Managing space assessments with the Perceptive app

What is the Space Management app? Our Space Management app is a mobile-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your tablet device or desktop, you can easily review completed assessments, accept or reject any suggested (add or remove) actions for a space, and move on to the next space.

Note: For more information, see Managing spaces and Space audits.


I. What is the Space Management app?

To set the context, our foundation TRIRIGA® space application enables you to track space utilization data in buildings by allocating and auditing your spaces. Here's a basic diagram of the TRIRIGA space process flow.

Basic diagram of the TRIRIGA space process flow

So, in terms of the space process diagram, the Audit Spaces box loosely represents our Perceptive apps -- the Space Assessment app and companion Space Management app -- in our UX framework. Keep in mind that this box still also represents the space audit functionality in our foundation space application. But here, let's focus on the two Perceptive apps.

Our Space Management app is a mobile-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your tablet device or desktop, you can easily review completed assessments, accept or reject any suggested (add or remove) actions for a space, and move on to the next space.

II. Access the App

From your mobile browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/spaceManagement, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. Feel free to create a browser bookmark or shortcut.

From your desktop browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. From the navigation bar, select Space > Assess Space > Space Management.

Security Group and Access

  • Space Assessor: This group cannot access the Space Management app.
  • Space Manager: This group has full access to the Space Management app.
  • Space Planner: This group has full access to the Space Management app.

III. Space Manager

If you don't see your completed assessments, make sure that you've been added as a Space Manager contact role for the assessed building.

Here are the basic steps for a Space Manager contact role:

  • Open your list of completed space assessments.
  • Create an individual space assessment if needed.
    • Assign a Space Walker contact to perform the assessment.
    • When an assessment is completed, a notification is sent to you.
  • Open a completed space assessment.
  • Review or comment on the space assessment details.
    • Exclude any suggested (add or remove) actions.
    • Undo any suggested (add or remove) actions.
  • When all of the suggested actions are reviewed, click Apply.