Dynamic transaction routing

Transaction routing can be either static or dynamic:
Dynamic transaction routing enables you to define how a transaction is to be routed depending on such factors as:
Also, a routing program can perform other functions besides redirecting transaction requests, such as:

Dynamic transaction routing cannot be used to reroute remote ATI requests.

CICS manages dynamic transaction routing through the use of the CICS-supplied dynamic transaction routing user exit. This user exit is invoked:
Parameters are passed in a structure between CICS and the dynamic routing program. The program might change some of these parameters to influence subsequent CICS action. The parameters include:

A dynamic transaction routing program must follow standard user exit rules.

CICS supplies a sample program that can be invoked by the user exit, but you can replace this with one of your own. To do this, define your program in the PD of the region and set the UserExitNumber attribute to 25.

Although the RemoteSysId and Remotename attributes are used by the dynamic transaction routing user exit for routing the transactions, they are ignored when the transactions are run locally. If you set up the dynamic transaction routing user exit to allow a transaction to run locally, you need to define the local program.

This user exit is not invoked: