What's new

This release of IBM™ UrbanCode Velocity includes various bug fixes and enhancements. This release is recommended for all customers. This topic provides a summary of enhancements and bug fixes.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, the following updates are included in this release.


Release date: 26 October 2023

Docker compose
Auto starting for Docker compose uses docker compose V2. The command line syntax to use docker compose is changed from
docker-compose up -d
docker compose up -d
For more information, see this page.
Renaming Automated and Manual gates
The Automated gate is renamed as Metric gate and Manual gate is renamed as Approver gate. However, the functionality of gates remain same.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 7 September 2023

UrbanCode Deploy plug-in
  • A new UrbanCode Deploy plug-in is available in plug-in marketplace Settings > Integrations > Available for IBM UrbanCode Velocity version 4.0.9 or later. The new plug-in provides performance improvements and more flexibility with IBM UrbanCode Velocity features. The old plug-in has been renamed to UrbanCode Deploy (Legacy).

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 17 August 2023

IBM Entitled Registry
You must authenticate with the IBM Entitled Registry for online installation of IBM UrbanCode Velocity. Refer instructions in this page.
Value stream
On the Create Value Stream window, perform any of the following actions:
  • Click Create to create value stream with the basic information includes Name and Team. The value stream is created using the JSON template. You can configure the value stream later using Edit value stream map.
  • Click Create & Configure to create value stream with integrations and stages or phases of the value stream.
For more information, see this page.
Compliance gate
Compliance gate provides more control over the deployment of application versions into different environments based on the conditions defined in the compliance rule. You can define compliance rules such as number of approvals required for a pull request to deploy the application versions. For more information, see this page.
Hybrid Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline
You can create a hybrid continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline to deploy the application versions into different environments. For more information, see this page.
External YAML configuration file
You can import the external YAML configuration file into IBM UrbanCode Velocity from the user interface. For more information, see this page.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication
You can log in to IBM UrbanCode Velocity using the OIDC authentication. On the Settings page, click Authentication > OIDC > Configure OIDC to configure the OIDC in IBM UrbanCode Velocity. For more information, see this page.
Jenkins (Legacy) plug-in migration
You can migrate integrations of Jenkins (Legacy) to new Jenkins. For more information, see this page.
Initial Sync date for Jenkins
The default initial sync date for new Jenkins plug-in is 30 days.
Local License Server (LLS)
Local License Server is supported in IBM UrbanCode Velocity. For more information, see this page.
Removed Analytics tab under insights page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 15 June 2023

External YAML configuration file
You can create minimal value realization of different DevOps tools into IBM UrbanCode Velocity immediately using external configuration file. Define all your required configuration properties in ucv.yml and import into IBM UrbanCode Velocity using GitHub plug-in integration. After importing, apply the ucv.yml configuration file to IBM UrbanCode Velocity for implementing the configuration defined in configuration file. For more information, see this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 25 May 2023

This release of IBM UrbanCode Velocity includes various bug fixes.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 4 May 2023

Automation tasks
Added Download log file for automation tasks.
Deployment plan
Added search functionality for Application, Environment, Integration, Version, and Process fields in the deployment plan for automation task of external plug-in integrations.
Known issues
Auto promotion with gates is not working when approved from Input stage for hybrid pipeline.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 30 March 2023

Jenkins plugin
  • A new Jenkins plugin is available in plugin marketplace Settings > Integrations > Available for IBM UrbanCode Velocity version 4.0.9 or later. The new plugin provides performance improvements and more flexibility with IBM UrbanCode Velocity features. The old plugin has been renamed to Jenkins (Legacy).
Cycle Time Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
The Cycle Time KPI measures the efficiency of a dot to reach the defined target. You can define the target using the status rule. You can add, edit, and delete status rule. For more information, see this page.
Lead Time Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
The Lead Time KPI measures the efficiency of a dot to reach the defined target. You can define the target using the status rule. You can add, edit, and delete status rule. For more information, see this page.
Automation task
The Dynamic fields feature is enabled for automation task. You can use Dynamic fields feature to assign snapshot and component version statuses on failure or success of the task.
Manual gates approval
  • You can add groups for approving the manual gates.
Known issues
Deployment of UrbanCode Deploy application from IBM UrbanCode Velocity using UrbanCode Deploy version is not working. As a workaround, you can use UrbanCode Deploy version 7.3.0 for deploying the UrbanCode Deploy application from IBM UrbanCode Velocity. The issue will be fixed in UrbanCode Deploy release version

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 21 February 2023

Creating disabled plug-in integration
  • You can create a plugin integration with disabled status by clicking Settings > Integrations > Installed > Add integration. In the Add integration window, click Show hidden properties, and then clear Enabled to create a disabled plugin integration. Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 2 February 2023

This release of IBM UrbanCode Velocity includes various bug fixes.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 13 January 2023

IBM UrbanCode Velocity session extension
Session extension notification is displayed for extending the IBM UrbanCode Velocity session.
Helm port
You can use any port number for IBM UrbanCode Velocity installation.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 5 December 2022

Demo data
Added Delete button to delete demo data.
Add /rabbit to IBM UrbanCode Velocity URL to access rabbitmq management console.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 14 November 2022

RabbitMQ upgraded to version 3.10.7.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 31 October 2022

On the Insights page, select the required dashboard and press Ctrl+P to generate the portable document format (pdf) of dashboard reports. Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 19 October 2022

DQL builder
On the Edit value stream page, click DQL Builder to create the query. In the DQL Builder screen, after creating query click Test to view results for the selected query. Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 4 October 2022

Manual gates approval email notification
The manual gates approval email notification contains the Stage Name, Manual Gate Name, Application Name, and Version Name of the application for which the approval is requested. Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 13 September 2022
Value stream Onboarding
On the Value streams page, click Create value stream to create the new value stream using the UI without using the JSON file. The Create Value Stream window is displayed with three steps: Basic information about the value stream, Integrations to use in value stream, and Stages or phases for value stream. Additional information, see this page.
Use the online code and tree editors to directly edit Value stream map (VSM) JSON files in IBM UrbanCode Velocity. Starting with IBM UrbanCode Velocity version 3.0, you no longer need to download the JSON and edit a local copy. Now you can edit VSM JSON files directly within the product web interface. On the Value streams page, use the VSM JSON code and tree editors to edit and save the value stream workflow file. In code and tree views, the editors allows you to perform the following tasks:
  • Create new versions.
  • Edit versions.
  • Review and revert past versions.
  • View version creators and dates created.
  • Import and download versions.
  • View JSON file contents including creator, version number, and date created.
  • You can format, compact, repair JSON data, and save with overwrite protection for simultaneous user editing scenarios.

In tree view, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Change Type, Insert, or Append the Auto, Array, Object, or String field types.
  • Extract objects and arrays.
  • Remove fields.
Value stream multi-branching
On the Value Streams page, visual multi-branching allows you to view stages in parallel by separating your tasks based on a given query. An edit mode button enables drag and drop functionality, zooming in and out, panning, scrolling, and reset controls with the capability of switching to a non-edit view mode. Additional details are found here.

On the Value Streams page, Git multi-branching allows you to monitor different branches coupled with coordinated dot linking based on a given query. View Git multi-branching information here.

Added the IN operator to the DevOps query language.

DQL builder
The Search with DQL field displays all possible queries and operators for the typed query in value streams and swimlanes.
Dynamic swim lanes
Use dynamic swim lanes to quickly display vital project information across various organizational roles enabling informed work flow decisions. Dynamic swim lanes are adaptable and provide tailored data sets according to the different roles and requirements detailed in the following table.
Role Dynamic swim lanes view
Developers, scrum masters, daily stand-up View work items per person, show and hide selected stages, and choose sprint view for displaying pointed data sets.
Development managers, director Check overall sprint status, view stage position of work items, display remaining work from past sprints for possible future sprint allocation, and click SPRINT for a consolidated work item view displaying the current status.
Scrum masters, development managers For tracking targeted Epics, use the pinning feature to keep the prioritized items at the top of the list.
All roles Dynamic swim lanes display current state of releases, contents of both upcoming and past releases, determine when work items are released, view work items per stage, and click RELEASE for a detailed release contents list and click SPRINT for the same result.
On the Pipeline tab:
  • Expanded smart gating: On any environment except Input, you can add automated gates for time on metrics in the environment. Key capabilities of automated gates include the following:
    • Occurrence period allows you to gate on time for the selected Metric type based on a set of required criteria specified for the gate that occurs in one of the following past periods:
      • None
      • Minutes
      • Hours
      • Days
      • Weeks
      • Months

        Note: Specifying an Occurrence period is an example where results are not directly tied to a build or version and provide a wider range of gating flexibility.
      Duration is the value of the period for the gate.
    • Data set includes subsets of data specific to the selected Metric type that allows you to limit the information scope for the metric.
    • Field includes field values available that are a subset of the selected Data set.
    • You can gate on application specific custom metrics specified in Insights that are listed in the Metric type drop-down.

Data Generator plugin
If you have the required permissions, an Install demo data button on the Getting Started page is displayed that enables you to install the Data Generator plug-in. If the demo data plug-in is installed, it will populate IBM UrbanCode Velocity with demo data allowing you to view value streams, pipelines, and other areas of the product with sample data. On the Settings page, you can delete the sample data at any time by disabling the Data Generator integration.
Customizable roles and global scope
When you click Settings > Authorization > Roles, roles and permissions capabilities are expanded by providing flexibility for customization requirements including the following features:
  • Create, modify, and delete customized roles.
  • Expanded number of roles on the Value streams, Insights, and Settings pages.
  • Added global scoped permissions that allow you to access product areas regardless of team association.
  • Static roles are immutable and may support customization in a future version.

Plugins integrations
On the IBM UrbanCode Velocity Home page, click Settings > Integrations. The Integrations page is displayed with three tabs:
  1. Configured
  2. Installed
  3. Available

The Configured tab lists all the plug-ins that are configured for integration. The Installed tab displays all the plug-ins that are installed by default with the IBM UrbanCode Velocity installation. The Available tab displays all the supported plugins for IBM UrbanCode Velocity

Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 15 August 2022
Manual gates approval
The email notification is sent to all selected manual gate approvers. To get the email notification, you must select the Send email alert to any user that requires manual approval checkbox in gates modal. Additional information on this page.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 5 August 2022
Plugin documentation
On the home page, under help question mark help icon menu, updated the plugin documentation link.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 19 July 2022

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 7 July 2022

Value streams
To enhance the IBM UrbanCode Velocity performance, added Contributor metrics to vsm-data-metrics feature flag. You can enable vsm-data-metrics feature flag to use contributor metrics and other metrics.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 21 June 2022

Enhanced IBM UrbanCode Velocity performance.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 31 May 2022

Value streams
  • Background service: Kubernetes and OpenShift installations can see the significant change in performance and stability of the application. Segregating the value stream metrics calculation based on the data complexity helped to improve the performance and stability.
  • Quick filters search: You can use search bar for searching through Releases, Sprints, Types, and Priority.

  • Improved performance to handle large data in pipelines.
  • RabbitMQ: Improved various RabbitMQ request to improve performance in Releases and Deployment plan.
  • Approving wait for approval task: Wait for approval task can be approved or rejected by designated or not designated user. For more information, see this page.
  • Release stories: Release stories are removed temporarily for the enhancement purpose. You can used Release readiness report for viewing the issues of the releases.
MongoDB version 4.0 is no longer supported. For Docker Compose, MongoDB version 4.2 is installed and upgraded automatically. For Kubernetes and OpenShift installations, you need to install or upgrade MongoDB to a supported version separately. For more information, see this page.
OpenShift installation using service template
OpenShift installation using service template is no longer supported and removed from installer. You can migrate your OpenShift installation to Helm charts during your upgrade to version 3.1.0. or later. For more information, see this page. For assistance with migration, contact support.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 28 April 2022

Deployment plan
Improved performance in deployment plan page.
Fixed minor security vulnerabilities.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 12 April 2022

Deployment plan
  • Improved performance in deployment plan page.
  • Fixed deployment plan page loading time.
UrbanCode Deploy plug-in
Improved deployment plan performance to enhance UrbanCode Deploy plug-in performance.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 29 March 2022

MongoDB is no longer shipped with the offline installation files. It is recommended to pull the MongoDB images from the MongoDB source. For sample directions, see this page.
  • RabbitMQ - Fixed security vulnerabilities.
  • Added authentication to multiple queries.
  • Fixed multiple unprotected queries.


Release date: 14 March 2022

On the Settings page, when you click Authentication > LDAP and then click the Import users button, you can check for valid and invalid LDAP configurations.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 25 Feburary 2022

On the Settings page, when you click Authentication > LDAP, the required fields are obvious and indicated with red asterisks for admins for readily editing and configuring LDAP.
Based on the your installed version of IBM UrbanCode Velocity, plug-ins not compatible with that version are prevented from installing in the product. If the installed version of IBM UrbanCode Velocity is equal or greater than the product version that the plugin supports, the installation of the plugin is possible. Plugins prevented from installation are detailed for the following three scenarios:
  • On the Settings page, click the Plugins tab.
  • Locate the required plugin in the list and click the Install button.
  • The error Plugin is only supported on IBM UrbanCode Velocity versions equal to or greater than x.x.x is displayed on the right side of the Status field for that plug-in.
  • On the Settings page, click the Plugins tab.
  • Click the Load plugin button.
  • In the Load a custom plugin window, click in the Plugin Image field and enter the required plug-in.
  • Click the Submit button.
  • The error Plugin is only supported on IBM UrbanCode Velocity versions equal to or greater than x.x.x is displayed in the Load a custom plugin window.
  • On the Settings page, click the Integrations tab.
  • Locate the required plugin and then click on the overflow menu and select Upgrade.
  • In the Status field for the plugin, Upgrade failed is displayed.
For scheduled events plugins, perform the following steps:
  • On the Settings page, click the Plugins tab.
  • Locate the required plugin and then click the Add integration button.
  • In the Add Integration window, click the Show hidden properties check box.
  • Click in the Initial Sync Date field to specify only pulling data after the selected date on the initial run.
  • Fill in the remaining required fields in the Add Integration window.
  • Click the Add button.

If the plugin does not support the sync feature, the Initial Sync Date field is not displayed when you click the Show hidden properties check box in the Add Integration window.

Based on the responsiveness of a given Kubernetes environment, you are able to configure liveness and readiness probes and specify dynamic timeouts to prevent persistent removal of pods.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 14 Feburary 2022


On the Releases page, when you perform the following:

  • Click a release activity.
  • Click a deployment plan.
  • Click the Create task button.
  • Click the Type drop-down and select Email.
  • In the Create task window, fill in the required fields.
  • Click the Save button.
  • For the Email task, click the Start task icon.
  • Receive the email and either click the Approve or Reject button. The default function is no security enforcement via login before task is accepted or rejected.
To enable the feature flag for this functionality, perform the following:
  • In a browser window, enter HTTPS://hostname:port/featureflags
  • In the Enter a feature name to enable it text field enter authorized-approval.
  • Click the Enable button.
Ingress controller
Installation issues for Kubernetes version 1.22 and later are resolved and upgrading from previous versions is recommended. Starting with Kubernetes version 1.19, the new resource type IngressClass is available. If your Ingress controller utilizes the IngressClass functionality, the default setting of ingress.className="nginx" works with the IngressClass functionality out of the box. If your Ingress controller does not utilizes the IngressClass functionality, specify --set ingress.className="" for it to properly function. Note: For Kubernetes version 1.19, the networking.k8s.io/v1 API was added for the Ingress resource and is utilized for the IBM™ UrbanCode Velocity Ingress installation. For Kubernetes version 1.22, the previous networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 API is deprecated and removed. For details on the differences between the networking.k8s.io/v1 API and networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 API, see this page.
OpenShift template to Helm migration
The OpenShift template to Helm migration is planned for IBM UrbanCode Velocity version 2.5.4 when the OpenShift template installation is no longer available. At your earliest opportunity, make the required preparations for the migration to Helm. If you require additional assistance, contact support.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 10 January 2022

On the Pipeline page, when you click the overflow menu on any environment except Input, you can select Override Inventory to manually modify and update a pipeline.
On the Releases page, an overall performance improvement is achieved for page loading. Functionally, the dialog box below the calendar now lists only events versus releases and events.
General performance improvements across the entire product.
Regardless of the global permissions assigned to a user, you can modify your own password for the following conditions:
  • Your User type is Local.
  • Click Settings > Authorization > Users and then click the overflow menu and select Change password.
Corrected the security issues including the following:

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 16 December 2021

Fixed security vulnerability for Apache Log4j 2 / Log4Shell.
Insights update
On the Insights page, when you click the Reports tab, available reports include the following:
  • Pipeline snapshot
  • Deployment audit
  • Deployment duration (Beta)
  • The 2.5.1.ifix01 addresses the issue of the security vulnerability to CVE-2021-44228, Apache Log4j 2 / Log4Shell.
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 03 November 2021

Insights update
On the Insights page, when you click the Reports tab, available reports include the following:
  • Pipeline snapshot
  • Deployment audit
  • Deployment duration (Beta)
Release deployment plans
Optimized deployment rendering for improved performance including memory, CPU, and utilization of user sessions.
Installations and upgrades
For installations and upgrades of OpenShift and Kubernetes, at the Choose the platform prompt, you are presented with Kubernetes or OpenShift (Using Helm) as the platform. You can currently install IBM UrbanCode Velocity using service templates and the process should yield successful results without encountering any issues.
Note: Starting with future versions, installations of IBM UrbanCode Velocity as an OpenShift application using service templates will be deprecated and you should prepare migration to using Helm charts. If you are planning to migrate to using Helm charts, create a support ticket here and we will help you with the transition process. Otherwise, check upcoming release notes for more details when more information is available.
New roles and global scope
When you click Settings > Authorization > Roles, roles capabilities are expanded including the following features:
  • Addition of new roles.
  • Security for Value streams, Insights, and Settings.
  • Assign roles and manage global roles.
For the Help icon:
  • When you click the question mark help icon, you can select either of the following items:
    • Documentation
    • Getting started
      • Redesigned the Getting started page.
      • Upon initial login, all users including admin are directed to the Getting started page.
    • Support portal
    • Ideas portal
    • Plugins
    • About
  • Changed the Help icon to the ? icon.
The Settings icon turns yellow for either or both of the following conditions:
  • User authentication is not configured.
  • Integrations are not installed.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 24 August 2021

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 09 August 2021

Value stream update
On the Value Streams page, query recalculations are minimized and performed only when required.
On the Settings page:
  • When you click either the Integrations or Plugins tabs, you can Search for integrations or Search for plugins by entering the integrations or plugin names in the respective fields to list matches in either of the Name fields.
  • When you click either the Integrations or Plugins tabs, you can perform the following functions:
    • On the Integrations tab, you can sort the Name, Status, Type, and Last sync fields in ascending or descending order by clicking on the required table header field.
    • On the Plugins tab, you can sort the Name and Status fields in ascending or descending order by clicking on the required table header field.
  • When you click Email server:
    • In the Mail server sender name field, you can enter the name.
    • In the Mail server address field, you can enter a customizable alternate email address for messages sent from IBM UrbanCode Velocity.
  • Integration statuses polling function removed that displays a warning on the Settings icon.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 26 July 2021

Value stream update
Added pr.approvals.count to query the number of approvals on a pull request to the DQL.
Pipeline update
On the Pipeline page, the manual deployment functionality is available in the auto-promotion environment.
Release update
On the Releases page, when you click a NAME, click a Plan, click the Create task button, in the Type drop-down select Delayed, in the Delay type drop-down select Delay by selecting a number of minutes, and in the Minutes field, you can enter the number of minutes between tasks.
IBM CloudPak
IBM CloudPak version 2.4.2 is released.
IBM UrbanCode Velocity login
On the IBM UrbanCode Velocity login page after an unsuccessful login attempt with error message displayed, the next attempt clears the message with a loading spinner and displays again if unsuccessful.
User Access Key Management table timestamps
When you click Settings > User Authorization > User Access Keys and hover either the Created or Last Used fields, a tooltip with a precise timestamp is displayed. The timestamp will not display when you hover over Not used. An example timestamp is Monday, February 15th 2010, 3:25:50 pm displayed in the tooltip.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 13 July 2021

On the Reports page, updated the UI for an enhanced user experience.
Pipeline updates
On the Pipeline page, updated styles to improve color contrasting for versions and added buttons for alphabetical sorting of applications in ascending and descending order.
IBM CloudPak
IBM CloudPak version 2.4.2 is released.
On the Settings page for Plugins or Email Server, improved styles and wording for improved readability.
  • When IBM UrbanCode Velocity has not been previously installed, a self-signed SSL certificate will be automatically generated for you with a duration of two years.
  • Fixed security issues.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 01 July 2021

MongoDB replica sets
MongoDB replica sets are supported if configured by the customer. Additional details are found here.
  • For Docker Compose upgrades of IBM UrbanCode Velocity with a default certificate replaced with a custom certificate, the installer tracks the latter certificate and reads the associated files from the directory location.
  • Fixed security issues.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.


Release date: 23 June 2021

Value stream update
Added the IN operator to the DevOps query language.
Pipeline updates
  • On the Pipeline page, open pipeline deployment allows you to directly deploy and launch applications in Azure DevOps.
  • API-driven pipeline applications enable you to effectively populate the pipeline and move dots through the system solely through build and deployment uploads. You can use either the Create new application or Use existing application options to perform the aforementioned functions.
  • On the Pipeline page, improved UI layout features for the join release modal windows.
Auto-generated user access keys
Integrations support the capability to auto-generate the required user access keys that is implemented on a plugin by plugin basis. Refer to the plugin documentation page for the latest updates.
Set administrator password at install. Existing installations via upgrades are not affected.
On the Insights page, removed the UrbanCode Deploy Reports tab deprecated since version 2.0 and replaced with a combination of Insights dashboards and reports.

For information about bug fixes, see this page.