for TAM token:
    QName TamValueType = new QName("");
    //QName for PassTicket token:
    QName PassTicketValueType = new QName("
    //You can use the Token interface to get the token ValueType QName for 
    //all other tokens. For example, a Username Token's QName is //UsernameToken.ValueType.

    The GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler object contains parameters that define the characteristics of the security token that you are requesting, as well as other parameters required to reach the STS and to obtain the security token. The GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler object specifies the configuration parameters described in the following table:

    Table 1. GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler properties. This table describes the configuration parameters for the GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler object, and specifies whether or not the property is required.
    Property Description Required
    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.STS_ADDRESS Specifies the http address of the STS.

    When communication to the STS is protected with SSL, you must set the property. SSL connection to the STS is indicated with an https:// address prefix.

    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.APPLIES_TO Specifies the target service address for where you want to use the token. No
    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.TRUST_CLIENT_COLLECTION_REQUEST Specifies whether to request a single token from the STS that is enclosed in a RequestSecurityToken (RST) element or multiple tokens in a collection of RST elements that are enclosed in a single RequestSecurityTokenCollection (RSTC) element.

    The default behavior is to request a single token that is enclosed in a RequestSecurityToken (RST) element from the STS.

    Specifying a true value for this property indicates a request for multiple tokens in a collection of RST elements that are enclosed in a single RequestSecurityTokenCollection (RSTC) element from the STS.

    The default value is false.

    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.TRUST_CLIENT_WSTRUST_NAMESPACE Specifies the WS-Trust namespace that is included in the WS-Trust request.

    The default value is WSTrust 1.3.

    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_RUN_AS_SUBJECT Specify if you want WS-Security to use the token from the RunAs subject to exchange the requested token first by using WS-Trust Validate. If set to false, WS-Security will use WS-Trust Issue to request the token.

    The default value is true.

    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_RUN_AS_SUBJECT_ONLY Specify if you do not want WS-Security to use WS-Trust Issue to the requested token if token exchange fails.

    The default value is false.

    IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_TOKEN Use this value to choose a token from the RunAs subject to exchange the requested token.

    The default value is the requested token's ValueType.


    A WSSGenerationContext instance and a WSSConsumingContext instance are also set in the GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler object. In this example, the WSSGenerationContext instance contains a UNTGenerateCallbackHandler object with the information to create the UsernameToken that you want to send to the STS.

    The system.wss.generate.issuedToken parameter specifies the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) login module that is used to create the generic security token. You must specify a JVM property to define a JAAS configuration file that contains the required JAAS login configuration; for example:
    Alternatively, you can specify a JAAS login configuration file by setting a Java system property in the sample client code; for example:
    System.setProperty("", "profile_root/properties/wsjaas_client.conf");
  5. Add the requested authentication token from the STS to the SOAP security header of web services request messages.
    1. Initialize the web service client and configure the SOAPAction properties.
      The following code illustrates these actions:
      // Initialize web service client
      EchoService12PortProxy echo = new EchoService12PortProxy();
      // Configure SOAPAction properties
      BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) (echo._getDescriptor().getProxy());
      Map<String, Object> requestContext = bp.getRequestContext();
      requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpointURL);
      requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
      requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY, "echoOperation");
      // Initialize WSSGenerationContext
      WSSGenerationContext gencont = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();
    2. Initialize the WSSGenerationContext object.
      The following code illustrates using the WSSFactory.newWSSGenerationContext method to obtain a WSSGenerationContext object. The WSSGenerationContext object is then used to insert the token into a web service request message:
      // Initialize WSSGenerationContext
      WSSGenerationContext gencont = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();
      The WSSGenerationContext.add method requires the client code to have the following Java 2 Security permission:
      permission "modifyPrivateCredentials"
  6. Add an X.509 token for message protection (skip this step if the web service is protected with SSL Transport level protection only).
    The following sample code uses the dsig-sender.ks key file and the SOAPRequester sample key. You must not use the sample key in a production environment. The following code illustrates adding an X.509 token for message protection:
    //Add an X.509 Token for message protection
    X509GenerateCallbackHandler x509callbackHandler = new X509GenerateCallbackHandler(
        "CN=SOAPRequester, OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP", null);
    SecurityToken x509 = factory.newSecurityToken(X509Token.class,
    x509callbackHandler, "system.wss.generate.x509");
    WSSSignature sig = factory.newWSSSignature(x509);
    WSSSignPart sigPart = factory.newWSSSignPart();
    1. Create a WSSSignature object with the X.509 token.
      The following line of code creates a WSSSignature object with the X.509 token:
      WSSSignature sig = factory.newWSSSignature(x509);
    2. Add the signed part to use for message protection.
      The following line of code specifies to add WSSSignature.BODY as the signed part:
    3. Add the Timestamp element in the SOAP Security header.
      The SAML20 SenderVouches WSHTTPS and SAML11 SenderVouches WSHTTPS policy sets require web service requests and responses to contain a Timestamp element in the SOAP Security header. In the following code, the WSSFactory.newWSSTimestamp() method generates a Timestamp element, and the WSSGenerationContext.add(timestamp) method adds the Timestamp element to the request message:
      // Add Timestamp element
      WSSTimestamp timestamp = factory.newWSSTimestamp();
      WSSConsumingContext concont = factory.newWSSConsumingContext();
    4. Skip this step if token signature is not required. If the requested security token needs to be signed with the STR Dereference Transform reference option, follow step 1. Otherwise, follow step 2. The STR Dereference Transform reference option is commonly known as STR-Transform.

      Step 1: Some tokens, including SAML Tokens, cannot be digitally signed directly. You must sign the token using STR-Transform. In order for a token to be signed with STR-Transform, it must be referenced by a <wsse:SecurityTokenReference> element in the <wsse:Security> header block. To sign a security token with STR-Transform, a separate WSSSignPart is created to specify the SecurityTokenReference with a transformation algorithm that is represented by the WSSSignPart.TRANSFORM_STRT10 attribute. This attribute enables the WS-Security runtime environment to generate a SecurityTokenReference element to reference the token, and to digitally sign the token using the STR Dereference reference option. The following code illustrates the use of the WSSSignPart.TRANSFORM_STRT10 attribute:

      WSSSignPart sigPart = factory.newWSSSignPart();
      Step 2: If the requested signed token is not a SAML token, or STR-Transform is not used, use the following code instead:
    5. Attach the WSSGenerationContext object to the web service RequestContext object.
      The WSSGenerationContext object now contains all of the security information required to format a request message. The WSSGenerationContext.process(requestContext) method attaches the WSSGenerationContext object to the web service RequestContext object to enable the WS-Security runtime environment to format the required SOAP Security header; for example:
      // Attaches the WSSGenerationContext object to the web service RequestContext object. 
  7. Use the X.509 token to validate the digital signature and the integrity of the response message if the provider policy requires the response message to be digitally signed.
    Skip this step if using SSL Transport level protection.
    1. An X509ConsumeCallbackHandler object is initialized with a trust store and a List of certificate path objects to validate the digital signature in a response message.
      The following code initializes the X509ConsumeCallbackHandler object with dsig-receiver.ks trust store and a certificate path object called certList:
      ArrayList certList = new ArrayList(); certStore =;
      X509ConsumeCallbackHandler callbackHandlerVer = new
    2. A WSSVerification object is created and the message body is added to the verification object so that the WS-Security runtime environment validates the digital signature.
      The following code is used to initialize the WSSVerification object:
      WSSVerification ver = factory.newWSSVerification(X509Token.class, callbackHandlerVer);
      The WSSConsumingContext object now contains all the security information that is required to format a request message. The WSSConsumingContext.process(requestContext) method attaches the WSSConsumingContext object to the response method; for example:
      // Attaches the WSSConsumingContext object to the web service RequestContext object.


You have requested a security token from an external STS. After obtaining the token, you sent the token with web services request messages using message level protection using the JAX-WS programming model and WSS APIs.


The following code example is a web service client application that demonstrates how to request a SAML Bearer token from an external STS and send that SAML token in a web service request message. If your usage scenario requires SAML tokens, but does not require your application to pass the SAML tokens using web service messages, you only need to use the first part of the following sample code, up through the // Initialize web service client section.
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;


public class SampleSamlSVClient {
    private String urlHost = "yourhost";
    private String urlPort = "9444";
    private static final String CONTEXT_BASE = "/WSSampleSei/";
    private static final String ECHO_CONTEXT12 = CONTEXT_BASE+"EchoService12";  
    private String message = "HELLO";
    private String uriString = "https://" + urlHost + ":" + urlPort;
    private String endpointURL = uriString + ECHO_CONTEXT12;
    private String input = message;

     * main()
     * see printusage() for command-line arguments
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SampleSamlSVClient sample = new SampleSamlSVClient();

     * CallService Parms were already read. Now call the service proxy classes
    void CallService() {
        String response = "ERROR!:";
        try {
                "file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/properties/wsjaas_client.conf ");

            //Request the SAML Token from external STS
            WSSFactory factory = WSSFactory.getInstance();
            String STS_URI = "https://yourhost:9443/TrustServerWST13/services/RequestSecurityToken";
            String ENDPOINT_URL = "http://localhost:9081/WSSampleSei/EchoService12";

            HashMap<Object, Object> cbackMap1 = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
            cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.STS_ADDRESS, STS_URI);
            cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.APPLIES_TO, ENDPOINT_URL);
            cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.TRUST_CLIENT_COLLECTION_REQUEST, "false");
            cbackMap1.put(IssuedTokenConfigConstants.USE_RUN_AS_SUBJECT, "false");

            GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler cbHandler1 = 
                new GenericIssuedTokenGenerateCallbackHandler (cbackMap1);

            //Context object for WS-Trust request:
            WSSGenerationContext gencont1 = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();
            WSSConsumingContext concont1 = factory.newWSSConsumingContext(); 

            // Use UNT for trust request authentication
            UNTGenerateCallbackHandler utCallbackHandler = new 
                UNTGenerateCallbackHandler("testuser", "testuserpwd");
            SecurityToken ut = factory.newSecurityToken(UsernameToken.class, utCallbackHandler);

            //get generic security token
            GenericSecurityToken token = (GenericSecurityToken) factory.newSecurityToken 
                (GenericSecurityToken.class, cbHandler1, "system.wss.generate.issuedToken");
            QName Saml11ValueType = new QName(WSSConstants.SAML.SAML11_VALUE_TYPE);
            System.out.println("SAMLToken id = " + token.getId());

            // Initialize web services client
            EchoService12PortProxy echo = new EchoService12PortProxy();

            // Configure SOAPAction properties
            BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) (echo._getDescriptor().getProxy());
            Map<String, Object> requestContext = bp.getRequestContext();
            requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endpointURL);
            requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE);
            requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY, "echoOperation");

            // Initialize WSSGenerationContext
            WSSGenerationContext gencont = factory.newWSSGenerationContext();

            // Add timestamp
            WSSTimestamp timestamp = factory.newWSSTimestamp();

            // Build the input object
            EchoStringInput echoParm = 
            System.out.println(">> CLIENT: SEI Echo to " + endpointURL);

            // Prepare to consume timestamp in response message. 
            WSSConsumingContext concont = factory.newWSSConsumingContext();

            // Call the service
            response = echo.echoOperation(echoParm).getEchoResponse();

            System.out.println(">> CLIENT: SEI Echo invocation complete.");
            System.out.println(">> CLIENT: SEI Echo response is: " + response);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println(">> CLIENT: ERROR: SEI Echo EXCEPTION.");