Enabling and disabling Java 2 security using scripting
You can enable or disable Java™ 2 security with scripting and the wsadmin tool.
About this task
There are two ways to enable or disable Java 2 security. You can use the commands for the AdminConfig object, or you can use the setAdminActiveSecuritySettings command for the AdminTask object.
Use the setAdminActiveSecuritySettings command for the AdminTask object to enable or disable
Java 2
- Launch the wsadmin scripting tool using the Jython scripting language. See the Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.
Use the getActiveSecuritySettings command to display the current security settings, including
custom properties for global security, as the following example demonstrates:
- Using Jacl:
$AdminTask getActiveSecuritySettings
- Using Jython:
- Using Jacl:
Use the setAdminActiveSecuritySettings command to enable or disable Java 2 security.
The following examples enable Java 2 security:
- Using
$AdminTask setAdminActiveSecuritySettings {-enforceJava2Security true}
- Using Jython:
AdminTask.setAdminActiveSecuritySettings('-enforceJava2Security true')
The following examples disable Java 2 security:- Using
$AdminTask setAdminActiveSecuritySettings {-enforceJava2Security false}
- Using Jython:
AdminTask.setAdminActiveSecuritySettings('-enforceJava2Security false')
- Using
Save the configuration changes.
Use the following command example to save your configuration changes:
Synchronize the node.
Use the syncActiveNode or syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.
- Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each
node in the cell, as the following example demonstrates:
- Use the syncNode script to propagate the changes to a specific
node, as the following example demonstrates:
- Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each
node in the cell, as the following example demonstrates:
Use the AdminConfig object to enable Java 2 security.
- Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
Identify the security configuration object and assign it to the security variable, as the
following example demonstrates:
Using Jacl:
set security [$AdminConfig list Security]
Using Jython:
security = AdminConfig.list('Security') print security
Example output:(cells/mycell|security.xml#Security_1)
Modify the enforceJava2Security attribute to enable or disable Java 2 security, as the following
examples demonstrates:
To enable Java 2 security:
Using Jacl:
$AdminConfig modify $security {{enforceJava2Security true}}
Using Jython:
AdminConfig.modify(security, [['enforceJava2Security', 'true']])
To disable Java 2 security:
Using Jacl:
$AdminConfig modify $security {{enforceJava2Security false}}
Using Jython:
AdminConfig.modify(security, [['enforceJava2Security', 'false']])
Save the configuration changes.
Use the following command example to save your configuration changes:
Synchronize the node.
Use the syncActiveNode or syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.
- Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each
node in the cell, as the following example demonstrates:
- Use the syncNode script to propagate the changes to a specific
node, as the following example demonstrates:
- Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each
node in the cell, as the following example demonstrates: