Installation roadmap

The installation of Unified Management Server involves installing multiple components. After installing Zowe and IBM® Unified Management Server for z/OS®, you can install the data management products.

Before you start the installation, make sure that you've completed the following tasks:
Table 1. Installation roadmap
Component Tasks included in the installation User role Instructions
  • Install the Zowe prerequisite software
  • Install the Zowe z/OS runtime
  • Configure the Zowe z/OS runtime
  • Verify the installation
System administrator Open source distribution
IBM Unified Management Server for z/OS
  • Run the SMP/E installer
  • Complete the post-SMP/E installation tasks
  • Start multiple instances of the ZIS server
  • Start Zowe
System administrator Performing SMP/E installation tasks
IBM Db2® Administration Foundation for z/OS
  • Stop Zowe
  • Run the SMP/E installer
  • Add the location of the SMP/E installation for the experience to ZWEYAML member of parmlib in the components.izp.experiences array.
  • Specify the required parameters
  • Start Zowe
Note: Some of the new and changed features require additional licenses and maintenance. For more information, refer to Requirements for additional capabilities.
System administrator Installing Db2 Administration Foundation
IBM IMS Administration Foundation for z/OS
  • Install HAFN170 with SMP/E.
  • Apply all prerequisite PTFs to HAFN170.
  • Stop Zowe
  • Add the location of the SMP/E installation for the experience to ZWEYAML member of parmlib in the components.izp.experiences array.
  • Specify the required configuration parameters
  • Check and configure IMS Connect security
  • Check and configure other IMS security settings
  • Check and configure IMS Tools Base server security settings
  • Start Zowe
System administrator Installing IMS Administration Foundation
IBM Db2 DevOps Experience for z/OS
  • Stop Zowe
  • Add the location of the SMP/E installation for the experience to ZWEYAML member of parmlib in the components.izp.experiences array.
  • Specify the required parameters
  • Start Zowe
System administrator Installing Db2 DevOps Experience

To explore the features of the data management products, see the following topics: