Examples to migrate to EE Concurrency from Asynchronous beans and CommonJ

You can migrate applications that use Asynchronous beans and CommonJ Timer and Work Manager APIs to use Concurrency Utilities for Java™ EE.

Resources used in the code examples

The code examples on this page assume that the application has injected or looked up the following resources:

@Resource(lookup = "wm/default")
private com.ibm.websphere.asynchbeans.WorkManager abWorkManager;

@Resource(lookup = "wm/default")
private commonj.work.WorkManager cjWorkManager;

private ContextService contextService;

@Resource(name = "java:app/env/jdbc/dsRef")
private DataSource dataSource;

private ManagedScheduledExecutorService executor;

private ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;

@Resource(name = "java:comp/env/tm/default", lookup = "tm/default", shareable = false)
private TimerManager timerManager;

private UserTransaction tran;

Basic task implementation

This section provides some examples of simple task implementations that are used by the other examples throughout the rest of this document. Asynchronous beans require a separate interface, AlarmListener, for tasks that are scheduled to run in the future. CommonJ requires a separate interface, TimerListener, for tasks that are scheduled to run in the future. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE tasks can be Runnable or Callable, and allows either interface to be used regardless of whether a task is submitted to run immediately or scheduled to run in the future. In some cases, it is possible to submit Asynchronous beans or CommonJ Work as a Runnable to a managed executor without any changes. The release method of Work is replaced by the ability of managed executors to cancel and interrupt running threads. The isDaemon method of Work is replaced by the LONGRUNNING_HINT execution property.

Example Work task for both Asynchronous beans and CommonJ that finds the next prime number:

public class PrimeFinderWork implements
    com.ibm.websphere.asynchbeans.Work, commonj.work.Work {
    private long num;
    private volatile boolean released;
    private long result;

    public PrimeFinderWork(long startingValue) {
        num = startingValue;

    public boolean isDaemon() {
        return false;
    public void release() {
        released = true;

    public void run() {
        while (!isPrime(num))
            if (released || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new RuntimeException(new InterruptedException());
        result = num++;

    public long getPrimeNumber() {
        if (result > 0)
            return result;
            throw new IllegalStateException();

Example AlarmListener task for Asynchronous beans that finds the next prime number:

public class PrimeFinderAlarmListener implements AlarmListener {
    private volatile boolean aborted;
    private int count;
    private long num;
    private long result;

    public PrimeFinderAlarmListener(long startingValue) {
        num = startingValue;

    public void abort() {
        aborted = true;

    public void fired(Alarm alarm) {
        while (!isPrime(num))
            if (aborted || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new RuntimeException(new InterruptedException());
        result = num++;
        // optionally reschedule:
        Object delays = alarm.getContext();
        if (delays instanceof Integer)
            alarm.reset((Integer) delays);
        else if (delays instanceof int[] && count < ((int[]) delays).length)
            alarm.reset(((int[]) delays)[count++]);

    public long getPrimeNumber() {
        if (result > 0)
            return result;
            throw new IllegalStateException();

Example TimerListener task for Asynchronous beans that finds the next prime number:

public class PrimeFinderTimerListener implements CancelTimerListener, TimerListener {
    private volatile boolean aborted;
    private int count;
    private final long[] delays;
    private long num;
    private long result;

    public PrimeFinderTimerListener(long startingValue, long... delays) {
        num = startingValue;
        this.delays = delays;

    public void timerCancel(Timer timer) {
        aborted = true;

    public void timerExpired(Timer timer) {
        while (!isPrime(num))
            if (aborted || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new RuntimeException(new InterruptedException());
        result = num++;
        // optionally reschedule:
        if (count < delays.length)
            try { 
                TimerManager timerManager = (TimerManager) new InitialContext().lookup(
                timerManager.schedule(this, delays[count++]);
            } catch (NamingException x) {
                throw new RuntimeException(x);

    public long getPrimeNumber() {
        if (result > 0)
            return result;
            throw new IllegalStateException();

Example of a Runnable task for Concurrency Utilities for Java EE that finds the next prime number:

public class PrimeFinderRunnable implements Runnable {
    private long num;
    private long result;

    public PrimeFinderRunnable(long startingValue) {
        num = startingValue;

    public void run() {
        while (!isPrime(num))
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new RuntimeException(new InterruptedException());
        result = num++;

    public long getPrimeNumber() {
        if (result > 0)
            return result;
            throw new IllegalStateException();

Example of a Callable task for Concurrency Utilities for Java EE that finds the next prime number:

public class PrimeFinderTask implements Callable<Long> {
    private long num;

    public PrimeFinderTask(long startingValue) {
        num = startingValue;

    public Long call() throws InterruptedException {
        while (!isPrime(num))
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                throw new InterruptedException();
        return num++;

Example Work task for Asynchronous beans that perform a basic database insert:

public class DBInsertWorkAB implements Work, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2606824039439594442L;
    private transient Thread executionThread;
    private final String code;
    private final String name;
    private boolean released;
    private volatile int result = -1;

    public DBInsertWorkAB(String code, String name) {
        this.code = code;
        this.name = name;

    public int getResult() {
        return result;

    public synchronized void release() {
        released = true;
        if (executionThread != null)

    public void run() {
	synchronized (this) {
            if (released)
                throw new RuntimeException("Work was canceled");
            executionThread = Thread.currentThread();
        try {
            DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(
            Connection con = ds.getConnection();
            try {
                PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)");
                stmt.setString(1, code);
                stmt.setString(2, name);
                result = stmt.executeUpdate();
            } finally {
        } catch (NamingException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } finally {
            synchronized (this) {
                executionThread = null;

Example AlarmListener task for Asynchronous beans that perform a basic database insert:

public class DBInsertAlarmListener implements AlarmListener {
    private volatile int result = -1;

    public int getResult() {
        return result;

    public void fired(Alarm alarm) {
        String[] alarmContext = (String[]) alarm.getContext();
        try {
            DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(
            Connection con = ds.getConnection();
            try {
                PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)");
                stmt.setString(1, alarmContext[0]);
                stmt.setString(2, alarmContext[1]);
                result = stmt.executeUpdate();
            } finally {
        } catch (NamingException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);

Example Work task for CommonJ that perform a basic database insert:

public class DBInsertWorkCJ implements Work, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8801347489043041978L;
    private transient Thread executionThread;
    private final String code;
    private final String name;
    private boolean isDaemon;
    private boolean released;
    private volatile int result = -1;

    public DBInsertWorkCJ(String code, String name) {
        this.code = code;
        this.name = name;

    public int getResult() {
        return result;

    public boolean isDaemon() {
        return isDaemon;

    public synchronized void release() {
        released = true;
        if (executionThread != null)

    public void run() {
	synchronized (this) {
            if (released)
                throw new RuntimeException("Work was canceled");
            executionThread = Thread.currentThread();
        try {
            DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(
            Connection con = ds.getConnection();
            try {
                PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)");
                stmt.setString(1, code);
                stmt.setString(2, name);
                result = stmt.executeUpdate();
            } finally {
        } catch (NamingException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } finally {
            synchronized (this) {
                executionThread = null;

Example TimerListener task for CommonJ that perform a basic database insert:

public class DBInsertTimerListener implements TimerListener {
    private volatile int result = -1;

    private final String code;
    private final String name;

    public DBInsertTimerListener(String code, String name) {
        this.code = code;
        this.name = name;

    public int getResult() {
        return result;

    public void timerExpired(Timer timer) {
        try {
            DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(
            Connection con = ds.getConnection();
            try {
                PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)");
                stmt.setString(1, code);
                stmt.setString(2, name);
                result = stmt.executeUpdate();
            } finally {
        } catch (NamingException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new RuntimeException(x);

Example Callable task for Concurrency Utilities for Java EE that perform a basic database insert:

public class DBInsertTask implements Callable<Integer>, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5556464104788801400L;
    private final String code;
    private final String name;

    public DBInsertTask(String code, String name) {
        this.code = code;
        this.name = name;

    public Integer call() throws NamingException, SQLException {
        DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup(
        Connection con = ds.getConnection();
        try {
            PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)");
            stmt.setString(1, code);
            stmt.setString(2, name);
            return stmt.executeUpdate();
        } finally {

Submitting a task

All three programming models provide a way to submit a basic task to run on a pooled thread and obtain the result.

Asynchronous beans example:

WorkItem workItem = abWorkManager.startWork(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("DLH", "Duluth International Airport"));
ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(1);
if (abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, TIMEOUT_MS)) {
    DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

CommonJ example:

WorkItem workItem = cjWorkManager.schedule(
    new DBInsertWorkCJ("HIB", "Chisholm-Hibbing Airport"));
if (cjWorkManager.waitForAll(Collections.singletonList(workItem), TIMEOUT_MS)) {
    DBInsertWorkCJ work = (DBInsertWorkCJ) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(
    new DBInsertTask("INL", "Falls International Airport"));
int numUpdates = future.get(TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

More options when submitting a task

When submitting a task, you can optionally assign a listener and start timeout and indicate whether it is expected to run for a long time. The start timeout is only available as a parameter in Asynchronous beans, but for CommonJ and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE a start timeout can be implemented within the WorkListener or ManagedTaskListener.

Asynchronous beans example:

long startTimeout = TIMEOUT_MS;
boolean isLongRunning = true;
WorkItem workItem = abWorkManager.startWork(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("SGS", "South Saint Paul Municipal Airport"),
    new WorkListenerAB(),
ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(1);
if (abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
    DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

CommonJ example:

long startTimeout = TIMEOUT_MS;
boolean isLongRunning = true;
DBInsertWorkCJ work = new DBInsertWorkCJ("STP", "Saint Paul Downtown Airport");
WorkItem workItem = cjWorkManager.schedule(
    work, new WorkListenerCJ(work, startTimeout));
Collection<WorkItem> items = Collections.singleton(workItem);
if (cjWorkManager.waitForAll(items, WorkManager.INDEFINITE)) {
    work = (DBInsertWorkCJ) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

long startTimeout = TIMEOUT_MS;
boolean isLongRunning = true;
Callable<Integer> contextualTask = ManagedExecutors.managedTask(
    new DBInsertTask("LVN", "Airlake Airport"),
    new TaskListener(startTimeout));
Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(contextualTask);
int numUpdates = future.get();

Awaiting completion of a group of tasks

All three programming models provide ways to wait for a group of tasks to complete. The following examples specify a maximum amount of time to wait. It is possible to wait indefinitely or to use Concurrency Utilities for Java EE to run get sequentially on the future variables.

ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(3);
    new DBInsertWorkAB("COQ", "Cloquet/Carlton County Airport")));
    new DBInsertWorkAB("CQM", "Cook Municipal Airport")));
    new DBInsertWorkAB("CKN", "Crookston Municipal Airport")));
boolean allCompleted = abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, TIMEOUT_MS);
int numUpdates = 0;
for (WorkItem workItem : items) {
    if (workItem.getStatus() == WorkEvent.WORK_COMPLETED) {
        DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
        numUpdates += work.getResult();
    } else
        ((Work) workItem.getEventTrigger(Work.class)).release();

CommonJ example:

List<DBInsertWorkCJ> workList = Arrays.asList(
    new DBInsertWorkCJ("DTL", "Detroit Lakes Airport"),
    new DBInsertWorkCJ("TOB", "Dodge Center Airport"),
    new DBInsertWorkCJ("DYT", "Sky Harbor Airport"));
List<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(workList.size());
for (DBInsertWorkCJ work : workList)
boolean allCompleted = cjWorkManager.waitForAll(items, TIMEOUT_MS);
int numUpdates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
    WorkItem workItem = items.get(i); 
    if (workItem.getStatus() == WorkEvent.WORK_COMPLETED) {
        DBInsertWorkCJ work = (DBInsertWorkCJ) workItem.getResult();
        numUpdates += work.getResult();
    } else

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

List<DBInsertTask> tasks = Arrays.asList(
    new DBInsertTask("CFE", "Buffalo Municipal Airport"),
    new DBInsertTask("CHU", "Caledonia-Houston County Airport"),
    new DBInsertTask("CBG", "Cambridge Municipal Airport"));
int numUpdates = 0;
List<Future<Integer>> futures = executor.invokeAll(tasks, TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
for (Future<Integer> future : futures)
    numUpdates += future.get();

Awaiting completion of a single task within a group

All three programming models provide ways to wait for a single task within a group to complete. The following examples specify a maximum amount of time to wait, but it is also possible to wait indefinitely.

Asynchronous beans example:

ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(3);
items.add(abWorkManager.startWork(new PrimeFinderWork(20)));
items.add(abWorkManager.startWork(new PrimeFinderWork(50)));
items.add(abWorkManager.startWork(new PrimeFinderWork(80)));
boolean anyCompleted = abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_OR, TIMEOUT_MS);
long prime = -1;
for (WorkItem workItem : items) {
    if (workItem.getStatus() == WorkEvent.WORK_COMPLETED) {
        PrimeFinderWork work = (PrimeFinderWork) workItem.getResult();
        prime = work.getPrimeNumber();
    } else
        ((Work) workItem.getEventTrigger(Work.class)).release();

CommonJ example:

List<PrimeFinderWork> workList = Arrays.asList(
    new PrimeFinderWork(20),
    new PrimeFinderWork(50),
    new PrimeFinderWork(80));
List<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(workList.size());
for (PrimeFinderWork work : workList)
Collection<WorkItem> completedItems = cjWorkManager.waitForAny(items, TIMEOUT_MS);
long prime = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
    WorkItem workItem = items.get(i);
    if (completedItems.contains(workItem)) {
        PrimeFinderWork work = (PrimeFinderWork) workItem.getResult();
        prime = work.getPrimeNumber();
    } else

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

List<PrimeFinderTask> tasks = Arrays.asList(
    new PrimeFinderTask(20),
    new PrimeFinderTask(50),
    new PrimeFinderTask(80));
long prime = executor.invokeAny(tasks, TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Obtaining the cause exception when a task fails

All three programming models provide ways to obtain the cause exception when task execution fails. This can be done with listeners (examples can be found later on this page) or when obtaining the task result, either from the WorkItem or Future. WorkException or ExecutionException is raised, containing the original exception as the cause.

Asynchronous beans example:

boolean isLongRunning = false;
WorkItem workItem = abWorkManager.startWork(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("KADC", "Wadena Municipal Airport"),
Throwable exception = null;
ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(1);
if (abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, TIMEOUT_MS))
    try {
        DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
        int numUpdates = work.getResult();
    } catch (WorkException x) {
        exception = x.getCause();

CommonJ example:

boolean isLongRunning = false;
DBInsertWorkCJ work = new DBInsertWorkCJ("KBDH", "Willmar Municipal Airport");
WorkItem workItem = cjWorkManager.schedule(work);
Throwable exception = null;
if (cjWorkManager.waitForAll(Collections.singleton(workItem), TIMEOUT_MS))
    try {
        work = (DBInsertWorkCJ) workItem.getResult();
        int numUpdates = work.getResult();
    } catch (WorkException x) {
        exception = x.getCause();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

boolean isLongRunning = false;
Callable<Integer> task = ManagedExecutors.managedTask(
    new DBInsertTask("KACQ", "Waseca Municipal Airport"),
Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(task);
Throwable exception = null;
try {
    int numUpdates = future.get(TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (ExecutionException x) {
    exception = x.getCause();

Scheduling a one-time task to run after an interval

All three programming models provide a way to schedule a basic task to run on a pooled thread at some point in the future and obtain the result.

Asynchronous beans example:

AsynchScope asynchScope = abWorkManager.findOrCreateAsynchScope("MyScope");
AlarmManager alarmManager = asynchScope.getAlarmManager();
Alarm alarm = alarmManager.create(
    new DBInsertAlarmListener(),
    new String[] { "MSP", "Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport"},
    (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1));
DBInsertAlarmListener alarmListener = (DBInsertAlarmListener) alarm.getAlarmListener();
// Poll for result to appear
for (long start = System.nanoTime();
    alarmListener.getResult() < 0 && System.nanoTime() - start < TIMEOUT_NS;
    Thread.sleep(200)) ;
int numUpdates = alarmListener.getResult();

CommonJ example:

Timer timer = timerManager.schedule(
    new DBInsertTimerListener("STC", "Saint Cloud Regional Airport"),
DBInsertTimerListener timerListener = (DBInsertTimerListener) timer.getTimerListener();
// Poll for result to appear
for (long start = System.nanoTime();
    timerListener.getResult() < 0 && System.nanoTime() - start < TIMEOUT_NS;
    Thread.sleep(200)) ;
int numUpdates = timerListener.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

ScheduledFuture<Integer> future = executor.schedule(
    new DBInsertTask("RST", "Rochester International Airport"),
int numUpdates = future.get(TIMEOUT_NS, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

Scheduling a repeating task at a fixed rate and querying for the interval until next execution

CommonJ and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE programming models provide a way to schedule a repeating task to run at a fixed rate (for example, every hour at the beginning of the hour). Real-time scheduling is not guaranteed. The task can start at any point after this time, but no sooner. CommonJ and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE programming models also provide a convenience method to compute the delay until the next execution.

CommonJ example:

Timer timer = timerManager.scheduleAtFixedRate(
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(120),
long nextExecTime = timer.getScheduledExecutionTime();
long delay = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(
    nextExecTime - System.currentTimeMillis());

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

ScheduledFuture<?> future = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(
    new PrimeFinderRunnable(120), 90, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
long delay = future.getDelay(TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Scheduling a repeating task with a fixed delay between executions and canceling the task

CommonJ and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE programming models provide a way to schedule a repeating task to run with a fixed interval between the end of one execution and the start of the next. Real-time scheduling is not guaranteed. The task can start at any point after this time, but no sooner. Asynchronous beans provide a reset method on Alarm that can be used to achieve this same behavior. All three programming models provide a way to cancel further executions of a scheduled task from starting.

Asynchronous beans example:

AsynchScope asynchScope = abWorkManager.findOrCreateAsynchScope("MyScope");
AlarmManager alarmManager = asynchScope.getAlarmManager();
Alarm alarm = alarmManager.create(
    new PrimeFinderAlarmListener(90), 50, 10);
// ... eventually cancel the alarm

CommonJ example:

Timer timer = timerManager.schedule(
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(90), 50, 50);
// ... eventually cancel the timer

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

ScheduledFuture<?> future = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
    new PrimeFinderRunnable(90), 50, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// ... eventually cancel the task

Scheduling a repeating task to run at varying intervals

It is possible in all three programming models to compute with each execution the interval after which a repeating task next repeats. Asynchronous beans provide a reset method for alarms. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE allow you to plug in a Trigger that computes next execution time. CommonJ doesn't provide either of these, but it is possible in CommonJ and other programming models, to reschedule the task as the previous execution completes. In the following examples, a task is scheduled to run exactly four times, with a different delay before each execution. The code to reset, reschedule, or compute the next execution is found within the Trigger included in this section and the AlarmListener and TimerListener implementations, which are included under Basic task implementationsection.

Asynchronous beans example:

int initialDelay = 50;
int[] subsequentDelays = new int[] { 40, 80, 70 };
AsynchScope asynchScope = abWorkManager.findOrCreateAsynchScope("MyScope");
AlarmManager alarmManager = asynchScope.getAlarmManager();
Alarm alarm = alarmManager.create(
    new PrimeFinderAlarmListener(60),
PrimeFinderAlarmListener alarmListener =
    (PrimeFinderAlarmListener) alarm.getAlarmListener();
long prime = alarmListener.getPrimeNumber();

CommonJ example:

long initialDelay = 50;
long [] subsequentDelays = new long[] { 40, 80, 70 };
Timer timer = timerManager.schedule(
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(60, subsequentDelays),
PrimeFinderTimerListener timerListener = (PrimeFinderTimerListener) timer.getTimerListener();
long prime = timerListener.getPrimeNumber();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

ScheduledFuture<Long> future = executor.schedule(
    new PrimeFinderTask(60),
    new DelayTrigger(50, 40, 80, 70));
long prime = future.get();

public class DelayTrigger implements Trigger {
    private int count;
    private long[] delays;
    volatile boolean isSuspended;

    public DelayTrigger(long... delays) {
        this.delays = delays;

    public Date getNextRunTime(LastExecution previousExecution, Date taskScheduledTime) {
        if (delays.length > count)
            return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + delays[count++]);
            return null;

    public boolean skipRun(LastExecution previousExecution, Date scheduledRunTime) {
        return isSuspended;

Suspending and resuming execution of tasks

CommonJ TimerManager provides interfaces to suspend and resume the execution of tasks. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE provide this ability on a more granular basis through the skipRun method of the pluggable Trigger mechanism. A single Trigger instance can be supplied to any number of tasks, provided the Trigger is implemented to support this. In the following example, the Trigger is written to be used for the scheduling of a single task.

CommonJ example:

Timer timer = timerManager.schedule(
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(100),
    new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(5)));
// ... resume at a later point
if (timerManager.isSuspending() || timerManager.isSuspended())

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

DelayTrigger trigger = new DelayTrigger(
    System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(5));
ScheduledFuture<Long> future = executor.schedule(
    new PrimeFinderTask(100), trigger);
trigger.isSuspended = true;
// ... resume at a later point
if (trigger.isSuspended)
    trigger.isSuspended = false;

Stopping further execution of tasks

Asynchronous beans provide a way to destroy the AsynchScope, which cancels all alarms created by the AlarmManagers in that scope. CommonJ TimerManager provides interfaces to stop further executions from starting and wait for all running tasks to stop. This is possible because each lookup of a TimerManager produces a new instance, which can stop independently of others. In Concurrency Utilities for Java EE, the same ManagedScheduledExecutorService is shared across lookups and lifecycle operations like shutdown, isTerminated and awaitTermination are not allowed(per spec). However, with Concurrency Utilities for Java EE, you can achieve a similar behavior by supplying a ManagedThreadFactory to an unmanaged ScheduledExecutorService.

Asynchronous beans example:

    new PrimeFinderAlarmListener(100),
    (int) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1));
    new PrimeFinderAlarmListener(200),
    (int) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(2));
// ... eventually destroy the asynch scope to cancel all alarms

CommonJ example:

TimerManager timerManager = (TimerManager) new InitialContext().lookup(
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(100),
    new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1)));
    new PrimeFinderTimerListener(200),
    new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(2)));
// ... eventually stop the timer manager
if (!timerManager.isStopped())

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

ScheduledExecutorService executor =
    Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, threadFactory);
executor.schedule(new PrimeFinderTask(100), 1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
executor.schedule(new PrimeFinderTask(200), 2, TimeUnit.HOURS);
// .. eventually shut down the executor
if (!executor.isTerminated())
    executor.awaitTermination(TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Constructing contextual proxies

Asynchronous beans and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE programming models allow you to construct contextual proxies. Thread context is captured from the thread that creates the contextual proxy and is stored within it, being applied automatically to the thread of execution when interface methods are invoked on the proxy and being removed from the thread of execution afterward. Asynchronous beans provide this through the EventSource. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE provide this through the ContextService.

Asynchronous beans example:

EventSource eventSource = abWorkManager.createEventSource();
eventSource.addListener(new DBWriterImpl());
DBWriter dbWriter = (DBWriter) eventSource.getEventTrigger(DBWriter.class);
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
int numUpdates = dbWriter.exec(
    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)", "AIT", "Aitkin Municipal Airport");

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

DBWriter dbWriter = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new DBWriterImpl(), DBWriter.class);
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
int numUpdates = dbWriter.exec(
    "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)", "AXN", "Alexandria Municipal Airport");

Constructing contextual proxies for multiple instances running in the transaction of the thread of execution

Asynchronous beans and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE both enable you to specify whether interface methods of the context proxy are run in the transaction of the thread of execution, or whether the current transaction is suspended and a clean transaction context is applied during the method. Another capability of Asynchronous beans is that it allows multiple listener instances to be triggered by a single proxy. However, Concurrency Utilities for Java EE lack this capability and analogous behavior can be achieved by writing a wrapper listener that delegates to multiple instances. The following example invokes a single proxy that triggers multiple listener instances, all under the transaction of the invoking thread.

Asynchronous beans example:

boolean runInSameTran = true;
EventSource eventSource = abWorkManager.createEventSource();
eventSource.addListener(new DBInsertTask("MKT", "Mankato Regional Airport"));
eventSource.addListener(new DBInsertTask("ULM", "New Ulm Municipal Airport"));
eventSource.addListener(new DBInsertTask("OWA", "Owatonna Degner Regional Airport"));
Callable<?> eventTrigger = (Callable<?>) eventSource.getEventTrigger(
    Callable.class, runInSameTran);
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
try {
} finally {

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

Callable<?> eventTrigger = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new Callable<Void>() {
        public Void call() throws Exception {
            new DBInsertTask("FFM", "Fergus Falls Municipal Airport").call();
            new DBInsertTask("ONA", "Winona Municipal Airport").call();
            new DBInsertTask("OTG", "Worthington Municipal Airport").call();
            return null;
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
try {
} finally {

Creating contextual tasks for deferred execution on the invoking thread

Asynchronous beans allow you to create WorkWithExecutionContext, which is essentially a serializable contextual proxy for a task, which can be later submitted to a WorkManager to run under the thread context of the creating thread. If the intention is to run on the invoking thread (doWork method of WorkManager), a contextual proxy can accomplish the analogous behavior in Concurrency Utilities for Java EE.

Asynchronous beans example:

WorkWithExecutionContext contextualWork = abWorkManager.create(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("BJI", "Bemidji Regional Airport"));
// Can run the contextual work on any thread...
DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) contextualWork.getWork();
int numUpdates = work.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

Callable<Integer> contextualTask = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new DBInsertTask("BRD", "Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport"),
// Can run the contextual proxy on any thread...
int numUpdates = contextualTask.call();

Creating contextual tasks for deferred execution on a pooled thread

Asynchronous beans allow you to create WorkWithExecutionContext, which is essentially a serializable contextual proxy for a task, which can be later submitted to a WorkManager to run under the thread context of the creating thread. If the intention is to run on a pooled thread (startWork method of WorkManager), analogous behavior can be accomplished in Concurrency Utilities for Java EE by submitting a contextual proxy for a task to a managed executor, which is less efficient due to duplication of thread context capture and propagation.

Asynchronous beans example:

WorkWithExecutionContext contextualWork = abWorkManager.create(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("ELO", "Ely Municipal Airport"));
WorkItem workItem = abWorkManager.startWork(contextualWork);
ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(1);
if (abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, TIMEOUT_MS)) {
    DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

Callable<Integer> contextualTask = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new DBInsertTask("EVM", "Eveleth-Virginia Municipal Airport"),
Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(contextualTask);
int numUpdates = future.get(TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

More options for contextual tasks for deferred execution

When submitting a task for deferred execution, you can optionally assign a listener and start timeout and indicate whether it is expected to run for a long time. The start timeout is only available as a parameter in Asynchronous beans, but for CommonJ and Concurrency Utilities for Java EE a start timeout can be implemented within the WorkListener or ManagedTaskListener.

Asynchronous beans example:

long startTimeout = TIMEOUT_MS;
boolean isLongRunning = true;
WorkWithExecutionContext contextualWork = abWorkManager.create(
    new DBInsertWorkAB("FRM", "Fairmont Municipal Airport"));
WorkItem workItem = abWorkManager.startWork(
    contextualWork, startTimeout, new WorkListenerAB(), isLongRunning);
ArrayList<WorkItem> items = new ArrayList<WorkItem>(1);
if (abWorkManager.join(items, WorkManager.JOIN_AND, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
    DBInsertWorkAB work = (DBInsertWorkAB) workItem.getResult();
    int numUpdates = work.getResult();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

long startTimeout = TIMEOUT_MS;
boolean isLongRunning = true;
Callable<Integer> contextualTask = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new DBInsertTask("FBL", "Faribault Municipal Airport"),
contextualTask = ManagedExecutors.managedTask(
    new TaskListener(startTimeout));
Future<Integer> future = executor.submit(contextualTask);
int numUpdates = future.get();

Subsystem Monitoring

Asynchronous beans provide the SubsystemMonitor and SubsystemMonitorManager as a mechanism to coordinate across applications or other artifacts to monitor availability. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE do not provide any equivalent. If a replacement for this capability is needed, you can do so by implementing an application that is known to all other applications that acts as the equivalent of the SubsystemMonitorManager.

Event handling

Asynchronous beans provide the ability to register listeners for various types of events that occur on AlarmManager, AsynchScope, EventSource, SubsystemMonitor, WorkManager, and Work. Most of these events do not have any direct equivalent in Concurrency Utilities for Java EE. The responsibility belongs to applications to implement their own mechanisms for events and notifications. In a couple of cases, Concurrency Utilities for Java EE provide similar capability. In some cases, you might be able to use ManagedTaskListener, which is registered on a more granular basis (when submitting the task) in place of AlarmManagerEvents and WorkEvents.

Event handling for failure that occurs during invocation of a contextual proxy

In Asynchronous beans, when a contextual proxy is used to invoke an operation and the operation raises a declared exception, the exception is not reported back to the invoker. Instead, the exception is reported on the listenerExceptionThrown event to EventSourceEvents listeners. In Concurrency Utilities for Java EE, the invoker can catch the exception and handle it.

Asynchronous beans example:

EventSource eventSource = abWorkManager.createEventSource();
eventSource.addListener(new DBWriterImpl());
eventSource.addListener(new EventSourceEvents() {
    public void listenerCountChanged(
        EventSource es, int oldCount, int newCount) {}

    public void listenerExceptionThrown(
        EventSource es, Object listener,
        String methodName, Throwable exception) {

    public void unexpectedException(
        EventSource es, Object runnable, Throwable exception) {}
DBWriter dbWriter = (DBWriter) eventSource.getEventTrigger(DBWriter.class);
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
try {
        "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)", "KAUM", "Austin Municipal Airport");
} catch (Exception x) {
    // expecting this to fail
Throwable exception = listenerException.get();

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE example:

DBWriter dbWriter = contextService.createContextualProxy(
    new DBWriterImpl(), DBWriter.class);
// Can invoke interface methods from any thread...
SQLException exception = null;
try {
        "INSERT INTO AIRPORTS VALUES(?,?)", "KSBU", "Blue Earth Municipal Airport");
} catch (SQLException x) {
    exception = x;