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copyright: years: 2023 lastupdated: "2023-04-05"

Media Relay - CWSMR

Message: CWSMR0001I: The Media Relay is available to serve calls. Address = {{ address }}, Port = {{ port }}, UDP port range = {{ udpPortRange }}
Explanation: The Media Relay is available to receive media session requests from the SIP Orchestrator.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0002I: A media session with an ID of {{ sessionID }} was established on {{ address }} using ports {{ ports }}.
Explanation: The requested media session was established on the stated IP address and ports.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0003I: The connection with the SIP Orchestrator closed successfully.
Explanation: The signaling session with the SIP Orchestrator was closed successfully.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0004I: Received a request to play text as audio with transaction ID {{ transactionID }}.
Explanation: The Media Relay works with Watson services to convert text to audio, which is played back to the caller. A request to play text as audio was received with the specified transaction ID
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0005I: Completed the request to play text as audio with transaction ID {{ transactionID }}.
Explanation: The Watson services successfully converted text to audio and the audio was played back to the caller, so the request with the transaction ID was completed.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0006I: Audio of this call will be recorded to {{ filename }}.
Explanation: When call recording is enabled, the audio of the call is saved to the specified file.
User Action: For more information, see the documentation about recording call audio.

Message: CWSMR0007I: A media session with an ID of {{ sessionID }} is starting.
Explanation: The requested media session is starting.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0008I: A media session with an ID of {{ sessionID }} ended.
Explanation: The requested media session ended.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0009I: Received a request with transaction ID {{ transactionID }} to play an audio file from {{ url }}. Loop = {{ loop }}.
Explanation: The Media Relay will stream the audio file to the caller from the defined URL.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0010I: Completed the request to play an audio file with transaction ID {{ transactionID }}.
Explanation: The Media Relay successfully played the audio file to the caller.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0011I: Speech recognition session is starting.
Explanation: The Media Relay starts a speech recognition session by initiating a recognition session with the configured Speech to Text provider.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0012I: Speech recognition session started.
Explanation: A speech recognition session started. Speech from the caller can be transcribed as text.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0013I: Speech recognition session stopped.
Explanation: The Media Relay stopped the speech recognition session. Speech from caller is not transcribed as text.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0015I: The Media Relay is starting as a cluster of {{ number }} workers.
Explanation: To handle more media sessions, the Media Relay can be configured to start with multiple workers or processes.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0016I: This product is licensed for development use. The full license terms can be viewed here: Voice Gateway
Explanation: Trace only generated on non-production enabled containers.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0017I: Caching for Watson Text to Speech responses is enabled. Be aware that to avoid adding any utterances that contain PHI, PCI or PII to the Text to Speech cache, those utterances must be excluded on each respective node in the Conversation dialog.
Explanation: Caching for the Watson Text to Speech service improves response time by storing the responses to the local disk.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0018I: RTCP is enabled for the Media Relay.
Explanation: RTCP is a control protocol that enables you to monitor the RTP data delivery.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0019I: The call has been negotiated to use the {{ codecName }} codec, the {{ payloadType }} payload type, and the {{ fmtpString }} FMTP. An external audio transform at {{ url }} will be used for encoding and decoding the audio.
Explanation: The call has been negotiated to use the specified codec, payload type, and format parameters for the codec.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0020W: The following error occurred when binding to port {{ port }} for the media session: {{ errorMsg }} . The Media Relay will try to bind to another port.
Explanation: When attempting to establish a media session, the Media Relay could not bind to the specified port. This error typically occurs when the port is already in use by another process.
User Action: Verify that the specified port is not already in use.

Message: CWSMR0021W: The {{ configItem }} environment variable must be set to a floating-point number between 0 and 1. The default value will be used: {{ defaultValue }}
Explanation: The configuration variable needs to be set to a value between that range.
User Action: In the Media Relay configuration, verify that the specified environment variable is defined within the required range of values.

Message: CWSMR0022W: The Media Relay failed to bind to host {{ host }} and port {{ port }} because the port is in use.
Explanation: When starting up, the Media Relay could not bind to the specified host and port because they are already in use by another process.
User Action: Verify that the defined host and port are not in use by another process.

Message: CWSMR0023W: The Media Relay failed to bind to host {{ host }} and port {{ port }} because the address is not available.
Explanation: When starting up, the Media Relay could not bind to the specified host and port because the address is not available.
User Action: Verify that the host and port are available.

Message: CWSMR0024W: The defined UDP port range {{ udpPortRange }} is not valid, so the default UDP port range ({{ defaultUdpPortRange }}) will be used.
Explanation: If the range of ports is not valid when the Media Relay starts, it will use the default UDP port range. See RTP_UDP_PORT_RANGE in the environment variable configuration documentation.
User Action: Verify that the RTP_UDP_PORT_RANGE environment variable is defined within the required range of values.

Message: CWSMR0025W: Received {{ numberOfOutOfOrderPackets }} out-of-order RTP packets
Explanation: The Media Relay received RTP packets that are out of order.
User Action: If an excessive number of packets are being dropped, check your environment for networking issues.

Message: CWSMR0026W: The Media Relay is being starved of process time. The master clock was restarted {{ numberOfTimesRestarted }} times.
Explanation: When the Media Relay is starved of process time, the master clock for a session desynchronizes and is then restarted. As a result, calls might sound distorted.
User Action: The virtual machine or process you are running on might be overloaded. Reduce the load on the virtual machine or process.

Message: CWSMR0027W: An error occurred when the Media Relay attempted to access the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: The Media Relay tried to stream from the Text to Speech cache, but was unable to read from the cache because of the specified error. When this error occurs, the Media Relay logs the reason for the error and attempts to stream from the Watson Text to Speech service instead.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0028W: An error occurred while streaming from the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: If the Media Relay encounters an error while streaming from the cache for the Watson Text to Speech service, it logs the reason for the error and attempts to stream from the Text to Speech service instead.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0029W: An error occurred while writing to the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: If the Media Relay encounters an error while writing to the cache for the Watson Text to Speech service it will log the reason for the error. The audio that is played back is not affected.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0030W: The {{ configItem }} environment variable must be set to an integer between {{ minValue }} and {{ maxValue}}. The default value will be used: {{ defaultValue }}
Explanation: The configuration environment variable must be set to a value within the specified range.
User Action: In the Media Relay configuration, verify that the specified environment variable is set to a value within the required range.

Message: CWSMR0031W: The synthesis stream from the Watson Text To Speech service cannot keep up with the playback rate to the caller, so audio might skip. transactionID = {{ transactionID }}
Explanation: If the network connection to the Watson Text To Speech service slows down, the audio streamed to the caller might start to skip.
User Action: Verify the status of the network connection between the Watson Text To Speech service and the Voice Gateway.

Message: CWSMR0032W: A Watson Speech to Text final utterance has a confidence score of {{ confidenceScore }}, which does not meet the confidence score threshold of {{ confidenceScoreThreshold }}. The utterance will be ignored.
Explanation: Final utterances from the Watson Speech to Text service come with a confidence score. If the score does not meet the threshold defined by the WATSON_STT_CONFIDENCE_SCORE_THRESHOLD environment variable, the utterance is ignored.
User Action: This warning typically occurs when background noises are transcribed by the Watson Speech to Text service and yield low confidence scores. No user action is required.

Message: CWSMR0033W: The inbound RTP audio stream jitter of {{ jitterDelay }} ms exceeds the maximum jitter threshold of {{ jitterDelayThreshold }} ms.
Explanation: The inbound RTP packets are arriving at inconsistent intervals. If the jitter is high, the audio quality is affected.
User Action: Check your network configuration. This message is often seen when there are network issues that cause the packets in the stream to arrive at inconsistent intervals.

Message: CWSMR0034W: The outbound RTP audio stream jitter of {{ jitterDelay }} ms exceeds the maximum jitter threshold of {{ jitterDelayThreshold }} ms.
Explanation: The outbound RTP packets are arriving at inconsistent intervals. If the jitter is high, the audio quality is affected.
User Action: Check your network configuration. This message is often seen when there are network issues that cause the packets in the stream to arrive at inconsistent intervals.

Message: CWSMR0035W: The inbound RTP audio stream packet loss of {{ packetLoss }} percent exceeds the maximum packet loss threshold of {{ packetLossThreshold }} percent.
Explanation: The inbound RTP packets are being lost. If the packet loss is high, the audio quality is affected.
User Action: Check your network configuration. This message is often seen when there are network issues that cause the packets in the stream to be lost.

Message: CWSMR0036W: The outbound RTP audio stream packet loss of {{ packetLoss }} percent exceeds the maximum packet loss threshold of {{ packetLossThreshold }} percent.
Explanation: The outbound RTP packets are being lost. If the packet loss is high, the audio quality is affected.
User Action: Check your network configuration. This message is often seen when there are network issues that cause the packets in the stream to be lost.

Message: CWSMR0037W: A Watson Speech to Text result has an empty transcript. The utterance will be ignored.
Explanation: If the Watson Speech to Text service does not confidently understand the speech or cannot interpret sounds as words, for example background noise, it might transcribe the utterance as an empty value.
User Action: This warning typically occurs when background noises are detected by the Watson Speech to Text service and cannot be transcribed to a word.

Message: CWSMR0038W: The Media Relay received an inbound RTP audio packet with payload type {{ payloadType }} that does not match the preferred negotiated codec = {{ codecName }}.
Explanation: Because Media Relay received an inbound RTP audio packet that does not match the preferred negotiated codec, speech recognition results will either do not work or are inaccurate.
User Action: Verify that your SIP phone or service provider supports G.711 µ-law/a-law or G.722 codecs.

Message: CWSMR0040E: The Media Relay was unable to parse an incoming RTP packet because the packet was not in a standard format.
Explanation: The Media Relay failed to parse an incoming media packet.
User Action: Verify that your SIP phone or service provider complies with the RFC 3550 standard.

Message: CWSMR0044E: The connection to the SIP Orchestrator closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}
Explanation: An error occurred in the connection with the SIP Orchestrator that caused the connection to close.
User Action: For more information, see the SIP Orchestrator logs.

Message: CWSMR0045E: The media session could not be established because the received offer SDP was not in a valid format.
Explanation: Either the SIP phone or SIP trunk that the caller used contained a Session Description Protocol (SDP) offer that was not valid.
User Action: Verify that your SIP phone or service provider complies with the RFC 4566 standard.

Message: CWSMR0046E: The media session could not be established because the caller does not support G.711 µ-law/a-law, G.722 audio codecs, or other supported media attributes.
Explanation: For the media session to be established, the caller needs to support G.711 µ-law/a-law or G.722 audio codecs.
User Action: Verify that your SIP phone or service provider supports G.711 µ-law/a-law or G.722 codecs and set WARN logging to see detailed logs.

Message: CWSMR0047E: The connection to the Watson Speech to Text service closed with a {{ code }} code. Reason = {{ reason }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the Watson Speech to Text closed the connection unexpectedly.
User Action: For information about what the return code means, see the WebSockets section in the Watson Speech to Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0048E: The connection to the Watson Speech to Text service closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}
Explanation: The call disconnected because the specified error occurred in the connection with the Watson Speech to Text service.
User Action: For information about what the error means, see the WebSockets section in the Watson Speech to Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0049E: The connection to the Watson Text to Speech service closed with a {{ code }} code. Reason = {{ reason }}, transactionID = {{ transactionID }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the Watson Text to Speech service closed the connection unexpectedly.
User Action: For information about what the return code means, see the WebSockets section in the Watson Text to Speech service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0050E: The connection to the Watson Text to Speech service closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}, transactionID = {{ transactionID }}
Explanation: The call disconnected because the specified error occurred in the connection with the Watson Text to Speech service.
User Action: For information about what the error means, see the WebSockets section in the Watson Text to Speech service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0051E: The {{ requestMethod }} request from the SIP Orchestrator with transaction ID {{ transactionID }} did not complete because of the following error: {{ errorMsg }}. The media session will end.
Explanation: The Media Relay encountered the specified error when servicing a request from the SIP Orchestrator.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0052E: The request with transaction ID {{ transactionID }} to play audio from {{ URL }} failed. Reason = {{ reason }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the Media Relay was unable to play the audio file from the specified URL.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0060I: Received a request to pause the RTP channel.
Explanation: The Media Relay received a request to pause the RTP channel.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0061I: RTP channel has been paused.
Explanation: The Media Relay paused streaming and receiving RTP traffic.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0062I: Received a request to resume the RTP channel.
Explanation: The Media Relay received a request to resume the RTP channel.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0063I: RTP channel has been resumed.
Explanation: The Media Relay resumed streaming and receiving RTP traffic.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0064I: An authentication token for {{ serviceName }} has expired. A new authentication token will be generated.
Explanation: A stored authentication token for the specified service has expired. The Media Relay will attempt to generate a new token for the service.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0065I: Successfully connected to the Watson Speech To Text service. x-dp-watson-tran-id = {{ watsonTransactionID }}, x-global-transaction-id = {{ globalTransactionID }}, sessionID = {{ sessionID }}, connectionTime = {{ connectionTime }} ms
Explanation: The Media Relay successfully connected to the Watson Speech To Text service.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0066I: Successfully connected to the Watson Text To Speech service. x-dp-watson-tran-id = {{ watsonTransactionID }}, x-global-transaction-id = {{ globalTransactionID }}, sessionID = {{ sessionID }}, connectionTime = {{ connectionTime }} ms
Explanation: The Media Relay successfully connected to the Watson Text To Speech service.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0070W: A request to the {{ serviceName }} service failed for the following reason = {{ reason }}. The Media Relay will reattempt to send the request.
Explanation: An error occurred when the Media Relay tried to establish a websocket connection to the specified service. Then, the Media Relay reattempts to send the request.
User Action: For information about this error, see the WebSocket responses section in the Watson Text to Speech or Watson Speech To Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0071W: A websocket connection to the {{ serviceName }} service failed for the following reason = {{ reason }}. The Media Relay will reattempt to establish the websocket connection.
Explanation: An error occurred on the websocket connection to the specified service. Then, the Media Relay reattempts to establish the websocket connection.
User Action: For information about this error, see the WebSocket responses section in the Watson Text to Speech or Watson Speech To Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0072W: Requests to the {{ serviceName }} service have failed, the Media Relay will use the provider configuration "{{ providerName }}" for the duration of the call.
Explanation: An error occurred when the Media Relay tried to connect to the specified service. The Media Relay will attempt to use another provider configuration for the duration of the call.
User Action: For more information, see the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0073I: Caching for Text to Speech responses is enabled. To avoid adding any utterances that contain PHI, PCI or PII to the Text to Speech cache, those utterances must be excluded on each respective node in the conversation dialog.
Explanation: Caching for the Text to Speech service improves response time by storing the responses to the local disk.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0074W: The synthesis stream rate from the Text To Speech service cannot keep up with the playback rate to the caller, so audio might skip. transactionID = {{ transactionID }}
Explanation: If the network connection to the Text To Speech service slows down, the audio streamed to the caller might start to skip.
User Action: Verify the status of the network connection between the Text To Speech service and the Voice Gateway.

Message: CWSMR0075W: An error occurred while streaming from the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: If the Media Relay encounters an error while streaming from the cache for the Text to Speech service, it logs the reason for the error and attempts to stream from the Text to Speech service instead.
User Action: To find possible causes of errors in streaming from the Text to Speech cache, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0076W: An error occurred while writing to the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: If the Media Relay encounters an error while writing to the cache for the Text to Speech service it will log the reason for the error. The audio that is played back is not affected.
User Action: To find possible causes of errors in writing to the Text to Speech cache, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0077E: The connection to the Text to Speech service closed with a {{ code }} code. Reason = {{ reason }}, transactionID = {{ transactionID }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the Text to Speech service closed the connection unexpectedly.
User Action: For information about the return code, see the error codes in your Text to Speech service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0078E: The connection to the Text to Speech service closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}, transactionID = {{ transactionID }}
Explanation: The call disconnected because the specified error occurred in the connection with the Text to Speech service.
User Action: For information about the error, see the error codes in your Text to Speech service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0079W: A request to the {{ serviceName }} service failed for the following reason = {{ reason }}. After the failure, the Media Relay reattempts to send the request.
Explanation: An error occurred when the Media Relay tried to establish a connection to the specified service. Then, the Media Relay reattempts to send the request.
User Action: For information about this error, see the error codes in your Text to Speech service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0080W: A connection to the {{ serviceName }} service failed for the following reason = {{ reason }}. The Media Relay will reattempt to establish the connection.
Explanation: An error occurred on the connection to the specified service. The Media Relay reattempts to establish the connection.
User Action: For information about this error, see the error codes in your specified service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0081W: An error occurred when the Media Relay attempted to access the cache for Text to Speech: {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: The Media Relay tried to stream from the Text to Speech cache, but was not able to read from the cache because of the specified error. When this error occurs, the Media Relay logs the reason for the error and attempts to stream from the Text to Speech service instead.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs.

Message: CWSMR0082E: The connection to the Speech to Text service closed with a {{ code }} code. Reason = {{ reason }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the Speech to Text service closed the connection unexpectedly.
User Action: For information about the return code, see the error codes in your Speech to Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0083E: The connection to the Speech to Text service closed with the following error: {{ errorMsg }}.
Explanation: The call disconnected because the specified error occurred in the connection with the Speech to Text service.
User Action: For information about the error, see the error codes in your Speech to Text service documentation.

Message: CWSMR0084E: The creation of the RTP channel failed for the following reason = {{ errorMsg }}.
Explanation: The creation of the RTP channel failed because of the specified error. The call could not be established.
User Action: Analyze the error message as well as other log messages in the Media Relay for possible causes.

Message: CWSMR0090W: The Media Relay is unable to synthesize audio to text because of a previous error.
Explanation: Speech synthesis is disabled because of a previous error.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs, search for messages containing CWSMR0049E or CWSMR0050E.

Message: CWSMR0091W: Failed to synthesize text to speech, will attempt to play the file specified in {{ URL }}.
Explanation: In the case where speech synthesis fails, a URL will be used to play a message to the caller.
User Action: To find possible causes, look for other messages in the Media Relay logs, search for messages containing CWSMR0049E or CWSMR0050E.

Message: CWSMR0100E: The MRCPv2 process failed to start for the following reason = {{ message }}.
Explanation: The Media Relay failed to start because of the specified reason, usually this is a configuration issue that depends on the reason message.
User Action: To find the possible cause, see the error reason and validate the configuration.

Message: CWSMR0101E: Cannot create another media session, all UDP ports are in use.
Explanation: During creation of a media session, if all the UDP ports are in use by other calls, the call is not established.
User Action: Verify that you have a sufficient number of ports specified by RTP_UDP_PORT_RANGE for the number of concurrent callers.

Message: CWSMR0102E: The Media Relay attempted to connect to an external audio transform located at {{ URL }} but encountered the following exception: {{ errorMessage }}.
Explanation: The Media Relay attempted to connect to an external audio transform located at the specified URL but encountered the specified exception.
User Action: Analyze the error message and other log messages in the Media Relay or the specified external audio transform for possible causes.

Message: CWSMR0103E: The connection to the external audio transform at {{ URL }} closed for the following reason: {{ errorMessage }}.
Explanation: During an active call the connection external audio transform failed due to the specified reason, and as a result the call will end.
User Action: Analyze the error message and other log messages in the Media Relay or the specified external audio transform for possible causes.

Message: CWSMR0104E: The Media Relay received a request to play media but no valid RTP channel exists, the media session will be destroyed.
Explanation: Received a request to play media but no valid RTP channel exists to transport the media, as a result the media session will be destroyed.
User Action: Analyze the error message as well as other log messages for possible causes.

Message: CWSMR0110W: The RTP packet parser received a non-RTP network packet of byte size = {{ sizeInBytes }}, please check your network configuration.
Explanation: The RTP packet parser received a non-RTP network packet. Typically non-RTP network packets do not affect the call.
User Action: If this is a frequent occurrence, it is advised to validate the network traffic arriving to Voice Gateway using a network packet capture tool.

Message: CWSMR0111I: A media session with an ID of {{ sessionID }} requested media protection.
Explanation: The specified media session required security services involving media encryption and authentication. This signals the initialization of SRTP protocols.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0112I: Updating the SRTP context for the media session with an ID of {{ sessionID }}.
Explanation: The specified media session required an update for security services involving media encryption and authentication. This signals the re-keying of SRTP protocols.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0113W: A received SRTP packet for the media session {{ sessionID }} failed to pass authentication.
Explanation: A received SRTP packet did not contain the appropriate authentication tag. This could be due to someone attempting to intercept communications. The packet is discarded with no additional processing.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0114W: A received SRTP packet for the media session {{ sessionID }} was detected to be replayed.
Explanation: A received SRTP packet was replayed, meaning it was already received. This could be due to someone attempting to intercept communications. The packet is discarded with no additional processing.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0115E: An error occured negotiating SRTP context for the media session {{ sessionID }}. No valid or supported crypto attributes found.
Explanation: The SDP received did not contain any valid crypto attributes that Voice Gateway supports.
User Action: Check if the endpoint making the call supports what Voice Gateway supports.

Message: CWSMR0116E: An unencrypted session {{sessionID}} was received while forcing media encryption.
Explanation: The tenant that received the call was configured to force media encryption and received an unencrypted call.
User Action: Configure the endpoint making the call to use media encryption, or turn off force media encryption on your tenant.

Message: CWSMR0117E: A critical SRTP error occurred for the media session {{sessionID}}. Error was {{message}}. Session will be terminated.
Explanation: A critical error occurred, which forced the session to be terminated. This could signal an invalid configuration for the SRTP context.
User Action: Fix SRTP configuration for the SRTP context.

Message: CWSMR0118E: The Media Relay MRCPv2 process with PID = {{ pid }} exited unexpectedly with the exit code = {{ exitCode }} and signal = {{ signal }}.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in the MRCPv2 worker process which caused it to exit.
User Action: For further debugging, collect the logs and collect the respective core dump that was generated for the specified process ID.

Message: CWSMR0119E: The Media Relay Text-To-Speech cache verification process exited unexpectedly with the exit code = {{ exitCode}} and signal = {{ signal}}.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred in the Text-To-Speech cache verification process, which caused it to exit.
User Action: For further debugging, collect the logs and collect the respective core dump that was generated for the specified process id.

Message: CWSMR0131W: Sequence number rollover detected for the media session {{ sessionID }}. lastSequeceNumberReceived = {{ lastSequeceNumberReceived }}, firstSequenceNumberReceivedInTheInterval = {{ firstSequenceNumberReceivedInTheInterval }}, expectedPacketsInterval = {{ expectedPacketsInterval }}, inboundStreamPacketsReceivedInTheInterval = {{ inboundStreamPacketsReceivedInTheInterval }}, inboundStreamTotalPacketsReceived = {{ inboundStreamTotalPacketsReceived }}, inboundStreamTotalPacketsExpected = {{ inboundStreamTotalPacketsExpected }}, initialRemoteSSRC = {{ initialRemoteSSRC }}, lastRemoteSSRC = {{ lastRemoteSSRC}}.
Explanation: A sequence number rollover was detected in the RTCP channel. This message prints information on the state of the tracking variables.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0132W: Expected packets miscalculation for the media session {{ sessionID }}. expectedPacketsInterval = {{ expectedPacketsInterval }}, lastSequeceNumberReceived = {{ lastSequeceNumberReceived }}, firstSequenceNumberReceivedInTheInterval = {{ firstSequenceNumberReceivedInTheInterval }}, inboundStreamPacketsReceivedInTheInterval = {{ inboundStreamPacketsReceivedInTheInterval }}, inboundStreamTotalPacketsReceived = {{ inboundStreamTotalPacketsReceived }}, inboundStreamTotalPacketsExpected = {{ inboundStreamTotalPacketsExpected }}, initialRemoteSSRC = {{ initialRemoteSSRC }}, lastRemoteSSRC = {{ lastSSRC}}.
Explanation: This message is printed when the RTCP channel miscalculates the expected number of packets in an interval. This message prints information on the state of the tracking variables for further debugging.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0133W: Encountered an unexpected error routing an IPC message from the MRCPv2 process to the cluster worker with ID = {{ clusterWorkerId }}.
Explanation: This message usually occurs when a MRCPv2 process IPC message cannot be delivered to a worker that no longer exists.
User Action: For further debugging, collect the logs and search for possible reasons the worker exited.

Message: CWSMR0134W: The call encountered a maximum clock drift of = {{ clockDrift }} ms, at time = {{ timestamp }}, call time = {{ callTime }} ms and total number of clock drifts = {{ clockDriftCount }}.
Explanation: This message is printed at the end of a call and a clock drift was detected, this can be used to co-relate audio quality issue with a problem in the clock.
User Action: If audio quality issue, such as audio drops were experienced, you can look at the warning message time values to see if they co-relate with the drop in audio quality.

Message: CWSMR0135W: Received an unsupported RTCP packet with type = {{ packetType }}, the message will be ignored.
Explanation: This message is printed when an unsupported RTCP packet is received.
User Action: Check with the client device to confirm it is sending valid RTCP messages.

Message: CWSMR0136W: Processing request to play the text as synthesized audio. Cache key = {{ cacheKey }}, hashed text = {{ hashedText }}, voice = {{ voice }}, source = {{ source }}.
Explanation: This message helps debug issues related to the Text-to-Speech cache to see if particular entries are being cached or not.
User Action: No user action is required.

Message: CWSMR0140W: Process for verifying the Text-To-Speech cache is still running, the process will be terminated.
Explanation: CWSMR0140W: Periodically, if the process that verifies the Text-to-Speech cache is still running, it likely means the process is hanging and will be terminated.
User Action: For further debugging, collect the logs and search for possible causes, such as errors or long cache verification times.

Message: CWSMR0141W: The initial cache time to live value needs to be less than or equal to the cache time to live value {{ cacheTimeToLive }}.
Explanation: The initial cache time to live value is used for intially cached utterances so they can be dropped from the cache faster if they are not frequently used.
User Action: Set the initial cache time to live to a value less than or equal to the specified cache time to live.

Message: CWSMR0142W: Failed to print the in-memory Text-To-Speech cache usage because of the following error = {{ errorMessage }}
Explanation: Failed to print the in-memory Text-To-Speech cache usage for the specified reason.
User Action: For further debugging, collect the logs and search for possible causes, such as errors leading up to the exception.

Message: CWSMR0143W: The media attributes line in the received SDP failed validation. Received: {{ received }}, expected: {{ expected }}
Explanation: Warning of a mismatch between the received SDP and the supported media
User Action: No action is required unless the entire received SDP failed verification.

Message: CWSMR0160I: The Media Relay MRCPv2 process started with PID = {{ pid }}.
Explanation: The process that handles MRCPv2 requests has started with the specified process ID.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0161I: Verifying the Text-To-Speech cache on directory = {{ rootCachePath }}.
Explanation: Informational message indicating that the Media Relay will be verifiying the contents for the Text-To-Speech cache.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0162I: Finished verifying the Text-To-Speech cache, the current size of the cache across all tenants = {{ textToSpeechCacheDiskSize }}, number of entries removed = {{ numberOfEntriesRemoved }}, time elapsed = {{ verificationTimeElapsed }}.
Explanation: Informational message indicating that the Media Relay finished verifying the Text-To-Speech cache, and details about the size of the cache.
User Action: No action is required.

Message: CWSMR0163I: The in-memory Text-To-Speech cache usage per tenant is {{ inMemoryTextToSpeechCacheUsage }}
Explanation: Informational message that shows the usage of the in-memory Text-To-speech cache.
User Action: No action is required.