genVersionReport command

The genVersionReport command uses the versionInfo command to generate the versionReport.html report file in the current working directory, which is usually the bin directory. The report includes a list of installed fix packs and interim fixes.

Product version information

The versionInfo tool displays important data about the product, such as the build version and build date. This tool is particularly useful when working with support personnel to determine the cause of any problem.

Product version reports:

The following report-generation scripts display installed product information:
  • versionInfo command

    Use the versionInfo command to specify your own report parameters when creating a customized version report.

  • genVersionReport command

    Use the genVersionReport command to generate the versionReport.html report file in the current working directory, which is usually the bin directory. The report includes the list of fix packs and interim fixes.

Location of the command file

[IBM i]app_server_root/bin/genVersionReport



Syntax for the genVersionReport command

The command syntax is:

[IBM i]

Issue the command from the bin directory of the app_server_root directory.

Report description

The versionInfo command reports the following information:

Installation information

Displays the following general information about the current installation:
  • Report date and time - The date and time that the report was generated. The timestamp is formatted according to the current locale.
  • Product Directory - The file path to the installation root directory defined by the WAS_HOME environment variable.
  • Version Directory - The file path of the version directory of the current IBM® WebSphere® Application Server - ND installation.
  • DTD Directory - The file path of the DTD directory of the current IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND installation.
  • Log Directory - The file path of the log directory of the current IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND installation. The fix pack and interim fix log files are in the directory.

Product list information

Displays a list of installed WebSphere products:
  • Product ID - The product ID of the installed product.
  • Status - The status of the product, either installed or uninstalled.

Installed product information

This information and the other information descriptions are hierarchical for each installed product, installed fix packs and interim fixes, and included APARs.

This section of the report displays the following information:
  • Name - The name of the installed product.
  • Version - The current version of the product. Installing or uninstalling fix packs or refresh packs modifies this version.
  • ID - The product ID of the product installed, such as BASE, BASETRIAL, ND, EXPRESS, EXPRESSTRIAL, embeddedEXPRESS, IHS, XD, PLG, or CLIENT.
  • Build Level - The build level of the installed product.
  • Build Date - The build date of the installed product.
  • Architecture - The architecture of the installed product.
  • Installed Features - The features installed on the product.

Installed fix pack information

Displays the general fix pack information:
  • Product ID - The ID of the product that this fix pack is for.
  • Version - The version of this fix pack.
  • Installation Manager Offering ID - The ID of offering or product installed using Installation Manager.
  • Build Level - The build level of this fix pack.
  • Build Date - The build date of this fix pack.
Installed interim fix information
Displays the general interim fix information:
  • Interim Fix ID - The ID of this interim fix.
  • Product ID - The ID of the product that this interim fix is for.
  • Applicable Level - The level of the fix pack on which this interim fix is built.
  • Installation Manager Offering ID - The ID of offering or product installed using Installation Manager.
  • Build Level - The build level of this interim fix.
  • Build Date - The build date of this interim fix.
Included APARs information

Displays the list of APARs fixed by this fix pack or interim fix.

[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][z/OS]

Sample genVersionReport report

When the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product has no interim fixes or fix packs applied, the genVersionReport script creates the following information in the versionReport.html report file.

On a Windows system, the report might resemble the following example:
IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time April 7, 2010 12:19:43 PM EDT

Product Directory        G:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer_v85__nd
Version Directory        G:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer_v85__nd\properties\version
DTD Directory            G:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer_v85__nd\properties\version\dtd
Log Directory            C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs

Product List
ND                       installed

Installed Product
Name                  IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND
ID                    ND
Build Level 
Build Date            2010-10-24 03:30:00-0400
Architecture          Intel (32 bit)
Installed Features    Non-English language packages for the application server runtime environment
                      Sample applications

End Installation Status Report