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Sip Orchestrator - CWSGW

Message: CWSGW0001I: The Voice Gateway is available for calls.
Explanation: Voice Gateway started and can now accept calls.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0002I: The call to the Voice Gateway was established. sessionID = {0} SIP Call-ID = {1} Conversation ID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: A SIP call to the Voice Gateway was established.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0003I: The call to the Voice Gateway disconnected for the following reason = {0} sessionID = {1} Length of call = {2} ms tenantID = {3}
Explanation: The SIP call to the Voice Gateway disconnected for the specified reason.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0004I: A request to the Conversation service took {0} ms to complete, which exceeds the latency threshold of {1} ms. Method = {2} sessionID = {3}
Explanation: A call to the Conversation API was not returned within the defined latency reporting threshold.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0005I: A call to the {0} plug-in took {1} ms to complete, which exceeds the latency threshold of {2} ms. Type = {3} sessionID = {4}
Explanation: A call to a plug-in was not returned within the defined latency reporting threshold.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0006I: A call to the Media Relay took {0} ms to complete, which exceeds the latency threshold of {1} ms. Field = {2}. sessionID = {3}
Explanation: A call made to the relay took a long time to complete.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0008I: Transcription to the caller. sessionID = {0} Transcription = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The transcription of the audio to the caller.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0010I: Transcription from the caller. sessionID = {0} Transcription = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The transcription of the audio from the caller after.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0011I: A call to the Voice Gateway is starting ... SIP Call-ID = {0} sessionID = {1} SIP To URI = {2} SIP From URI = {3} tenantID = {4}
Explanation: The Voice Gateway received a SIP INVITE request, so a call is starting.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0012I: The transaction to play text as audio completed. sessionID = {0} transactionID = {1} Barge-in occurred = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: Indicates a 'play text' transaction has been completed.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0013I: Voice Gateway SIP Orchestrator version = {0}
Explanation: The version of the Voice Gateway SIP Orchestrator.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0014I: This product is licensed for development use. The full license terms can be viewed here: Voice Gateway
Explanation: Trace only generated on non-production enabled containers.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0030W: The call to the Voice Gateway failed because of an error communicating with the Media Relay. sessionID = {0} Reason = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when communicating with the Media Relay.
User Action: Check the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0031W: The call to Voice Gateway failed because of an error communicating with the Conversation service at the following endpoint URL = {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will try to transfer the call. sessionID = {1} Reason = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to communicate with the Conversation service. The Voice Gateway will try to transfer the call.
User Action: Check for other messages in the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0032W: The custom SIP session header ({0}) does not exist in the SIP message. The SIP Call-ID will be used as the session ID.
Explanation: A SIP header to use as the global session ID is either not configured in the SIP Orchestrator environment variables or cannot be found in the incoming INVITE request. The Call-ID will be used as the session ID in all audit messages and in the cgwSessionID state variable.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0033W: One or more unexpected SIP INVITE requests were received, indicating either a problem in the configuration or a DoS attack. SIP From URI = {0} SIP To URI = {1} Number of occurrences = {2}
Explanation: A call was received from an endpoint that could not be found in the configuration.
User Action: Verify that the Voice Gateway is configured correctly. If the configuration is correct, unexpected SIP INVITE requests might indicate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Message: CWSGW0034W: The configured transfer target {0} is not in a valid format. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The transfer target value must be a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI.
User Action: Verify that the target is a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI. For information about valid formats, see RFC 3515, section 2.1.

Message: CWSGW0035W: The configured expiration interval ({0}) is not valid, so the default expiration interval will be used. tenantID = {1}
Explanation: The expiration interval value that was received from the Conversation service is not in the correct format.
User Action: For information about how to define the expiration interval, see the documentation about setting state variables for the Conversation service.

Message: CWSGW0070E: The call disconnected because of an unknown error in the Media Relay. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred in the Media Relay that caused the call to disconnect.
User Action: To find possible causes, see the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0071E: The connection to the Media Relay closed for the following reason = {0} sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The connection to the Media Relay was closed.
User Action: For more information, see the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0072E: The connection to the Media Relay encountered the following error = {0} sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The connection to the Media Relay was disrupted.
User Action: For more information, see the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0073E: The connection to the Media Relay could not be established. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator failed to establish a connection with the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see other messages in the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0074E: The call transfer failed for the following reason = {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An attempt to transfer a call has failed.
User Action: To find the source of the error, analyze other messages in the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0075E: The call will be disconnected because a call transfer was requested, but no target is defined. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: An attempt to transfer the call failed because no target for the transfer was provided.
User Action: Verify that the default transfer target is either configured in the Voice Gateway or is provided through the Conversation service.

Message: CWSGW0076E: An unknown internal Voice Gateway error occurred. sessionID = {0}
Explanation: The Media Relay returned an error.
User Action: To find possible causes, see the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0077I: Initiating a call transfer to {0} for the following reason = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: A call transfer was initiated to the specified target.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0078W: The call to Voice Gateway failed because of an error communicating with the Conversation service at the following endpoint URL = {0} sessionID = {1} Reason = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: The call could not be started because the Conversation service could not be reached at the configured endpoint URL.
User Action: Verify that the Conversation service endpoint URL is defined correctly in the SIP Orchestrator.

Message: CWSGW0079I: The Conversation service asked to transfer the call. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: One of the Conversation service APIs triggered the service to transfer the call.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0081W: The call cannot be redirected because the configured transfer target ({0}) is not a valid format. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The transfer target value must be a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI.
User Action: Verify that the target is a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI. For information about valid formats, see RFC 3515, section 2.1.

Message: CWSGW0082E: An error occurred in the Conversation service: {0}
Explanation: An error occurred in the Conversation service.
User Action: For more information, see other messages in the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0083W: The {0} environment variable is set to {1}, which is not a valid value.
Explanation: The specified environment variable is not in the correct format.
User Action: For information about how to define the specified environment variable, see the documentation about setting the environment variables.

Message: CWSGW0084I: The health monitor task for the Media Relay was initialized.
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator initialized the health monitor task for the Media Relay.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0085W: The health monitor task could not connect to the Media Relay for the following reason: {0}.
Explanation: An error occurred when the health monitor task attempted to communicate with the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0086W: The tenant URI or phone number is not defined in the {0} multi-tenant configuration file.
Explanation: A defined tenant URI or phone number does not exist in the configuration file.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0087W: The multi-tenant configuration file name is not valid: {0}
Explanation: The multi-tenant configuration file name contains characters that cannot be processed.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0088W: The multi-tenant configuration file was not found at the specified path: {0}
Explanation: The multi-tenant configuration file was not found at the path specified in the Voice Gateway configuration.
User Action: Verify that the path to the multi-tenant configuration file is correct.

Message: CWSGW0089W: The following multi-tenant configuration file could not be parsed: {0}
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator was unable to parse the multi-tenant configuration file because the file content is not valid.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0090W: The SIP Orchestrator could not connect to the Media Relay for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator attempted to communicate with the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0091W: The Media Relay configuration could not be set for the following reason: {0}. Attempting to create a session anyway. sessionID = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to set the Media Relay configuration.
User Action: Verify that the Watson Text to Speech and Speech to Text settings are configured correctly. For information about where the settings were configured, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0092W: A message to the Media Relay was not sent for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a message to the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0093W: A message from the Media Relay could not be processed for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to process a message received from the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0094E: The Conversation service could not be initialized for the following reason: {0}.
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator was unable to initialize the Conversation service.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0095W: A {0} callback was activated while the call was not in the transfer state. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The specified callback should not be activated if the call is not in the transfer state. The callback was ignored.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0096W: A {0} callback was activated for an undefined {1} timer. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: The specified callback was activated for an undefined pre-response or post-response timer. The callback was ignored.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0097W: The SIP {0} message could not be sent to the caller for the following reason: {1}. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to send the specified SIP message to the caller.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0098W: A {0} callback was activated after the Voice Gateway session ended. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The specified callback should not be activated if the Voice Gateway session ended, so the callback was ignored.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0099W: The {0} variable is not specified, so the Voice Gateway cannot react to silence from the caller. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The post-response timeout, which sets how long to wait for a new utterance, is not defined.
User Action: For information about how to define the specified variable, see the documentation about setting the environment variables and the variables sent from the Conversation service to the Voice Gateway.

Message: CWSGW0100W: A message from the Media Relay was not processed because it is not in a valid format. Method = {0}. Missing field = {1}. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: The message received from the Media Relay is not in a valid format.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0101W: A variable is set to a value ({0}) that is not in a valid format. Expected types = {1}
Explanation: The value must be one of the specified types.
User Action: For information about how to define the specified variable, see the documentation about setting the environment variables and the variables sent from the Conversation service to the Voice Gateway.

Message: CWSGW0102W: The {0} callback was activated, but it is not supported and will be ignored. sessionID = {1}
Explanation: The specified callback cannot be activated.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0103W: An answer SDP was not sent to the caller for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred when sending an answer SDP to the caller.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0104W: Either the transaction ID ({0}) received from the Media Relay does not match the current transaction ID ({1}), or the call is not in the {2} state. sessionID = {3} tenantID = {4}
Explanation: The transaction ID received from the Media Relay does not match the current transaction.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0105W: The call could not be transferred, so the Voice Gateway will resume the call. reason = {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An attempt to transfer the call failed. The Voice Gateway will try to resume the call.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0106W: The SIP {0} message was not processed for the following reason: {1}. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when processing the specified SIP message.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0107W: No ACK request was received, so the call cannot be established. Call-ID = {0}.
Explanation: No ACK request was received for the call with the specified Call-ID.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0108W: An invalid SIP {0} message was received that cannot be processed.
Explanation: An invalid SIP message was received.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0109W: A SIP {0} message was received, but this type of message is not supported.
Explanation: The specified SIP message is not supported by the Voice Gateway.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0110W: A SIP {0} message cannot be sent because the session is not in a valid state.
Explanation: The specified SIP message cannot be sent because the session is not in a valid state.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0111W: The caller is not whitelisted, so the call cannot be established. SIP To URI = {0} SIP From URI = {1}
Explanation: A call was received from a caller that is not whitelisted, so the call was not established.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0112W: The configured URI ({0}) is not in a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI format.
Explanation: The URI must be a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI.
User Action: Verify that the URI is a standard SIP, SIPS, or tel URI. For information about valid formats, see RFC 3515, section 2.1.

Message: CWSGW0113W: The SIPREC INVITE request does not contain a {0} field for the {1} participant. Call-ID = {2}
Explanation: The specified field is missing in a received SIPREC INVITE request.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0114W: The {0} format is not supported in the {1}. Call-ID = {2}.
Explanation: The specified format is not supported in a Request URI, SIP header field, or SDP.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0115W: A JSON object with state variables was not converted to XML format for the following reason: {0}.
Explanation: An error occurred when converting the JSON object with the state variables to XML format. This JSON object is sent from the Conversation service to the Voice Gateway.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0116W: The connection to the Media Relay could not be closed for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to close the connection to the Media Relay.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0117W: The connection to the Reporting server {0} could not be established for the following reason: {1}
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator failed to establish a connection with the Reporting server.
User Action: Ensure that the server URL is correct. For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0118I: The transaction to play file completed. sessionID = {0} transactionID = {1} Barge-in occurred = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: Indicates a 'play file' transaction has been completed.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0119W: A SIP {0} message was received from an address that could not be found in the trusted IP list. IP address = {1}
Explanation: A call was received from an address that could not be found in the trusted IP list.
User Action: Verify that the Voice Gateway is configured correctly. If the configuration is correct, unexpected SIP requests might indicate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Message: CWSGW0120W: An ACK request was received without an answer SDP. Disconnecting the call. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: An ACK request was received without an answer SDP.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0121I: Initiating a call redirect to {0} for the following reason = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: A call redirect was initiated to the specified target.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0122E: A request to the Conversation service was not sent for the following reason: {0}. URL = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the Conversation service.
User Action: To help avoid request failures, increase the time that Voice Gateway waits for a response from the Conversation service by changing the read timeout value in the configuration. Note that setting the timeout value too high might affect call performance. For more information, see the documentation about configuring Conversation timeout values.

Message: CWSGW0123W: A request to the Conversation service failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. URL = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the Conversation service. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: To help avoid request failures, increase the time that Voice Gateway waits for a response from the Conversation service by changing the read timeout value in the configuration. Note that setting the timeout value too high might affect call performance. For more information, see the documentation about configuring Conversation timeout values.

Message: CWSGW0124W: The configured UUI data {0} can not be included in {1} header field for the following reason = {2}. sessionID = {3} tenantID = {4}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to set the configured UUI data.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs. Verify that the UUI data is in valid format. For information about valid formats, see RFC 7433.

Message: CWSGW0127E: A request to SMS Gateway service was not sent for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to SMS Gateway.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0128W: A request to SMS Gateway failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to SMS Gateway. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0129W: A request to the Conversation service failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request to the backup server. URL = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the Conversation service. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request to the backup server.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0130W: The custom SIPREC metadata field ({0}) does not exist in the SIPREC metadata.
Explanation: A SIPREC metadata field to use as the global session ID is either not configured in the SIP Orchestrator environment variables or cannot be found in the SIPREC metadata.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0131W: The optimal configuration settings can not be found for the configured version {0}.
Explanation: The optimal configuration settings can not be found for the configured version.
User Action: For more information, see the documentation about configuring the optimal configuration settings.

Message: CWSGW0132E: An error occurred when trying to initialize an outbound call: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to initialize an outbound call.
User Action: For more information, see other messages in the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0133W: One or more unexpected outbound call REST requests were received, indicating either a problem in the configuration or a DoS attack. tenantID = {0} SIP To URI = {1} Number of occurrences = {2}
Explanation: A REST request to initiate an outbound call was received for a tenant that could not be found in the configuration.
User Action: Verify that the Voice Gateway is configured correctly. If the configuration is correct, unexpected REST requests might indicate a potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Message: CWSGW0134W: An 200 OK response was received without an answer SDP. Disconnecting the call. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: An 200 OK response was received without an answer SDP.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0135W: A request to the asynchronous notifications WEB hook for outbound calls failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the asynchronous notifications WEB hook for outbound calls. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0136E: A request to the asynchronous notifications WEB hook for outbound calls was not sent for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the asynchronous notifications WEB hook for outbound calls.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0137W: A message to the plug-ins was not sent for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator was unable to send a message to the plug-ins.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0138W: Messages to the plug-ins can not be sent for the following reason: {0}.
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator was unable to initialize the module that is responsible for sending messages to the remote plug-ins.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0139W: The multi-tenant configuration file can not be loaded: {0}
Explanation: The SIP Orchestrator was unable to load the multi-tenant configuration file.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0140E: The Voice Gateway is not available for calls due to a failure in the Media Relay.
Explanation: The Voice Gateway can not accept calls.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0141I: The Voice Gateway is quiescing.
Explanation: When the Voice Gateway is in a quiescing state, it cannot respond to health check SIP OPTIONS messages.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0142W: One of the mandatory fields that is required to establish an outbound call is missing.
Explanation: The REST API requires one or more mandatory fields to establish an outbound call. If one or more of these fields is missing, an outbound call cannot be established.
User Action: For more information, see the documentation about outbound calls REST API.

Message: CWSGW0144I: Voice Gateway is registered with Metrics server to report usage metrics.
Explanation: Voice Gateway is registered with Metrics server to report usage metrics.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0145I: Usage metrics.
Explanation: Voice Gateway usage metrics for a configured interval.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0146W: Can not process SIP requests over non-secure channel when media encryption or SIP authentication is enabled. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: When media encryption or SIP authentication is enabled, the Voice Gateway will only allow SIP over TLS. If an INVITE request is received over UDP/TCP, the call is rejected.
User Action: For more information, see the documentation about SRTP and SIP authentication support.

Message: CWSGW0147E: A request to the IAM server was not sent for the following reason: {0}. URL = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the IAM server.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0148W: A request to the IAM server failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. URL = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the IAM server. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0149W: The SIP Orchestrator failed to authenticate the caller for the following reason: {0}. tenantID = {1}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to authenticate the caller.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0150W: The call will be disconnected as the caller is not authorized to perform the action. tenantID = {0}
Explanation: The caller is not authorized to perform the action.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0151W: A {0} error response received for a SIP {1} request. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: A SIP request has been rejected.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0152E: The call to the Voice Gateway failed for the following reason = {0} sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: The call to the Voice Gateway failed for the specified reason.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0153W: A response message from the Conversation service is malformed. error = {0}. x-global-transaction-id = {1}. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: A malformed response message was received from the Conversation service.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0154W: An unknown source type ({0}) is configured for ({1}). The default value will be used. sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An unknown source type, indicating a problem in the configuration.
User Action: Verify that the Voice Gateway is configured correctly.

Message: CWSGW0155W: The vgwActSetConversationConfig action is not supported here. sessionID = {0} tenantID = {1}
Explanation: In certain Voice Gateway deployments the vgwActSetConversationConfig is not supported.
User Action: To transfer between assistants users should use the vgwActTransfer method instead.

Message: CWSGW0156E: A request to the Service Orchestration Engine was not sent for the following reason: {0}. URL = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the Service Orchestration Engine.
User Action: To help avoid request failures, increase the time that Voice Gateway waits for a response from the Service Orchestration Engine by changing the read timeout value in the configuration. Note that setting the timeout value too high might affect call performance. For more information, see the documentation about configuring Conversation timeout values.

Message: CWSGW0157W: A request to the Service Orchestration Engine failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. URL = {1} sessionID = {2} tenantID = {3}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the Service Orchestration Engine. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: To help avoid request failures, increase the time that Voice Gateway waits for a response from the Service Orchestration Engine by changing the read timeout value in the configuration. Note that setting the timeout value too high might affect call performance. For more information, see the documentation about configuring Conversation timeout values.

Message: CWSGW0158E: The call to the Voice Gateway failed for the following reason = {0} sessionID = {1} Length of call = {2} ms tenantID = {3}
Explanation: The call to the voice gateway failed.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator and Media relay logs.

Message: CWSGW0159I: Call was created.
Explanation: Voice Gateway audit log for created calls.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0160I: Call was ended.
Explanation: Voice Gateway audit log for ended calls.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0161W: The tenant configuration could not be retrieved for: {0}.
Explanation: No tenant configuration could be found for the request.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSGW0162W: The configured SIP custom headers {0} could not be included in {1} header field for the following reason = {2}. sessionID = {3} tenantID = {4}
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to set the configured SIP transfer headers.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs. Verify that the SIP transfer headers are in a valid format. For information about valid formats, see RFC 3261.

Message: CWSGW0163W: A request to the NICE CXone pipe failed for the following reason: {0}. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the NICE CXone pipe. The SIP Orchestrator will reattempt to send the request.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0164E: A request to the NICE CXone pipe was not sent for the following reason: {0}. sessionID = {1} tenantID = {2}
Explanation: An error occurred when the SIP Orchestrator tried to send a request to the NICE CXone pipe.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSGW0164I: The CDR plug-in is ready to publish events.
Explanation: The CDR plug-in is ready to publish events.
User Action: No action is required.