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copyright: years: 2018 lastupdated: "2018-10-25"


Message: CWSTS0001I: Voice Gateway Text to Speech Adapter version = {{ version }}
Explanation: The version of the Voice Gateway Text to Speech Adapter
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0002I: The Text To Speech Adapter is available and listening on the following port: {{ port }}
Explanation: The Text To Speech Adapter is available to receive speech synthesis requests on the specified port.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0003I: Received a request to start a speech synthesis session.
Explanation: The Text To Speech Adapter received a request to start a speech synthesis session to synthesize text as audio
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0004I: The speech synthesis session started.
Explanation: The Text To Speech Adapter successfully opened a speech synthesis session with the third-party speech synthesis service.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0005I: The speech synthesis session ended.
Explanation: The speech synthesis session with the third-party speech synthesis service ended.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0007I: This product is licensed for development use. The full license terms can be viewed here: Voice Gateway v1.0.0.6
Explanation: Trace only generated on non-production enabled containers.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSTS0030W: Received an unauthorized HTTP request from the address = {{ address }}.
Explanation: This warning occurs when basic authentication is enabled on the Text To Speech adapter and an incoming HTTP request is not authorized.
User Action: Verify that the Text To Speech adapter is configured correctly. If the configuration is correct, unexpected HTTP requests might indicate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Message: CWSTS0050E: The connection to the {{ speechToTextAPIName }} service closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}
Explanation: The connection between the Text To Speech Adapter and the specified third-party speech synthesis service closed because of the specified error.
User Action: For more information about the error, see the documentation for the specified speech synthesis service.

Message: CWSTS0051E: Failed to load SSL/TLS configuration because of the following reason: {{ errorMsg }}
Explanation: Failed to load a SSL/TLS file, this usually means a specified file was not found
User Action: Verify the path to the SSL/TLS configuration file is valid.