BACKINT configuration file

The BACKINT configuration file includes parameters for the SAP with Oracle BACKINT interface and the backup server. The file extension for the BACKINT configuration file is .utl.

Figure 1. SAP with Oracle, Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with Tivoli Storage Manager
Illustration of SAP with Oracle Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with Tivoli Storage Manager

If Tivoli® Storage FlashCopy® Manager is used with IBM® Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning to protect an SAP system that runs with an Oracle database, the parameters that are typically specified in the CLIENT section can be added to the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP configuration file (.utl file). If the parameters are specified in the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP configuration file, Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager does not require a separate .utl file.

When you use theTivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager setup script, new instances of the DEVICE_CLASS parameter are added to the CLIENT section of the profile configuration file. If you use Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning, the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager profile does not contain a CLIENT section.

The following list describes each parameter, associated values, and default values for the .utl file. The TSM_BACKUP_FROM_SNAPSHOT, TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND, and ACS_DIR parameters must be defined in the .utl file. All other parameters are optional and are not required to be specified in the .utl file.
To create a Tivoli Storage Manager backup from a snapshot, install Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager on a backup server. The offload agent can be run to trigger a Tivoli Storage Manager backup from any snapshot that is created with TSM_BACKUP set to YES, MANDATE, or LATEST.

If Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager is used with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning, this parameter is moved to the .utl file under the new name TSM_BACKUP_FROM_SNAPSHOTS for SAP with Oracle environments.

Create a Tivoli Storage Manager backup from this snapshot. If the Tivoli Storage Manager backup operation does not complete successfully, the target set can be reused.
In contrast to YES, do not reuse the target set until the Tivoli Storage Manager backup completes.
When a snapshot backup was run with TSM_BACKUP LATEST, and the offloaded backup to Tivoli Storage Manager failed or did not start, any new snapshot backup with option TSM_BACKUP set to LATEST, YES, or MANDATE, removes the backup request to Tivoli Storage Manager from the previous backup. This removal prevents backup requests to Tivoli Storage Manager from queuing if the requests cannot be completed in time.
Keep the snapshot backup and do not use it as a source for a subsequent tape backup operation.
The backup is automatically marked for deletion during the unmount operation after the Tivoli Storage Manager backup is completed. The backup is marked for deletion when the backup is successful and when the backup is unsuccessful.
USE_FOR list of device classes
This attribute can be combined with any of the options to limit application to snapshots run with particular device classes as specified in the profile. Use a space to separate device classes.
Note: (DB2® only) A Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager license is required to create a Tivoli Storage Manager backup from a snapshot.
There is no default value, you must specify a value from one of the possible options.
Advanced mode only
There are two options: ADAPTIVE and n. For ADAPTIVE, the maximum number varies depending on the available space. Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager reuses the oldest target set as the target for the current backup. For n, n equals the maximum number of snapshot versions to be maintained. When this limit is reached, the oldest version is deleted.
Advanced mode only
The LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND profile parameters are interdependent:
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to YES, the database must be suspended. Otherwise, write operations to the database might time out and leave the database in an inconsistent state. A specified value of YES for TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND prevents this situation.
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to NO, the user might want to suspend the database without freezing the file system. Also, if JFS is used, freeze and thaw are not supported.
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to AUTO, and the file systems support the freeze function, the effect of AUTO is described in the following table. If the file systems do not support the freeze function, the AUTO value resolves to NO.
For Oracle ASM environments, TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND is independent of LVM_FREEZE_THAW, and LVM_FREEZE_THAW is not allowed for ASM.
The following table summarizes the actions that can be completed, depending on the values of the LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND parameters:
Table 1. Actions Taken Depending on Values of LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND
YES Suspend and freeze Stops with an appropriate error message. Conflicting parameters. Offline with freeze
NO Suspend, no freeze No suspend, no freeze Offline without freeze
AUTO Treat as LVM_FREEZE_THAW YES Treat as LVM_FREEZE_THAW NO Offline with freeze
Enable freeze before the snapshot, and enable thaw afterward. For AIX®, the value YES is valid only if all file systems involved in the backup are JFS2 file systems.
Do not enable a freeze. To set this parameter to NO, a licensed version of Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager is needed and a backup server is required for mounting the snapshot to ensure file system consistency.

The value NO is required if at least one JFS file system is involved.

Advanced mode only
The LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND profile parameters are interdependent:
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to YES, the database must be suspended. Otherwise, write operations to the database might time out and leave the database in an inconsistent state. A specified value of YES for TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND prevents this situation.
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to NO, the user might want to suspend the database without freezing the file system. Also, if JFS is used, freeze and thaw are not supported.
  • If LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to AUTO, and the file systems support the freeze function, the effect of AUTO is described in the following table. If the file systems do not support the freeze function, the AUTO value resolves to NO.
For Oracle ASM environments, TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND is independent of LVM_FREEZE_THAW, and LVM_FREEZE_THAW is not allowed for ASM.
The following table summarizes the actions that are taken depending on the values of the LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND parameters:
Table 2. Actions Taken Depending on Values of LVM_FREEZE_THAW and TARGET_DATABASE_SUSPEND
YES Suspend and freeze Stops with an appropriate error message. Conflicting parameters. Offline with freeze
NO Suspend, no freeze No suspend, no freeze Offline without freeze
AUTO Treat as LVM_FREEZE_THAW YES Treat as LVM_FREEZE_THAW NO Offline with freeze
This value specifies whether to suspend activity on the target database until the FlashCopy operation completes. Enter one of the following values:
Suspend the target database until the FlashCopy operation completes. Use this value when the level of transaction processing is high.
Do not suspend the target database.
All backups must be offline. If SAP requests an offline backup, this parameter is ignored.
The values YES and NO imply an online backup type. When you run a backup with OFFLINE specified, the target database on the production system must be in a startup mount state at the time that either acsora or acsutil is issued. Otherwise, recovery must be run to restore the database.
There is no default. A value for this parameter must be specified by the user.
Advanced mode only
When you back up data, the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager software uses a device class. The following sample identifies the syntax that can be used with the DEVICE_CLASS parameter:
DEVICE_CLASS <list_of_device_classes> [conditions]
When a list of device classes is specified, the software determines which device class matches the device class in the environment. When multiple device classes are specified, separate the device classes with the space character. The condition statement is optional. When you use the condition statement, use the following syntax:
[USE_AT days of week] [FROM time TO time] 
(partioned DB2 databases) [ON_DBPARTITIONNUMS list of partitions]

When there are different devices, multiple sections can be used. Each section provides information about a particular device. To select a particular section, use the DEVICE_CLASS parameter. When the software restores data, the software uses the DEVICE_CLASS value that is specified when the data was backed up.

The configuration wizard (the setup script) automatically adds DEVICE_CLASS sections to the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager profile when you add more instances of the DEVICE_CLASS parameter to the CLIENT section of the profile.

Advanced mode only

This parameter cannot be changed when you use the setup script. The options are YES and NO. This value specifies whether a full file backup is stored to the repository. Storing a full file backup or a full database backup to the repository affects performance.

Advanced mode only

Specify the maximum time in seconds that the database agent waits for a response to the management agent call during the flash phase. If the database agent does not receive a response within the specified time, an error message is posted.

This parameter also specifies the maximum time in seconds that database can be suspended. This time setting also sets the maximum time for which JFS2 file systems can be frozen. If the timeout is reached, the file systems thaw, the database is resumed, and the backup operation ends with an error. If the parameter LVM_FREEZE_THAW is set to AUTO or YES, the minimal time value for TIMEOUT_FLASH is 5 seconds. The minimal value is 1 second.

120 seconds
Advanced mode only
Specify the maximum time in seconds that the database agent waits for a response to the management agent call during the <phase> phase. If the database agent does not receive a response within the specified time, an error message is posted.
You can specify one of these phase values for a FlashCopy backup. For example, TIMEOUT_PREPARE.
You can specify one of these phase values for a FlashCopy restore. For example, TIMEOUT_FLASHRESTORE.
3600 seconds
Advanced mode only
Specify a string that is used in the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning Administration Assistant that uniquely identifies an Oracle database in the system landscape. This parameter is only valid when the ADMIN_ASSISTANT parameter is specified in the ACSD section of the profile.
Advanced mode only
Path to the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager configuration directory. This parameter is required. The following subdirectories are included in this directory:
The subdirectory contains all log and trace information for Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager.
The subdirectory contains information that is shared among all Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager components.

When the subdirectory is initially created, the only file that is stored in the directory is the password file: pwd.acsd. This file contains the passwords for all devices that are specified within the profile. The file also contains a master password that is used from all components for authentication when they are connecting to the management agent. When you are running remote configuration tasks from the production system with SSH, the information in these directories is promoted to all systems that belong to the instance where Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager is configured.

Advanced mode only
The host name and port of the system where the management agent is running. The following format is used for ACSD: hostname port

This parameter must be identical on all systems where Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager is installed for a database instance. While the parameter must be identical, each database instance can be managed by an individual management agent.

localhost 57328
Advanced mode only

This parameter specifies a string that is added in front of the backup ID that is generated by FlashCopy Manager. This parameter can be used to separate the backups within the same repository so that other clients are not able to query, restore, or delete these backups.

The string can contain letters, integers, or the underscore character. The string must be 6 characters.

This parameter has the same meaning as the corresponding parameter in the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning *.utl file. Use the same value.

Advanced mode only

This parameter activates tracing. These parameters are set when you receive instructions from IBM Support.

Advanced mode only

This parameter is only for use with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

No is the default value. If it is set to NO all the other INCREMENTAL* parameters have no effect.
The backup type is cumulative RMAN. Cumulative backups are run by using RMAN.
The backup type is incremental RMAN. Incremental backups are run by using RMAN.
Advanced mode only

This parameter is only for use with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

This parameter specifies the name of the catalog that is passed to RMAN to connect to the catalog database. This is the name of the listener for the catalog database. If the INCREMENTAL parameter is enabled and this value is missing, an error message is displayed.

There is no default value. You must specify a value if the INCREMENTAL parameter has any value other than NO.
Advanced mode only

This parameter is only for use with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

This parameter specifies the name of the catalog that is passed to RMAN to connect to the catalog database. If the INCREMENTAL parameter is enabled and this value is missing an error message is displayed.

There is no default value. You must specify a value if the INCREMENTAL parameter has any value other than NO.
Advanced mode only

This parameter is only for use with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

Specifies the number of parallel RMAN channels, 1 or more, that transfer the data.

Advanced mode only

This parameter is only for use with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

The RMAN incremental level is an integer of value 0 or 1. An INCREMENTAL_LEVEL of 0 generates a full backup and an INCREMENTAL_LEVEL value of 1 generates an incremental backup. The specification of day and time is optional. If day and time are used, multiple occurrences of this parameter are valid if the time specifications do not overlap. Time must be specified in the 24-hour format. Days can be specified by weekday abbreviations such as Mon or Tue, or by numerical values 0 or 6 where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. The syntax for day and time specification is [USE_AT <days of week> FROM <time>TO <time>]

Advanced mode only