Video: How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console?

The following transcript is for the How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console? video, which describes how to install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. This transcript is the video storyboard. Audio describes narration and captions. Onscreen Action describes the content that is shown in the video.

Video How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console?

Table 1. How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console?. Show title and then describe how to install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
Scene Audio Onscreen Action
1 Question: How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console? Show title, How do I install the Snoop servlet with the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console?.

Log in to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

The Snoop application can be installed on any WebSphere application in your environment. For the purposes of the video, we will be using server1.

Show the user how to log in to the administrative console.

Click Servers.

Click Server Types.

Click WebSphere application servers.

Ensure that the target WebSphere Application Server is in a running state.

Click Applications.

Click New Application.

Click Servers in the navigation menu.

Click Server Types.

Click WebSphere application servers.

Show user how to ensure that the target WebSphere Application Server is in a running state.

Click Applications.

Click New Application.


Click New Enterprise Application.

On the next page click New Enterprise Application.


Click Choose File.

The default location for the application is under the installableApps directory, which is under the WebSphere Application Server installation directory.

Click Choose File.

The default location for the application is under the installableApps directory, which is under the WebSphere Application Server installation directory.


Double-click DefaultApplication.ear.

Click Next.

Show the user how to choose the DefaultApplication.ear file by double-clicking it.

Click Next.


Click Next.

You are prompted to select how you want to install the application. Fast Path is selected by default.

Click Next.


Click Next.

A summary page appears.

Click Next.


Click Next.

Map modules to servers page appears.

Click Next.


Click Finish.

Click Finish on the summary page.


The highlighted text indicates that the application was installed successfully.

Click Save.

Show the user the highlighted text, which indicates that the application was installed successfully.

Click Save.


Click System Administration.

Click Nodes.

Ensure that the node is synchronized with the deployment manager. If not, click the refresh icon to refresh the status of the node.

Click System Administration from the navigation menu.

Click Nodes.

Ensure that the node is synchronized with the deployment manager. If not, click the refresh icon to refresh the status of the node.


Click All applications.

Check this Box.

Make sure that the start option is selected.

Click Submit Action.

This message appears if the start operation was successful.

Click All applications in the navigation menu.

Check the Box next to the DefaultApplication.ear file.

Make sure that the start option is selected from the drop-down menu under Action.

Click Submit Action.

A message appears if the start operation was successful.


Click WebSphere application servers.

Click your server.

Click WebSphere application servers in the navigation menu.

Click your server.


Click Ports.

Click wc_defaulthost.

If application security is enabled, use the wc_defaulthost_secure port.

Click Ports on the navigation menu.

Click wc_defaulthost.

Note: If application security is enabled, use the wc_defaulthost_secure port.

Your port number for the application is listed here.

Open a new tab in your web browser.

Enter http://hostname:portnumber/snoop

If application security is enabled, ensure to use https instead of http.

Show user where the port number for the application is listed.

Show the user how to open a new tab in the web browser.

Enter http://hostname:portnumber/snoop

Note: If application security is enabled, ensure to use https instead of http.

If this page appears, then Snoop was successfully installed on your WebSphere Application Server.

A page appears to confirm that Snoop was successfully installed on your WebSphere Application Server. Show user the page.