Obtaining the JAX-WS Web Services samples

You can use the JaxWSServicesSamples sample application to demonstrate JAX-WS web services. The samples show the basic implementation of one-way and two-way web services.

Before you begin

Although the path and file name of the sample include 85 and 8_5, the JAX-WS sample is compatible with WebSphere® Application Server version 9.0.5

About this task

Each sample includes a servlet that exercises the service by using a browser. Also included is a sample that uses the Thin Client for JAX-WS with WebSphere Application Server, which you can run from a command line.


  1. Download the JaxWSServicesSamples-8.5.zip file to a directory on your workstation.
    You might create the /samples/JaxWSServicesSamples directory path on your workstation and download JAX-WS web services sample files to that directory path.
    The JaxWSServicesSamples.zip file contains sample files in the following directory structure.
    Attention: The readme.html file contains information for installing and running the sample.
  2. Extract the installableApps/JaxWSServicesSamples.ear from the JaxWSServicesSamples-8_5.zip directory.
    The following samples are included.
    Ping and Echo
    The Ping and Echo sample illustrates simple JAX-WS services. The Ping sample demonstrates a one-way service transaction. A simple text string is sent from the service client to the service endpoint. The Echo sample demonstrates a two-way service transaction. A simple text string is sent from the service client to the service endpoint. The service adds an identifier and returns the string to the client. The Echo sample also demonstrates the use of the synchronous programming model and also the use of two modes of the asynchronous programming model.
    The MTOM sample illustrates the use of the SOAP message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) on the transport to send and receive binary files. The MTOM feature optimizes the format of how the SOAP message looks on the wire by selectively encoding portions of the message, while still presenting an XML Infoset to the SOAP application. A file is sent from the service client to the service endpoint with the binary data encoded using MTOM.

What to do next

For more information about installing the sample, see the readme.html file and Example: Installing the JAX-WS Web Services samples with the console.