J2CA0001E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor for {0} : {1}.
J2CA0002W: There is no Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor available for {0}.
J2CA0003E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Factory Properties for {0} : {1}.
J2CA0004W: There are no Connection Factory Properties available for {0}.
J2CA0005E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Pooling Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.
J2CA0006W: There are no Connection Pooling Properties available for {0}.
J2CA0007W: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing continued.
J2CA0008W: Class {0} used by resource {2} did not contain method set{1}. Processing continued.
J2CA0009E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ManagedConnectionFactory class {0} used by resource {2} : {1}.
J2CA0010E: Parameter in method {0} is not of type Reference: {1}.
J2CA0011E: There is no connector name in the Reference object for method {0}.
J2CA0012E: The connector name is null in the Reference object for method {0}.
J2CA0013I: An exception occurred while trying to create ManagedConnectionFactory for {0} : {1}.
J2CA0014I: An exception occurred while building the Reference for JNDI deployment of {0} : {1}. This error was absorbed and a null returned from the method.
J2CA0015E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection from resource {0}.
J2CA0016E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked within transaction ID {1}. This Resource Adapter from pool {2} does not support two phase processing.
J2CA0017I: An exception occurred while building the serializable for JNDI deployment of {0} : {1}. This error was absorbed and a null returned from the method.
J2CA0018E: An exception occurred while trying to create Resource Adapter ConnectionFactory {0} : {1}.
J2CA0019W: No Managed Connection Factory Properties data could be assembled for {0}. Processing continued.
J2CA0020E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection: {0}.
J2CA0021E: An exception occurred while trying to get a Connection from the Managed Connection resource {1} : {0}.
J2CA0022I: An exception occurred while trying to cleanup and release the Managed Connection from resource {1} for a failed getConnection from the Managed Connection {0}. This second error was absorbed and the original error re-thrown.
J2CA0023E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked. This Resource Adapter from DataSource {1} does not support two phase processing.
J2CA0024E: Method {0}, within transaction branch ID {1} of resource pool {4}, caught {2} and threw a {3}.
J2CA0026E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to register the Resource Adapter with the Synchronization Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {3}, within transaction ID {1} : {2}.
J2CA0028E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {2} : {1}.
J2CA0029E: Unable to obtain a ResourceAdapter key while trying to start a ResourceAdapter. The ResourceAdapter configuration information which makes up the key is either missing or corrupted. The following Exception was caught: {0}
J2CA0030E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to enlist resources from DataSource {3} with the Transaction Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
J2CA0031I: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to delist resources from DataSource {3} from the Transaction Manager for the current transaction and threw {2}
J2CA0034E: An unexpected event was received from the Resource Adapter for resource {2}. Expected ConnectionEvent type {0} and received ConnectionEvent type {1}.
J2CA0035E: Class {0}, used by resource {2} did not contain method set{1}. Processing halted.
J2CA0036E: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing halted.
J2CA0037E: An exception occurred when trying to read the Data Source Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.
J2CA0038E: An exception occurred when trying to read the ManagedConnectionFactory Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.
J2CA0039E: Failed to bind an Administered Object to the namespace with JNDI name {0}. The associated Resource Adapter key is {1}.
J2CA0040E: No valid transaction context was found on the thread for method {0} with coordinator {1} using resources from DataSource {2}.
J2CA0041E: The ComponentMetaData instance was null in method {0}.
J2CA0042E: An Exception occurred while trying to expand part of a path. The failing piece is {0}. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0043E: An Exception occurred while trying to instantiate a ResourceAdapter JavaBean instance for the installed ResourceAdapter defined by key {0}. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0044E: The Connection Manager failed to get a Subject from the security service associated with ConnectionFactory {0}. Received exception {1}
J2CA0045E: Connection not available while invoking method {0} for resource {1}.
J2CA0046E: Method {0} caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}
J2CA0047E: Property {0} for class {1} has an invalid type of {2}.
J2CA0048E: The setup of XA Transaction recovery for inbound message support did not complete for ResourceAdapter {0}. The following exception was caught: {1}
J2CA0049W: ResourceAdapter {0} is being stopped with message endpoints still activated. These enpoints will be forcefully deactivated.
J2CA0050W: Setting of the Connector property {0} on class {1} for resource {2} will be skipped. Property has a null value.
J2CA0051E: The attempt to stop ResourceAdapter {0} failed due to the following exception: {1}
J2CA0052E: The lookup of the Activation Specification with JNDI Name {0} failed due to the following exception: {1}
J2CA0053W: Enlist option used is {0}. This differs from the desired option of {1} for resource {2}.
J2CA0054E: The Message Endpoint activation failed because no Activation Specification JNDI name was supplied.
J2CA0055W: Connection handle not closed at end of the unit of work scope. Handles will be closed by the Connection Manager.
J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0057E: The interactionPending method was unable to find a transaction wrapper class.
J2CA0058E: The ConnectionManager was unable to associate Connection {0} with ManagedConnection {1} for resource {3}. Received exception: {2}
J2CA0060E: PrivilegedActionException calling doPrivileged: {0}
J2CA0061W: Error creating XA Connection and Resource {0}
J2CA0062W: Encountered an error while cleaning up the ManagedConnection {0} : {1}
J2CA0063W: Encountered an error while destroying the ManagedConnection {0} : {1}
J2CA0064E: Failed to get transaction status {0}
J2CA0065E: ClassCastException tried to cast : {0} to {1}. {2}
J2CA0066E: Failed calling get method {0} on the ManagedConnectionFactory {1} used by resource {4} with the value {2}. Exception is {3}.
J2CA0067W: Invalid {0} setting of {1}. Defaulting to {2} instead.
J2CA0068E: Method {0} could not create {1} instance.
J2CA0069E: Method {0} could not create {1} instance. Failed with exception: {2}
J2CA0070W: Component {0}, is holding {1} number of connection(s).
J2CA0072E: Unable to obtain a Connection Factory or Data Source configuration ID while trying to start a ResourceAdapter. The Connection Factory or Data Source configuration information which makes up the ID is either missing or corrupted. The following Exception was caught: {0}
J2CA0073E: Unable to delist connection from resource {2} from transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
J2CA0074E: Unable to enlist connection from resource {2} with current transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method {0}.
J2CA0076E: An active transaction is required for the method {0}.
J2CA0077E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction from a ManagedConnection for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0078E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource from a ManagedConnection on DataSource {1}. The exception is: {0}
J2CA0079E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal state and is throwing an IllegalStateException. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0080E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal argument and is throwing an IllegalArgumentException. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0081E: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on ManagedConnection {2} from resource {4}. Caught exception: {3}
J2CA0082W: InactiveConnectionSupport option {0} used by resource {2}. This differs from the desired option of {1}.
J2CA0083W: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on the ConnectionManager. Failing handle is: {2}. Caught the following Exception: {3}
J2CA0084W: Transaction recovery registration failed for ResourceAdapter {0} with exception {1}.
J2CA0085I: Connector property {0} on resource {1} has a null value.
J2CA0086W: Shareable connection {0} from resource {1} was used within a local transaction containment boundary.
J2CA0087E: The transaction manager was unable to enlist resource {0} from DataSource {1}.
J2CA0088W: The ManagedConnection that is being destroyed from resource {1} is in an invalid state {0}. Processing will continue.
J2CA0089E: The method {0} on ResourceAdapter JavaBean {1} failed with the following exception: {2}
J2CA0090I: This is an English only message: {0}
J2CA0091E: An InterruptedException occurred on the Garbage Collector thread.
J2CA0092E: This is an English only message: {0}.
J2CA0093W: This is an English only message: {0}
J2CA0094E: The transaction this operation is part of has failed. Cancelling the operation. Throwing exception {0}
J2CA0095E: Unable to obtain authentication information for J2CConnectionFactory {0} : {1}
J2CA0096E: NullPointerException on setManagedConnection on MCWrapper {0}
J2CA0097E: The call to ContainerComponentMetaData.getLocalTran returned null: {0}.
J2CA0098E: A ClassCastException occurred attempting to cast event.getSource to ManagedConnection: {0}
J2CA0099E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} and CMP version {1} using {2}.
J2CA0100E: The information object needed to deactivate the endpoint was not found for deactivationKey {0}. Throwing exception {1}
J2CA0101E: Unable to obtain RA miscellaneous configuration information for J2CConnectionFactory {0} : {1}
J2CA0102E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} using {1}.
J2CA0103I: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}
J2CA0104E: Authentication mechanism preference {0} is not supported by the Resource Adapter for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {1}.
J2CA0105W: Authentication mechanism preference not specified for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.
J2CA0106E: A 5.0 Data Source was attempted to be used in a WebModule that was not level 2.3.
J2CA0107I: Component-managed authentication alias not specified for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.
J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for {1} could not be found, the identifier used to find the MBean is {0}.
J2CA0109E: Method {0} obtained a NULL {1} where a required object was expected. Throwing exception {2}.
J2CA0110W: A JMException was thrown when creating ObjectNames for {0} the exception is {1}.
J2CA0111W: An Error occurred when trying to find a cached instance of J2CPerf.
J2CA0112W: Factory or provider name for {0} was null. The ObjectNames factory : {1} provider : {2} cannot be used by PMI to link the PMI statistics with the MBeans.
J2CA0113W: The ObjectName for the provider MBean was null. This will cause an error with PMI and will prevent the Connection Factory or Data Source MBean from being linked to its J2CResourceadapter or JDBCProvider (respectively) "parent" MBean.
J2CA0114W: No container-managed authentication alias found for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.
J2CA0115W: {0} occurred getting the absolute path to %WAS_HOME%\properties.
J2CA0116W: The root element {1} of XML document {0} is not as expected.
J2CA0117I: Properties file {0} with root element {1} was successfully read.
J2CA0118W: An exception occurred when setting the trace writer on the ManagedConectionFactory. The MCF used was {0}. The exception was {1}.
J2CA0119W: An Exception occurred when reading properties for a Data Source MBean {0}.
J2CA0120W: An exception occurred when trying to read J2C MBean properties from the referenceable object {0}.
J2CA0121W: An Exception occurred when trying to register an MBean for {0} : {1}.
J2CA0122I: Resource reference {0} could not be located, so the following default values are used: {1}
J2CA0123I: Server-wide pool properties were read from {0}.
J2CA0124I: Pool properties for {1} were read from {0}.
J2CA0125W: Error parsing XML document {0}.
J2CA0126W: Invalid format for value of element {0} in node {1} of XML document {2}. Returning {3}.
J2CA0127I: A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 has been specified for {0}. The request will wait until a connection can be obtained.
J2CA0128E: An Exception occurred while trying to start ResourceAdapter {0}. The exception is: {1}
J2CA0129E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ActivationSpec class {0} used by ResourceAdapter {1} : {2}.
J2CA0130I: {0} [{1}] has Component-managed Authentication Alias [{2}] but no corresponding J2C Authentication Data Entry is defined in security.xml. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0131E: Application {0} has an [activation-config-property], {1}, which is not valid for the ActivationSpec class {2} of ResourceAdapter {3} and cannot be set. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0132E: Method {0} caught exception {1}.
J2CA0133E: For the installed ResourceAdapter {0} and ActivationSpec {1}, required activation specification properties were missing from the activation-config-properties for the MDB being activated. See the following exception for details: {2}
J2CA0134E: An ActivationSpec JavaBean class name not found for ResourceAdapter {0}.
J2CA0135E: Unable to initialize a WorkManager for provider id: {1} with the following thread pool: {0}, due to an exception. The exception will not be re-thrown. The exception is: {2}.
J2CA0136E: Unable to create an XATerminator, due to an exception. The exception will not be re-thrown. The exception is: {0}.
J2CA0137E: The ActivationSpec validate() method failed with an InvalidPropertyException. The ActivationSpec is {0}, which belongs to the installed ResourceAdapter {1} and is associated with the MDB application {2}. See the following list of failed properties along with their values: {3}. The exception is: {4}
J2CA0138E: The Message Endpoint activation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB application {1} due to the following exception: {2}
J2CA0139E: The Message Endpoint deactivation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB application {1} due to the following exception: {2}
J2CA0140W: The Message Endpoint pause operation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} because the endpoint is currently deactivated, stopped, or an unexpected exception occurred deactivating the endpoint.
J2CA0141W: Failed to de-register the Activation Specification from the Transaction Service. Caught exception {0}.
J2CA0142E: Classloader is not an instance of CompoundClassLoader.
J2CA0143E: Embedded ResourceAdapter initialization failed due to Exception: {0}
J2CA0144W: No mappingConfigAlias found for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.
J2CA0145W: Unable to start ResourceAdapter due to the following exception: {0}.
J2CA0146W: The lookup of the Destination with JNDI Name {0} failed due to exception {1}.
J2CA0147E: The class {0} is annotated with {1} but does not implement the required {2} interface.
J2CA0148W: A null ConnectionHandle was found in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent {0}
J2CA0149W: The contents of the AuthenticationAlias assigned to the ActivationSpec {0} used by MDB {1} are invalid. The UserName and/or the Password were either null or blank. The AuthenticationAlias was: {2}, its UserName was: {3}, and its Password was: {4}
J2CA0150E: The ResourceAdapter {0} failed to {1} because the ResourceAdapter was not found.
J2CA0151E: Activation of Message Endpoint for application {0} failed because the targeted ResourceAdapter, {1}, is not currently started.
J2CA0152E: Deactivation of a Message Endpoint failed because the targeted ResourceAdapter, {0}, is not currently started or was not found. Deactivation key is: {1}
J2CA0153E: The requested ResourceAdapter {0} is not in a started state.
J2CA0154E: The method {0} on class {1} returned the following exception: {2}
J2CA0155W: The lookup of the AuthenticationAlias {0}, assigned to the ActivationSpec {1} by application {2} has failed.
J2CA0156E: The Message Endpoint re-activation failed during a resume operation on a ResourceAdapter. The ActivationSpec was {0}, the MDB Application was {1}, and the exception was: {2}
J2CA0157E: Unable to get the ThreadPoolMgr service.
J2CA0158E: Failed to bind an Activation Specification to the namespace with JNDI name {0}. The associated Resource Adapter key is {1}.
J2CA0159E: Internal error. An attempt has been made to change a set once property that has already been set. The property name is {0}
J2CA0160W: The type of the destination property on ActivationSpec {0} is {1}. You have supplied a destination JNDI name which requires that the destination type be javax.jms.Destination. These are not compatible. The destination supplied by the destination JNDI name will be ignored.
J2CA0161W: The type of the object referred to by the supplied destination JNDI name is wrong. The object must implement javax.jms.destination. The destination JNDI name was: {0}. The supplied object class was: {1}
J2CA0162W: You have supplied a destination JNDI name for ActivationSpec {0}. This ActivationSpec class lacks the setDestination() method. The destination JNDI Name will be ignored.
J2CA0163E: The type of the object referred to by the supplied destination JNDI name is wrong. The object must implement javax.jms.destination. Destination is a required property for this Activation Specification. The destination JNDI name was: {0}. The supplied object class was {1}.
J2CA0164E: The lookup of the Destination with JNDI Name {0} failed. The Destination is required by the Activation Specification. The lookup failed due to exception {1}.
J2CA0165I: The connection pool is not available. The connection pool is created at first JNDI lookup of a Data Source or Connection Factory.
J2CA0166W: An attempt to concurrently use a connection handle within different application server components has been detected. The connection handle is: {0}.
J2CA0167W: An attempt to concurrently use the same connection handle by multiple threads has been detected. The connection handle is: {0}.
J2CA0168E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate a ConnectionFactory class used by resource {0} : {2}.
J2CA0169E: Unable to change the property {0} on DataSource or ConnectionFactory {1}.
J2CA0170E: Internal error. The variable {0} on DataSource or ConnectionFactory {1} has gone out of its acceptable range.
J2CA0171E: The connection was aborted due to a transaction timeout. Any subsequent calls to roll back the XAResource that is associated with the connection generate XAException errors, which you can ignore.
J2CA0172E: The connection was aborted by a purge connection instance.
J2CA0173E: The application aborted the connection.
J2CA0200E: The Connection Manager was unable to find the class {0}.
J2CA0201E: Object cannot be deserialized. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
J2CA0202E: Internal Error: Failed to find the RAWrapperImpl instance associated with the following key {0}. Throwing exception {1}
J2CA0204W: The attempt to stop ResourceAdapter failed during XARecovery cleanup and will be ignored. It was due to the following exception: {0}
J2CA0205E: The Connection Manager has detected a request to create ResourceAdapter {0}, when a pre-existing ResourceAdapter {1} that uses the same class names has been configured to run as a single instance.
J2CA0206W: A connection error occurred. To help determine the problem, enable the Diagnose Connection Usage option on the Connection Factory or Data Source. This is the multithreaded access detection option. Alternatively check that the Database or MessageProvider is available.
J2CA0207W: A resource adapter artifact has property {0} whose value {2} is incompatible with its type {1}.
J2CA0215W: Component-managed authentication alias {0} for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {1} is invalid. It may be necessary to re-start the server for previous configuration changes to take effect.
J2CA0216I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {0}. Information may be available in previous messages or exceptions.
J2CA0217E: The {0} data source is associated with a resource adapter that is not the built-in relational resource adapter (RRA). The configuration ID for the resource adapter that is not correct is {1}.
J2CA0218E: Version 4 data sources are not supported for isolated JDBC providers. The data source name is: {0}
J2CA0219E: The entity {0} is annotated with {1} annotation but is not a JavaBean class.
J2CA0220W: An unrecognized {0} annotation field {1} was encountered and ignored.
J2CA0222E: Class {0} is annotated with @AdministeredObject but the administered object interface is not specified.
J2CA0223E: Work task is requested with both execution and work contexts.
J2CA0224E: Multiple instances of the same WorkContext {0} provided.
J2CA0225E: WorkContext {0} is not supported.
J2CA0226E: An exception {0} occured when getting or setting the context classloader. Instance ID: {1}
J2CA0227E: An error occurred when loading a Transaction Manager from class {0}
J2CA0228E: System property {0} not found.
J2CA0229E: The {0} class is annotated with @ConfigProperty but does not meet the criteria for the allowable JavaBeans.
J2CA0230E: The {0} field or method is annotated with @ConfigProperty which requires the Java type of the field or method parameter to be one of the allowable class types.
J2CA0231E: The {0} accessor method can not be annotated with @ConfigProperty.
J2CA0232E: The {0} type specified in the annotation "type" element and the actual type {1} of the @ConfigProperty annotated field {2} must match.
J2CA0233E: The {0} type specified in the annotation "type" element and the actual type {1} of the parameter of the @ConfigProperty annotated method {2} must match.
J2CA0234E: The {0} method of {1} class can not be annotated with @ConfigProperty because it does not conform to the JavaBean convention (setXyz()) for mutator method names.
J2CA0235E: Both {0} and {1} classes of the {2} resource adapter are annotated with @Connector.
J2CA0236E: The resource adapter returned a runtime level of transaction support whose value is greater than that specified in the metadata of the resource adapter. The transaction support level has not been changed. The metadata value is {0}, the runtime value is {1}.
J2CA0237I: Transaction support level has been changed from {0} to {1} that was returned by the resource adapter.
J2CA0238E: JavaBean {0} failed Bean Validation due to one or more invalid configuration settings indicated in the following list of constraint violations: {1}
J2CA0240I: Ignored unimplemented feature {0} for resource {1}.
J2CA0241I: Ignored property {0} because property {1} is configured on resource {2}.
J2CA0242W: An error was found in the configuration of a resource. The configuration is {0}. The error is {1}.
J2CA0243E: WebSphere Application Server does not recognize a value of {0} for property {1} which is configured on resource {2}.
J2CA0244E: There is no provider id in the Reference object for method {0}.
J2CA0245E: The provider id is null in the Reference object for method {0}.
J2CA0246E: There is no administered object in the Reference object for method {0}.
J2CA0247E: An exception occurred when trying to read the administered object from the namespace: {1}.
J2CA0248E: An exception occurred while loading resource adapter class {0}. The class might have been compiled with a newer version of Java than the application server is using. The exception was: {1}
J2CA0278W: Could not de-serialize field {0} in class {1}; default value will be used
J2CA0279W: An Error occurred when trying to create pmi data.
J2CA0280W: When merging config property {0}, its type, {1}, did not match the introspected type, {2}. Keeping the introspected type.
J2CA0281W: When merging user-defined property {0}, its type, {1}, did not match the type of the merged config and introspected properties, {2}. Keeping the merged config and introspected type.
J2CA0282W: Required property {0} was missing from the Activation Specification.
J2CA0283E: Attempt to access embedded Resource Adapter of another application via ConnectionFactory {0}.
J2CA0284W: Resource property {0} is skipped.
J2CA0285W: Method {0} caught an exception during validating managed connections for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}
J2CA0286W: Connection {0} from resource {1} cannot be used with pretest connection configured. Turning off pretest connection support for this Resource Adapter.
J2CA0287E: {0} does not have a single ConnectionDefinition. The program will attempt to continue using the first ConnectionDefinition.
J2CA0288I: Configuration property {0} changed from {1} to {2} for pool {3}
J2CA0289W: Thread pool {0} has not been defined in the server configuration or is not configured correctly.
J2CA0290W: Thread pool {0} will be used.
J2CA0291I: Application {0} has an <activation-config-property>, {1}, for which there is no corresponding property on the ActivationSpec class {2} of ResourceAdapter {3}. This property will be ignored. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0292E: The ManagedConnection from resource {0} could not be enlisted with the current transaction.
J2CA0293E: The Connection Manager lazyEnlist() method requires a non-null ManagedConnection parameter for resource {0}.
J2CA0294W: Direct JNDI lookup of resource {0}. The following default values are used: {1}
J2CA0295E: The Connection Manager has detected an attempt to start a Local Transaction within a Global (User) Transaction. Check the application code for correctness.
J2CA0300I: ActivationSpec {0} has no configuration properties. The ActivationSpec class is {1} for ResourceAdapter {2}. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0301E: ResourceAdapter {0} is not configured properly for High Availability. HA is disabled. Configured HA properties were isEnableHASupport = {1}, and HACapability = {2}.
J2CA0303E: Attempting to {0} ResourceAdapter {1} while under HA control.
J2CA0304W: Conflicting high availability support was found for resource adapter {0}. The resource adapter was configured to have high availability support enabled, but the resource adapter has a conflicting property value. The resource adapter cannot register with the high availability manager.
J2CA0305E: Application {0} has an [activation-config-property] which is NULL or blank and is not valid for the ActivationSpec class {1} of ResourceAdapter {2} and cannot be set. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0306I: Application {0} has provided no [activation-config-property] for the ActivationSpec class {1} of ResourceAdapter {2}. This may have undesirable effects.
J2CA0308W: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}.
J2CA0309W: An exception occurred while invoking method returnHACapability() on resource adapter {0}. The configured high availability capability {1} will be used.
J2CA0310W: Resource adapter {0} is configured with high availability setting {1}, but the resource adapter method returnHACapability() returned high availability capability {2}. The high availability capability returned by the Resource adapter method will be used.
J2CA0315W: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} has given an invalid value for the custom property WAS_EndpointInitialState.
J2CA0316E: The application server is unable to make an instance of the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry available to the BootstrapContext for provider id {0}.
J2CA0500W: Connection Error Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. This ConnectionFactory or DataSoure has exceeded {1} connection error events in less than {2} minutes.
J2CA0501W: Connection Low Efficiency Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. The usage efficiency for a connection is {1} which is below the configured alert threshold of {2} percent efficiency. If callstack capture is enabled, the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.
J2CA0502W: Pool Low Efficiency Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. The average efficiency of all the connections is {1} which has dropped below the configured alert threshold of {2} percent efficiency during the past approximate {3} minutes.
J2CA0503W: Surge Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Surge mode has been entered.
J2CA0504W: Hung Connection Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Hung connection blocking has started.
J2CA0505W: Pretest Block Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Connection Pretest function has started connection request blocking.
J2CA0506W: Connection Wait Time-out Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The number of ConnectionWaitTimeoutExceptions issued has exceeded your configured threshold of {1} in less then the configured alert time of {2} minutes .
J2CA0507W: Claim Victim Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The percentage of victim connections claimed over approximately the last {1} minutes has exceeded your configured threshold of {2} percent.
J2CA0508W: Pool Load Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The average connection load (or demand) over approximately the last {1} minutes has exceeded your configured threshold of {2}.
J2CA0509W: LTC Nesting Level Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The depth of Local Transaction Containment Nesting for this request is {1}. This has exceeded the configured threshold of {2}. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.
J2CA0510W: Thread Connection Limit Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The number of connections in use by this thread of execution is {1}. This has exceeded the configured threshold of {2}. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.
J2CA0511W: Serial Reuse Violation Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. An attempt to concurrently share a connection within an Local Transaction Containment boundary has been detected. This is a violation of the Serial Reuse Alert checking. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.
J2CA0513W: Surge Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Surge mode has been exited.
J2CA0514W: Hung Connection Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Hung connection blocking has ended.
J2CA0515W: Pretest Block Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Connection Pretest function has stopped connection request blocking.
J2CA0520W: The Message Endpoint resume operation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} because the endpoint is currently activated or stopped, or an unexpected exception occurred activating the endpoint.
J2CA0521E: Acquiring Message Endpoint properties for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} failed because the Message Endpoint is currently stopped.
J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is activated.
J2CA0524I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is deactivated.
J2CA0525I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is stopped and its MBean is unusable.
J2CA0526I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} cannot be activated nor deactivated because inbound messaging on ResourceAdapter {2} is currently disabled by the High_Availability (HA) Manager.
J2CA0530I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is partially activated but has been disabled from handling incoming messages.
J2CA0635I: The Resource Adapters entered are all compatible.
J2CA0636I: One or more resource adapters entered were not compatible.
J2CA0637I: The version of the Resource Adapter you are updating from is {0}
J2CA0638I: The version of the new Resource Adapter you are updating to is {0}
J2CA0639I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. The ResourceAdapter implementation class has changed.
J2CA0640I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. A ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class {2} was removed, and there is a configured connection factory that uses the removed type. ConnectionFactory name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.
J2CA0641I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. An AdminObject class {2} was removed, and there is a configured Admin Object that uses the removed type. AdminObject name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.
J2CA0642I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. An ActivationSpec class {2} was removed, and there is a configured ActivationSpec that uses the removed type. ActivationSpec name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.
J2CA0643E: An exception occurred while attempting to retrieve the class names and properties for type {0}, exception was: {1}
J2CA0644E: An exception occurred while retrieving class changes for the comparison.
J2CA0645E: Unable to retrieve the J2C Resource Adapter from the ObjectName provided.
J2CA0646E: An unexpected exception occurred in the Update service, exception: {0}
J2CA0647E: All servers under node {0} must be stopped while updating a Resource Adapter on that node.
J2CA0648E: The RAR file {0} does not exist or cannot be read.
J2CA0649E: An exception occurred while attempting to transfer the RAR file. exception: {0}
J2CA0650E: The FileTransferServer mbean was unavailable, unable to proceed with update.
J2CA0651E: An exception occurred while attempting to extract the archive {0} to {1}. Exception: {2}
J2CA0652E: WebSphere internal adapters are not updateable.
J2CA0653I: The update of {0} to RAR file {1} was successful, a full binary and configuration update was performed. The configuration has been saved.
J2CA0654I: The update of {0} to RAR file {1} was successful. The resource adapter configuration was updated, but not the binaries. The configuration was automatically saved.
J2CA0655E: The findOtherRAsToUpdate command can only be called specifying a node scoped resource adapter.
J2CA0656E: A ClassNotFoundException was caught during command execution. {0} listed in the ra.xml was {1}, but that class could not be found in {2}.
J2CA0657I: Non-transactional datasource {0} cannot have sharable connections. Switching from shareable to unshareable.
J2CA0658I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the JCA 1.0 Resource Adapter. The ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class has changed.
J2CA0659E: Cannot Update a Resource Adapter and RAR of different JCA versions. Resource Adapter JCA version: {0}. RAR File JCA Version: {1}.
J2CA0660I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. The JCA Spec versions of the Resource Adapter and RAR are different. Resource Adapter JCA version: {0}. RAR File JCA Version: {1}.
J2CA0661E: Monitor privilege is required for all Resource Adapters being compared. Monitor privilege was not found for the {0} Resource Adapter. The command executor could not perform a comparison.
J2CA0662E: There are copies of resource adapter {0} that the command executor does not have configurator access to at the following scopes: {1}. Updating the resource adapter is not recommended.
J2CA0663W: User input value {0} on the new RAR file property {1} is not compatible with the expected type {2}. The default value {3} specified in ra.xml will be used instead.
J2CA0664E: The property name argument passed to the managed bean getProperty operation is empty or malformed.
J2CA0665E: The connection factory does not have a property with the name {0}.
J2CA0667E: An unexpected error has occured while getting the value of the connection factory property {0}.
J2CA0668E: The WorkManager was unable to populate the execution subject with the caller principal or credentials necessary to establish the security context for this work instance.
J2CA0669E: The resource adapter did not provide a CallerPrincipalCallback, an execution subject containing a single principal, or an empty execution subject.
J2CA0670E: The WorkManager was unable to establish the security context for the work instance, because the resource adapter provided a caller identity {0}, that does not belong to the security domain associated with the application.
J2CA0671E: The WorkManager was unable to associate the provided SecurityContext to the Work instance.
J2CA0672E: The JASPIC callback handler of the WorkManager failed with exception {0} while handling the callbacks provided by the security context. The exception message is {1}.
J2CA0673W: The execution subject provided by the WorkManager does not match the subject supplied by the {0}.
J2CA0674E: The user name {0} or password provided by the PasswordValidationCallback is invalid.
J2CA0675E: The user name {0}, provided by the PasswordValidationCallback, and the user name {1}, provided by the CallerPrincipalCallback, do not match.
J2CA0676E: The supplied security context provided multiple instances of a JASPIC CallerPrincipalCallback to establish the security context of the work instance.
J2CA0677E: An authenticated JAAS subject and one or more JASPIC callbacks were passed to the application server by the resource adapter.
J2CA0678W: Group {0} does not belong to the domain associated to the application.
J2CA0679W: No groups were found for the user with the uniqueId {0}
J2CA0680I: The configured primary resource with a JNDI name of {0} is unavailable. New requests will be routed to the configured alternate resource that has a JNDI name of {1}.
J2CA0681I: The configured primary resource with a JNDI name of {0} and the configured alternate resource that has a JNDI name of {1} are unavailable.
J2CA0682I: The configured resource with a JNDI name of {0} is available to process new requests for the resource with a JNDI name of {1}.
J2CA0683E: Connection management failed to connect to the resource with a JNDI name of {0}. Resource fail-over is disabled.
J2CA0684E: Unable to validate the user name {0} and password that is provided by the PasswordValidationCallback.
J2CA0685E: An authenticated JAAS Subject from an untrusted realm {0}, was passed to the application server by the resource adapter.
J2CA0686E: The {0} operation failed because the resource adapter {1} requires a Work Context type {2} that is not supported by the Application Server.
J2CA0687E: Connection management failed to connect to the resource with a JNDI name of {0}. Failure notification action support is disabled.
J2CA0688W: The {0} operation issued for the resource with a JNDI name of {1} failed. Cause: {2}
J2CA0689W: An alternate resource with a JNDI name of {1} has an alternate resource with a JNDI name of {2}. Resource failover for the alternate resource with a JNDI name of {3} is disabled.
J2CA0690I: The {0} operation issued for the resource with a JNDI name of {1} completed successfully.
J2CA0691E: The {0} operation failed because the resource adapter {1} requires a Work Context type {2} that is declared more than once in the RAR metadata.
J2CA0692W: A value of {0} was specified for the {1} custom property defined for the resource with JNDI name of {2}. The value is not valid. The custom property is ignored.
J2CA0693W: A value of {0} was specified for the {1} custom property defined for the resource with JNDI name of {2}. The value is not valid. The default value of {3} is being used.
J2CA0694W: The {0} custom property defined for the resource with JNDI name of {1} can be defined for the application server only on the z/OS system. This custom property is ignored.
J2CA0695E: Unable to find primary pool manager during failover processing for a resource with a JNDI name of {0}.
J2CA0696E: The node-scoped resource adapter {0} could not be updated, because the node agent on node {1} of cell {2} is not running.
J2CA0697E: The resource adapter could not be updated because the specified target object identifier {0} does not exist.
J2CA0698E: The ResourceAdapter {0} was not found. The annotation contains a resource adapter name that is not available.
J2CA1002E: Invalid MCWrapper {0} from the free pool for resource {1}.
J2CA1003E: Failed to remove MCWrapper {0} from the shared pool.
J2CA1004E: RAR Bean Validation has been disabled, because the BeanValidationService is unavailable. Validation constraints of RAR JavaBean instances will not be validated before the instances are placed into service.
J2CA1005E: An exception occurred while trying to access the Bean Validation descriptor file {0} : {1}.
J2CA1006E: An exception occurred while attempting to build the ValidatorFactory for a resource adapter having archive path {0} : {1}. Bean Validation has been disabled for resource adapters having the archive path.
J2CA1007E: An exception occurred while ValidatorFactory {0} was attempting to provide a Validator : {1}.
J2CA1008E: An exception occurred while Validator {0} was attempting to validate the RAR JavaBean instance {2} : {1}. Bean Validation constraints will not be validated before placing the instance into service.
J2CA1009E: The number of reserve pools defined by numberOfPoolReserves is {0}. The maximum number of reserve pools allowed is {1}.
J2CA1010E: Connection not available; timed out waiting for {0} seconds.
J2CA1011E: Connection not available; timed out waiting for {0} seconds. Enabling a reserve pool could decrease the number of connection wait timeout exceptions.
J2CA1012E: The JMS Connection Factory creation failed because no JMS Connection Factory JNDI name was supplied.
J2CA1013E: The JMS Destination creation failed because no JMS Destination JNDI name was supplied.
J2CA1014E: The JMS Connection Factory definition contains invalid value {0} for the property interfaceName. Permitted values are javax.jms.ConnectionFactory or javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory or javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory.
J2CA1015E: The JMS Destination definition contains invalid value {0} for the property interfaceName. Permitted values are javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic.
J2CA1145E: Connection pool stuck mode has changed for resource {0}. Stuck mode {1}. Approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery {2} milliseconds. Maximum High/low values {3}/{4}. Connections taking average of {5} milliseconds. Duration values High/low/average {6}/{7}/{8}. Number of stuck switch states {9}.
(Note, includes thread swaps in multithreaded environment).
J2CA1146E: Connection pool stuck mode has changed for resource {0}. Stuck mode {1}. Approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery {2} milliseconds. Maximum High/low values {3}/{4}. Number of stuck switch states {5}.
(Note, includes thread swaps in multithreaded environment).
J2CA1147I: For resource {0}, the remaining stuckQueryDetectionInterval time is {1} milliseconds. The approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery is {2} milliseconds. The duration time could be one of the values, {3}, or the average of these values, {4}. The duration time might exceed {5} milliseconds.
J2CA1148I: For resource {0}, the approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery is {1} milliseconds. The duration time could be one of the values, {2}, or the average of these values, {3}. The duration time might exceed {4} milliseconds.
J2CA1149I: For resource {0}, the approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery is {1} milliseconds, which exceeds {2} milliseconds. If one of the values {3} or the average of the values, {4}, exceeds {5} milliseconds, a stuck mode switch can occur.
J2CA1150I: For resource {0}, the approximate time spent in executeStuckTaskQuery is {1} milliseconds, which exceeds {2} milliseconds. If the value exceeds {3} milliseconds, a stuck mode siwtch can occur.
J2CA1151I: For resource {0}, the stuck connection detector thread is using the property values stuckQueryInterval {1}, stuckQueryTime {2}, stuckQueryAverageInterval {3}, stuckQueryDetectionInterval {4}, stuckConnectionSupportTestOnlyMode {5}, and stuckConnectionSupportExceptionTestOnlyMode {6}.