OMNIbus Event Reader commands

The event reader service uses the host and port information of a specified ObjectServer data source so that it can connect to an ObjectServer to poll for new and updated events and store them in a queue.

The event processor service requests events from the event reader. You can use the following commands in the command line interface to work with the OMNIbus event reader service:
Remember: After you run an Update Service command, you must restart the Service to implement the changes.
Update Service set ClearQueue=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Clears the event reader queue.
Select QueueSize from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the queue size.
Update Service set ClearBuffer=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Clears the event buffer.
Select BufferSize from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the buffer size.
Update Service set ClearState=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Clears the reader state.
Select StatusEvents from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if the service reads the status events inserted from the Self Monitoring Service.
Update Service set StatusEvents=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Enables reading of status events.
Update Service set StatusEvents=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Disables reading of status events.
Select LockEvents from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if event locking is enabled.
Update Service set LockEvents=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Enables event locking.
Update Service set LockEvents=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Disables event locking.
Select LockingExpression from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the event locking expression.
Update Service set LockingExpression='<lockingexpression'> where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the event locking expression.
Select GetDeletes from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if the service reads deleted events.
Update Service set GetDeletes=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Enables reading of deleted events.
Update Service set GetDeletes=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Disables reading of deleted events.
Select PolicyForDeletes from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the policy which gets triggered for deleted events.
Update Service set PolicyForDeletes='<policyfordeletes>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the policy where 'Deletes' are sent.
Select OrderByExpression from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the OrderByExpression.
Update Service set OrderByExpression='<orderbyexpression>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the OrderByExpression.
Select CollectReports from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if collecting of reports is enabled.
Select GetUpdates from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if the Service is configured to get updates.
Update Service set GetUpdates=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Enables getting updates.
Update Service set GetUpdates=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Disables getting updates.
Select DataSource from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the objectserver data source from which events are read.
Update Service set DataSource='<datasourcename>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the data source from which events are read.
Select PollingInterval from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the polling interval.
Update Service set PollingInterval=<pollingintervalinmilliseconds> where Name= 'OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the polling interval. For example: Update Service set PollingInterval=4000 where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Select Fields from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the fields used in select statements.
Update Service set Fields='<fields>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the fields used in select statements.
Select ExecuteAllMatches from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if the service sends the event to all the policies that pass the filter mapping evaluation.
Update Service set ExecuteAllMatches=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sends the event to all the policies whose filter it matches.
Update Service set ExecuteAllMatches=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sends the event to the first policy whose filter it matches.
Select NumFilters from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the number of filters.
Update Service set NumFilters=<numfilters> where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the number of filters.
Select FilterNum<num> from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the information on a specific filter. For example, use the Select FilterNum1 from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader'; command to get the information for the first filter. The command will display the Policy, Restriction Filter and whether it is Active for that filter.
Select PolicyNum<num> from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the policy for a particular filter.
Update Service set PolicyNum<num>='<policynum>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the policy for a particular filter.
Select ActiveNum<num> from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Checks if a particular filter is active.
Update Service set ActiveNum<num>=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Makes a particular filter active.
Update Service set ActiveNum<num>=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Makes a particular filter inactive.
Select RestrictionNum<num> from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets the restriction clause for a particular filter.
Update Service set RestrictionNum<num>='<restriction>' where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the restriction clause for a particular filter.
Update Service set DeleteFilter=<num> where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Deletes a filter specified in <num>.
Update Service set DeleteAllFilters=true where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Deletes all the filters for a reader: DELETEALLFILTERS
Update Service set IsPolicyInChainForFilter1=false where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Sets the Chain option for a filter.
Select AllFilters from Service where Name='OMNIbusEventReader';
Gets a list of all filters for a reader on Select.
Note: For the sake of examples, it is assumed that the name of the Service is OMNIbusEventReader (this Service was called DefaultEventReader before Tivoli Netcool®/Impact 5.1).

Dynamically updating event mapping filters

As well as running the commands described in the preceding section, you can also dynamically update event mapping filters.

To update an event mapping filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Retrieve the existing data for the given reader name.
    nodes=GetByFilter('Service',"Name='" + name + "'",null);
    NUMFILTERS = nodes[0].NUMFILTERS  + 1;
  2. Populate the reader with the new filter.
     nodes[0].NUMFILTERS = Int(""+NUMFILTERS); 
      nodes[0][active] = true;
     EventFilter = "Severity >= 5";
     nodes[0][filter]= EventFilter;
      nodes[0][policy] = "RBAEventProcessingPolicy" ;
  3. Restart the service.
    Update Service SET Running=false where name='OMNIbusEventReader';
    Hibernate("Restarting Service",10);  //this is to pause using Impact Hibernate 
                               //function, please make sure the syntax is correct
    Update Service SET Running=true  where name='OMNIbusEventReader';

Example editing an existing reader filter

  1. Retrieve the existing data for the given reader name.
    nodes=GetByFilter('Service',"Name='" + name + "'",null);
  2. Populate the reader with the updated filter.
    EventFilter = "Severity >= 5";
    nodes[0][filter]= EventFilter;
  3. Restart the service.
    Update Service SET Running=false where name='DatabaseEventReader';
    Hibernate("Restarting Service",10);  //this is to pause using Impact Hibernate
                               //function, please make sure the syntax is correct
    Update Service SET Running=true  where name='DatabaseEventReader';