Dispatcher component

Learn about the Dispatcher component of Load Balancer.

The Dispatcher component balances traffic among your servers through a unique combination of load balancing and management software. Dispatcher can also detect a failed server and forward traffic around it. Dispatcher supports HTTP, FTP, SSL, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP, POP3, Telnet, SIP, and any other TCP or stateless UDP-based application.

All client requests that are sent to the Dispatcher machine are directed to the best server according to weights that are set dynamically. You can use the default values for those weights or change the values during the configuration process.

Dispatcher offers three forwarding methods:
MAC forwarding method
Use this forwarding method to load balance the incoming requests among the servers in same subnet. The servers respond directly to the client, bypassing the Dispatcher.
NAT forwarding method
This forwarding method removes the limitation of the servers being required to be in same subnet as the Dispatcher. With the NAT forwarding method, Dispatcher load balances the incoming requests to the servers, the servers respond to the Dispatcher and the Dispatcher then forwards the response to the client.
Encapsulation forwarding
This forwarding method is midway between the NAT and MAC forwarding methods. First, encapsulation forwarding enables the servers to be in a subnet different from the Dispatcher machine. Second, servers respond directly to the client, bypassing the Dispatcher. Dispatcher supports two encapsulation protocols: GRE and IPIP. Not all operating systems support both GRE and IPIP protocols, hence their support is operating system dependent.

The Dispatcher component is the key to stable, efficient management of a large, scalable network of servers. With Dispatcher, you can link many individual servers into what seems to be a single, virtual server. Your site is presented as a single IP address to the world. Dispatcher functions independently of a domain name server; all requests are sent to the IP address of the Dispatcher machine.

Dispatcher brings distinct advantages in balancing traffic load to clustered servers, resulting in stable and efficient management of your site.

Dispatcher component features:
High availability
To use Dispatcher to remove single point-of-failure limitations in your network, read the Configuring High availability topic.
Client to server affinity
To ensure that the client uses the same server for multiple connections, read the Optimize connections with client-to-server affinity for the Dispatcher component topic.
Rules-based load balancing
To run Dispatcher on the same machine as one of the managed servers that you are load balancing, read the Configuring collocated servers for the Dispatcher component topic.
Wide area load balancing

You can achieve wide area load balancing through two methods: Encapsulation Forwarding and Network Address Translation (NAT).

To load balance to remote servers by using Dispatcher’s Encapsulation Forwarding, read the Use encapsulation forwarding to forward traffic across network segments topic.

To load balance to remote servers by using Dispatcher’s NAT forwarding method, read the Using NAT forwarding to forward traffic topic.

To generate alerts when servers are marked up or down, read the Sample scripts to generate alerts and record server failure.
To run Dispatcher on the same machine as one of the managed servers that you are load balancing, read the Using collocated servers for the Dispatcher component topic.

Functions that provide load balancing

The primary functions of Dispatcher interact with each other and your server configuration to balance network traffic in your environment. Dispatcher consists of the following functions:
  • The dsserver command handles requests from the command line to the executor, manager, and advisors.
  • The executor supports port-based load balancing of TCP connections. It is able to forward connections to servers based on the type of request received (for example, HTTP, FTP, SSL). The executor always runs when the Dispatcher component is being used for load balancing.
  • The manager sets weights that are used by the executor that is based on:
    • Internal counters in the executor
    • Feedback from the servers that are provided by the advisors
    • Feedback from a system-monitoring program, such as Metric Server or WLM.
    • Using the manager is optional; however, if the manager is not used, load balancing is performed by using weighted round-robin scheduling, based on the current server weights, and advisors are not available
  • The advisors query the servers and analyze results by protocol before calling the manager to set weights as appropriate. Currently there are advisors available for the following protocols: HTTP, FTP, SSL, SMTP, NNTP, IMAP, POP3, SIP, and Telnet.
Dispatcher also offers advisors that do not exchange protocol-specific information, such as the DB2® advisor that reports on the health of DB2 servers and the ping advisor that reports whether the server responds to a ping. For a complete list of advisors, Read the List of advisors topic. You also have the option of writing your own advisors (see Creating a custom advisor).
Tip: Using the advisors is optional, but recommended.

Configure and manage the executor, advisors, and manager by using the command line (dscontrol) or the graphical user interface (lbadmin).

The three key functions of Dispatcher (executor, manager, and advisors) interact to balance and dispatch the incoming requests between servers. Along with load balancing requests, the executor monitors the number of new connections, active connections, and connections in a finished state. The executor also does garbage collection of completed or reset connections and supplies this information to the manager.

The manager collects information from the executor, the advisors, and a system-monitoring program, such as Metric Server. Based on the information the manager receives, it adjusts how the server machines are weighted on each port and gives the executor the new weighting for use in its balancing of new connections.

The advisors monitor each server on the assigned port to determine the server's response time and availability and then give this information to the manager. The advisors also monitor whether a server is up or down. Without the manager and the advisors, the executor does round-robin scheduling that is based on the current server weights.

Managing local servers with Dispatcher

You can install the Dispatcher machine without making any physical changes to the network, as shown in the following figure. After a client request is directed to the optimal server by the Dispatcher, the response is sent directly from server to client with no involvement by the Dispatcher when you are using the MAC forwarding method.

The following figure is a physical representation of a site that uses an Ethernet network configuration to manage local servers with a Dispatcher machine.Managing local servers with a Dispatcher machine

Managing local and remote servers with Dispatcher

Wide area support in Dispatcher enables you to use both local and remote servers (servers on different subnets). The figure shows a configuration where one local Dispatcher (Dispatcher 1) serves as the entry point for all requests. It distributes these requests among its own local servers (ServerA, ServerB, ServerC) and to the remote Dispatcher (Dispatcher 2), which load balances to its local servers (ServerG, ServerH, ServerI). When you use Dispatcher's NAT forwarding method or GRE support, wide area support with Dispatcher can also be achieved without using a Dispatcher at the remote site (where ServerD, ServerE, and ServerF are located).

The following figure is a physical representation of a site that uses an Ethernet network configuration to manage local and remote servers with a Dispatcher machine.Managing local and remote servers with a Dispatcher machine