What's new in Db2 DevOps Experience

The Db2® DevOps Experience has been updated to include new features, enhancements, and fixes.

Table 1. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI96715) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Improvement in the scalability of UMS instance provisioning Utilized the additional ADB parameters in the REST API to enhance the scalability of UMS instance provisioning. PH60815
Table 2. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI96247) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Extended Referential integrity (RI) support Handled DELETE NO ACTION clause. Now, child tables with DELETE NO ACTION are considered as required for the parent table. PH60225
DDL validation enhancement
  • Improved the DDL template global variable validations while creating DDL templates.
  • Improved the API performance of the Delete application and the Dryrun application.
Table 3. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI94997) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
UI support for object creation templates Introduced a new DDL template option in the user interface. You can now use this option in the UI to manage templates and their links to different object types. Refer to Managing Db2 object templates. PH58157
External Db2 security You can now use an external Db2 security not only for subsystem registration but also for instance lifecycle workflow by moving the Suppress Db2 grants slider toward True during subsystem registration.
Performance enhancement  Improved the performance of the application and the instance workflow.
Table 4. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI93733) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
API support for object creation templates You can now use API to perform CRUD operations for object creation templates. You can also link the object creation templates to other required object creation templates. PH56863
External Db2 security You can now use an external Db2 security for subsystem registration by moving the Suppress Db2 grants slider toward True during subsystem registration. For more information, see Registering Db2 subsystems.
Table 5. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI93092) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Instance add object supports specific name and version Support for specific name and version in the Db2 object instance when adding or searching for object types such as user-defined functions, stored procedures, and triggers. PH56032
Performance improvement Reduced file I/O operations by implementing the cache mechanism for Applications, Teams, Environments, and Subsystems.
Table 6. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI92459) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Creating object templates for different object types Supports object template creation for all object types in IBM Db2 DevOps Experience. Every object type will be delivered with a template file that contains a CREATE statement, which will be used when a new object is requested or as a required object of another object type. For details, see Adding Db2 instance objects. PH54940
View pull requests for super admin and team users Allows the super admin and team users to access and view the pull request and the associated reports. For details, see Configuring pull request privileges.
Table 7. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI91303) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Instance management If the object is core and the associated application creation team and instance provisioning team are the same, associated application objects can now be modified in the instance. PH53501
The add object workflow now supports the addition of non-core objects.
You can now click the Preview changes button to review an impact report of pull request for application or associated applications.
To mark an application as complete, required objects from associated application will now be added as non-core objects.
Site rule enhancement Support is added for triggering site rules for associated applications core objects.
A site rule applied to the parent application will be enforced on the associated applications. The reverse is not available.
DDL enhancement Object DDL changes resulting in the dropping or recreation of objects or associated objects will be highlighted with a warning icon and a tooltip.
Table 8. Db2 DevOps Experience new and changed functions
Feature Description
Application management You can change settings for an application. To perform this action from the applications page, click the overflow menu on the required application and click Change settings. For more information, see Changing application settings.