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summarize operator


T | summarize [SummarizeParameters] [[ Column =] Aggregation [, ...]] [ by [ Column =] GroupExpression [, ...]]


  • Column: Optional name for a result column. Defaults to a name derived from the expression.
  • Aggregation: A call to an aggregation function such as count() or avg(), with column names as arguments. See the list of aggregation functions.
  • GroupExpression: A scalar expression that can reference the input data. The output will have as many records as there are distinct values of all the group expressions.
  • SummarizeParameters: Zero or more (space-separated) parameters in the form of Name = Value that control the behavior. The following parameters are supported:


When the input table is empty, the output depends on whether GroupExpression is used:

  • If GroupExpression is not provided, the output will be a single (empty) row.
  • If GroupExpression is provided, the output will have no rows.


The input rows are arranged into groups having the same values of the by expressions. Then the specified aggregation functions are computed over each group, producing a row for each group. The result contains the by columns and also at least one column for each computed aggregate. (Some aggregation functions return multiple columns.)

The result has as many rows as there are distinct combinations of by values (which may be zero). If there are no group keys provided, the result has a single record.

To summarize over ranges of numeric values, use bin() to reduce ranges to discrete values.


  • Although you can provide arbitrary expressions for both the aggregation and grouping expressions, it's more efficient to use simple column names, or apply bin() to a numeric column.

List of aggregation functions

Function Description
arg_max() Returns one or more expressions when the argument is maximized
arg_min() Returns one or more expressions when the argument is minimized
avg() Returns an average value across the group
avgif() Returns an average value across the group (with predicate)
binary_all_and Returns aggregated value using the binary AND of the group
binary_all_or Returns aggregated value using the binary OR of the group
binary_all_xor Returns aggregated value using the binary XOR of the group
count() Returns a count of the group
countif() Returns a count with the predicate of the group
dcount() Returns an approximate distinct count of the group elements
dcountif() Returns an approximate distinct count of the group elements (with predicate)
make_list() Returns a list of all the values within the group
make_list_if() Returns a list of all the values within the group (with predicate)
make_set() Returns a set of distinct values within the group
make_set_if() Returns a set of distinct values within the group (with predicate)
max() Returns the maximum value across the group
maxif() Returns the maximum value across the group (with predicate)
min() Returns the minimum value across the group
minif() Returns the minimum value across the group (with predicate)
sum() Returns the sum of the elements within the group
sumif() Returns the sum of the elements within the group (with predicate)
take_any() Returns a random non-empty value for the group
take_anyif() Returns a random non-empty value for the group (with predicate)

Aggregates default values

The following table summarizes the default values of aggregations:

Operator Default value
count(), countif(), dcount(), dcountif() 0
make_bag(), make_bag_if(), make_list(), make_list_if(), make_set(), make_set_if() empty dynamic array ([])
All others null

When using these aggregates over entities which includes null values, the null values will be ignored and won't participate in the calculation (see examples below).


This example simply counts all the events in the events table.

    | project original_time
    | where original_time > ago(24h)
    | summarize NumEvents=count()



Next Example

This example returns the total count of events for the last 24 hours, binned into 24hr periods.

    | project original_time
    | where original_time > ago(24h)
    | summarize NumEvents=count() by HourBucket=bin(original_time, 60m)
    | sort by HourBucket desc
    | take 5


HourBucket NumEvents
2022-06-12 23:00:00.000 8374746
2022-06-12 22:00:00.000 8214746
2022-06-12 21:00:00.000 7374746
2022-06-12 20:00:00.000 9938733
2022-06-12 19:00:00.000 0
2022-06-12 18:00:00.000 1

A table that shows how many events were ingested in each one hour interval for the last 24 hours. The table will contain two columns, EventCount which is the count of the events for the hour, and HourBucket is binned time window of aggregation for the events.

Unique combination

Determine what unique combinations of event name and severity there are in a table. There are no aggregation functions, just group-by keys. The output will just show the columns for those results:

    | project severity, name, original_time
    | where original_time > ago(24h)
    | where severity > 6
    | summarize by name, severity
    | sort by name asc, severity desc
    | take 5


name severity
(Primary) Failover cable OK 10
(Primary) Failover cable Not OK 6
(Primary) Failover message block alloc failed 7
30419 Internet Explorer 8 XSS Attack 8
A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint 7

Minimum and maximum timestamp

Finds the minimum and maximum timestamp of all events in the events table. There is no group-by clause, so there is just one row in the output:

    | project severity, original_time
    | where original_time > ago(24h)
    | where severity > 6
    | summarize MinTime=min(original_time), MaxTime=max(original_time)


Min Max
1975-06-09 09:21:45 2015-12-24 23:45:00

Distinct Count

Create a row for each name, showing a count of distinct src_ip the events ingested.

    | project name, severity, original_time, src_ip
    | where original_time > ago(24h)
    | where severity > 6 and isnotempty(name) and isnotempty(src_ip)
    | summarize SrcIpCount=count_distinct(src_ip) by Name=name
    | order by SrcIpCount desc
    | take 5


Name SrcIpCount
The processing of Group Policy failed 385
Content Protection Violation 367
Web Server Enforcement Violation 312
Openfire Jabber server authentication bypass 305
Deny protocol reverse path check 290