Migrating to a Version 9.0 stand-alone application server

Use the migration tools to migrate from a WebSphere® Application Server Version 7.0 or later stand-alone application server profile to a Version 9.0 stand-alone application server.

Before you begin

Supported configurations:

This topic is about profile configuration migration. To migrate your applications to the latest version, use the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit.

See Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability and Migration considerations.

Tip: Before migrating a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later stand-alone application server, use the backupConfig command or your own preferred backup utility to back up your existing configuration if you want to be able to restore it to its previous state after migration. For more information, see backupConfig command. Make sure that you note the exact name and location of this backed-up configuration.

Rather than specifying individual parameters on migration commands, you can specify the -properties file_name.properties parameter to input a properties file. For more information, see Defining your migration through properties.

About this task

For help, read Troubleshooting migration.


  1. Stop all of the WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later application servers that are running on the node.

    Use the stopServer command from the app_server_root/bin directory. See stopServer command for more information.

    If security is enabled, specify the -user and -password parameters on the stopServer command.

    You can migrate a WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later node without stopping it; however, you must stop the node before you can start the Version 9.0 node that you are installing. It is not necessary to have the node running to migrate its configuration. The migration tools can retrieve all the configuration data while the node is stopped.

  2. Install WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0.
  3. Create a WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 profile to receive the source configuration.
    1. Start the Qshell environment so that you can run WebSphere Application Server scripts.
      Enter the following command from a command line:
    2. Run the dspwasinst script to obtain the node name and server name for the Version 7.0 or later instance or profile that is to be migrated.
      Use the following parameters:
       -instance 70_profile_name
      • app_server_root is the location of the source installation that contains the instance or profile to be migrated
      • 70_profile_name is the name of the source instance or profile that is to be migrated
      The name of the node is listed in the Node section, and the name of the server is listed in the Information for server section.
    3. Run the manageprofiles script.
      Use the following parameters:
       -profileName 90_profile_name
       -startingPort starting_port_number
       -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/default
       -serverName 70_application_server_name
       -nodeName 70_node_name
      • app_server_root is the location where Version 9.0 is installed
      • 90_profile_name is the name of your Version 9.0 profile

        This parameter must be identical to the source instance or profile that is to be migrated.

      • starting_port_number is the first of a block of 13 consecutive ports
      • 70_application_server_name is the name of the source Version 7.0 or later application server obtained in the previous step
      • 70_node_name is the source Version 7.0 or later node name obtained in the previous step

        The source and target node names must be identical when migrating to Version 9.0.

      For details on the syntax and parameters of the manageprofiles command, see manageprofiles command.

  4. Save the configuration for your source installation by running the WASPreUpgrade command, specifying the migration backup directory name and the Version 7.0 or later installation root directory.
    For transitioning users: In versions prior to Version 9.0, the source instance or profile root directory was specified rather than the installation root directory. In Version 9.0, specify the profile name on the -oldProfile parameter.
    /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND/bin/WASPreUpgrade /mybackup/v70toV90server1
    /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/ND -oldProfile current70Server

    For more information and additional parameters, see WASPreUpgrade command.

    The WASPreUpgrade tool saves from the following directories to the specified directory.
    • bin
    • config
    • installableApps
    • installedApps (or an alternate directory specified by the user)
    • properties
  5. Restore the configuration from your source environment to the Version 9.0 profile by running the WASPostUpgrade command, specifying the migration backup directory.
    /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V9/ND/bin/WASPostUpgrade /mybackup/v70toV90server1 
    -oldProfile current70Server -profileName 90_profile_name -resolvePortConflicts incrementCurrent 
    -backupConfig TRUE -username myuser -password mypass

    For more information and additional parameters, see WASPostUpgrade command.

    The WASPostUpgrade tool copies the environment in the backup directory to the WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 stand-alone application server installation.

    Note: When migrating a stand-alone application server from Version 7.0 or later to Version 9.0, you can choose a stand-alone application server node that is already registered with an administrative agent as the target of the migration.
  6. Verify that your configuration and applications were migrated correctly.

    If the configuration was migrated correctly but any applications were not installed, you can run the WASMigrationAppInstaller command to install only the applications that were not migrated. For more information, see WASMigrationAppInstaller command.

  7. Start the WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 profile that received the migrated configuration.
    1. Start the QWAS9 subsystem if it is not already started.
      Enter the following command from a command line:
    2. Start the Qshell environment so that you can run WebSphere Application Server scripts.
      Enter the following command from a command line:
    3. Run the startServer script.
      Use the following parameters:
       -profileName 90_profile_name
      • app_server_root is the location where Version 9.0 is installed
      • 90_profile_name is the name of the Version 9.0 profile created in an earlier step
      • 70_server_name is the name of the Version 7.0 or later application server that was migrated