SCHD0001I: The Scheduler Service has started.
SCHD0002I: The Scheduler Service has stopped.
SCHD0003E: An error occured while starting the scheduler service: {0}.
SCHD0007E: Error while accessing the persistent store: {0}.
SCHD0009I: The Scheduler Service is not enabled.
SCHD0013E: The following error occurred while accessing the UserCalendar with JNDI Name {0} and specifier {1} : {2}.
SCHD0014E: An error occured while publishing a notification: {0}
SCHD0017E: The {0} attribute must be specified when creating a {1}.
SCHD0018E: Work Manager with JNDI name {0} could not be found.
SCHD0019E: Data source with JNDI name {0} could not be found.
SCHD0020I: Invalid scheduler configuration: {0}.
SCHD0021I: Exception trace information follows: {0}.
SCHD0026E: Scheduler instance {0} failed to initialize because the following error occurred: {1}
SCHD0027E: Message key {0} was not found in any searched resource bundles.
SCHD0028I: Scheduler service cannot be disabled.
SCHD0029W: Scheduler service disabled due to previous errors.
SCHD0030E: Scheduler service could not resolve the {0} service.
SCHD0031I: The Scheduler Service is starting.
SCHD0032I: The Scheduler {0} is initializing.
SCHD0033I: The Scheduler {0} has initialized.
SCHD0034I: The Scheduler {0} is stopping.
SCHD0035I: The Scheduler {0} has stopped.
SCHD0036I: The Scheduler Service is initializing.
SCHD0037I: The Scheduler Service has been initialized.
SCHD0038I: The Scheduler Daemon for instance {0} has started.
SCHD0039I: The Scheduler Daemon for instance {0} has been stopped.
SCHD0040I: The Scheduler Service is stopping.
SCHD0041E: The Data source JNDI Name attribute for scheduler resource {0} ({1})is missing. The scheduler resource is not created.
SCHD0042E: The Work Manager JNDI name for scheduler resource {0} ({1}) is missing. The scheduler resource is not created.
SCHD0043E: The JNDI name for scheduler resource {0} is missing. The scheduler resource is not created.
SCHD0044W: The Poll Interval attribute value of {0} seconds for the scheduler resource {1} is not within the valid range. The valid range is {2} to {3}. The scheduler resource is created using a poll interval of {4} seconds.
SCHD0045E: An exception occurred retrieving the Data source Alias configuration information for scheduler resource {0}.
SCHD0046E: The table {0} in datasource {1} used by scheduler resource {2} ({3}) is missing or is not accessible.
SCHD0047E: The TaskInfo class {0} must have a registered implementation.
SCHD0048E: The task attribute NumberOfRepeats must be non-zero number.
SCHD0049E: The start-by time must be greater than the start time for non-repeating tasks.
SCHD0050E: The task attribute InitialState has an invalid value of {0}. Valid values are TaskStatus.SCHEDULED ({1}) and TaskStatus.SUSPENDED ({2}).
SCHD0051E: The task (taskId={0}) has been cancelled or is complete. Cancelled or completed tasks cannot be resumed.
SCHD0052E: The task (taskId={0}) has a current state of {1}, however the task must have the state of TaskStatus.COMPLETE ({2}) or TaskStatus.CANCELLED ({3}) before it can be purged.
SCHD0053E: The task (taskId={0}) cannot be suspended because it has been cancelled or is already completed.
SCHD0054E: TaskInfo object {0} could not be created because the following error occurred: {1}.
SCHD0055E: The NotificationSink object for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be retreived because the following error occurred: {3}.
SCHD0056W: The task information for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be inserted into the database because the task already exists.
SCHD0057W: The task information for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be updated in the database because the task has already been run by another Scheduler, the task information was changed, or the task was cancelled.
SCHD0058W: The task information for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be updated in the database because the task record is lock by another process.
SCHD0059W: The task information for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be removed from the database because the task does not exist or the task information has already been removed by another Scheduler.
SCHD0060W: The task information for task ID {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) cannot be removed from the database because the task record is locked by another process.
SCHD0061E: The task information for task ID {0} and owner token {1} was not found in the database.
SCHD0062E: The task version field value of {0} for task ID {1} is not supported by this level of the Scheduler. The supported task versions are {2}. This task will not run.
SCHD0063E: A task with ID {0} failed to run on Scheduler {1} ({2}) because of an exception: {3}.
SCHD0064E: An error occurred while attempting to commit the transaction by the scheduler {0} ({1}). The transaction is rolled back. The following error occurred: {2}.
SCHD0065E: The following error occurred while scheduler {0} ({1}) attempted to roll back the transaction: {2}.
SCHD0066E: The following error occurred in scheduler {0} ({1}) while applying the default User Calendar to the current time: {2}.
SCHD0067E: An error occurred while calculating the next fire time or the start by interval. See the previous error message for the cause of the error.
SCHD0068E: The task failed to execute because an error occurred. See the previous messages for the cause of the error.
SCHD0069W: The Scheduler {0} ({1}) was unable to execute the task for task ID {2} because a task collision occurred. Task collisions occur when another Scheduler updates or executes the same task. The cause of the collision is: {3}.
SCHD0070E: The Task Store is not available.
SCHD0071E: Scheduler resource {0} has JNDI name attribute value of {1} which is the same as the value of the data source JNDI name attribute. The scheduler resource is not created.
SCHD0072E: Scheduler resource {0} has a JNDI name attribute value of {1}, which is the same as the value of the work manager JNDI name attribute. The scheduler resource is not created.
SCHD0073E: The Scheduler implementation class attribute is missing for scheduler {0} ({1}). The scheduler resource will not be created.
SCHD0074E: The Scheduler {0} ({1}) was not able to acquire a read lock for the AsynchScope because the following error occurred: {2}
SCHD0075E: The following error occurred in scheduler resource {0} ({1}) while cancelling task for task id {2}: {3}
SCHD0076E: Scheduler resource {0} ({1}) was unable to fire a notification event of {2} for task with task id {3} because the following error occurred: {4}
SCHD0077I: The Scheduler Service is starting the Schedulers.
SCHD0078I: The Scheduler Service has completed starting the Schedulers.
SCHD0079E: The Scheduler {0} ({1}) was unable to reschedule failed task {2} due to an unexpected error: {3}.
SCHD0080E: The Scheduler was unable to create the task handler EJB home object due to an unexpected error: {0}.
SCHD0081E: The Scheduler was unable to create the task handler EJB home for JNDI name {0} due to an unexpected error: {1}.
SCHD0082E: Unable to determine the configuration location for resource URI {0}. The URI resolved to object name {1} with location properties {2}.
SCHD0083E: Unable to find the scheduler configuration for resource URI {0}.
SCHD0084W: The lease manager tables in datasource {0} used by scheduler resource {1} ({2}) are missing, are not accessible, or are not configured correctly. The scheduler function will run normally without these tables, however multiple schedulers using the same task tables may experience a high rate of task collisions which may impact overall performance.
SCHD0085E: Unable to find datasource JNDI name {0}. The following configuration files were searched: {1}.
SCHD0086I: Table {0} cannot be created because it already exists in the database.
SCHD0087I: Scheduler tables created successfully.
SCHD0088I: Index {0} created successfully.
SCHD0089I: Table {0} cannot be dropped because it does not exist in the database.
SCHD0090I: Scheduler tables dropped successfully.
SCHD0091E: Beginning index of {0} is larger than the end index of {1}.
SCHD0092E: Beginning index of {0} cannot be negative.
SCHD0093E: End index of {0} cannot be negative.
SCHD0094E: End index of {0} is smaller than beginning index of {1}.
SCHD0095E: The SQL statement for statement key {0} cannot be found for table key {1}.
SCHD0096E: The current user is not in the appropriate role to use the {0} method.
SCHD0097E: The task operation {0} is not supported by task type {1}.
SCHD0098E: Could not determine the task operation for method {0}.
SCHD0099E: Exception occurred while deserializing object {0}: {1}
SCHD0100I: Scheduler tables verified successfully.
SCHD0102I: {0}
SCHD0103W: The Scheduler {0} ({1}) was unable to run task {2} because the application or module is unavailable: {3}.
SCHD0104E: The Scheduler poll daemon {0} ({1}) failed to load tasks from the database due to an exception: {2}
SCHD0105E: A byte array expected field {0} with version {1} but read version {2}.
SCHD0106E: A byte array expected field with id {0} but read id {1}.
SCHD0107E: A byte array read field {0} with an unexpected type of {1}.
SCHD0108E: Unable to de-serialize a home handle due to error: {0}
SCHD0109E: Invalid value detected. The value for field {0} must be a valid non-null value.
SCHD0110E: The DayOfWeek term must be between 1 and 7.
SCHD0111E: Incorrect number of terms specified.
SCHD0112E: The DayOfMonth or DayOfWeek term must be specified, but not both.
SCHD0113E: Term value "?" is invalid for the specified term. The "?" token is only valid for terms DayOfMonth or DayOfWeek.
SCHD0114E: Invalid repeat value of {0} for term {1}. The value must be between 1 and {2}.
SCHD0115E: Unable to parse CRON term {0}: {1}.
SCHD0116E: Invalid range format string specified: {0}. Valid range format is: <low>-<high>
SCHD0117E: Unexpected tokens detected for term: {0}.
SCHD0118E: Unable to acquire lock for {0}.
SCHD0119E: Invalid numeric value specified: {0}.
SCHD0120E: Invalid term detected: {0}.
SCHD0121E: The LeaseManager database is not correctly configured.
SCHD0122E: The {0} attribute must also be specified if the {1} is set while creating a {2}.
SCHD0123E: The {0} field or attribute is invalid. Valid values include: {1}
SCHD0124E: Unable to initialize {0} due to error: {1}
SCHD0125E: Unexpected exception while processing the {0} operation: {1}
SCHD0126E: The scheduler service singleton has not been set.
SCHD0127E: Access Denied. A task cannot be modified from a different application than it was created with.
SCHD0128E: The daemon for scheduler {0} could not be started: {1}
SCHD0129E: The {0} MBean for for scheduler {1} could not be started: {2}
SCHD0130W: Failed to {0} the scheduler tables because of an error: {1}
SCHD0131W: Task {0} on thread {1} for scheduler {2} ({3}) has been running for {4} milliseconds and may be hung.
SCHD0132W: Task {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}) has exceeded the failure threshold limit and has been deactivated.
SCHD0133I: Scheduler {0} ({1}) has acquired the lease and will run all tasks on this application server.
SCHD0134I: Scheduler {0} ({1}) has lost its lease and will no longer run tasks on this application server. Tasks will now run on server {2}.
SCHD0135W: Value out of range for custom property {0} for scheduler {1} ({2}). Valid values include: {3}.
SCHD0136W: The lease manager tables are missing for scheduler {0} ({1}) which will reduce performance in a clustered environment.
SCHD0137E: Unable to create EJB instance for {0}: {1}
SCHD0138E: Unable to retrieve {0} from a javax.ejb.HomeHandle.
SCHD0139E: Unable to invoke the {0} EJB: {1}
SCHD0140I: EJB information: Host: {0}, Port: {1}, J2EE component: {2}
SCHD0300E: Error during Database operation, localized message is {0}, Vendor Error Code is {1}, ANSI-92 SQLState is {2}, cause: {3}
SCHD0301E: The lease for resource {0} does not exist. Operation: {1} was unable to complete.
SCHD0302E: The lease owner: {0} is not the current owner of the lease for resource {1}. Operation: {2} was unable to complete.
SCHD0303E: The database connection required for operation: {0} and resource: {1} is stale.
SCHD0304E: No database connections could be obtained in the required time for operation: {0} and resource: {1}.
SCHD0305E: The lease for component {0} was cancelled. No Other operations are permitted until the lease is reaquired.
SCHD0306E: The lease for component {0} has expired. No other operations are permitted until the lease is reaquired.
SCHD0307E: The lease for resource {0} is disabled.
SCHD0308E: No chained exception available