Installing and uninstalling Netcool Impact Auto Start on UNIX/Linux

Netcool Impact Auto Start allows you to start Impact servers on system startup.

The following procedures describe how to install and uninstall Netcool Impact Auto Start.

Note: To perform the steps in this section, you must sign on as a system administrator with root access. This is because the location where the files are generated and their final locations is a file system set of directories that non-root users will not have access to add or edit.

Installing Impact Auto Start

To install Netcool Impact Auto Start on UNIX and Linux platforms, use the following steps:

  1. Open the command line prompt.
  2. Login as root by typing:

    su - root

  3. Change to the following directory:


  4. Run the following command:


  5. At the prompt, type Y
  6. At second prompt, type Y to install autostartup for the jrexec server.
    Note: For an Impact GUI server only, there is no prompt to install the JRExec startup.

Configuring the systemcl service

Note: The following activity must be carried out by a system administrator with some knowledge of systemd and systemcl in order to further customize the services if there is a requirement for things to start based on specific dependencies.

By default, the script will generate and configure the init.d service. On systems where init.d is longer planned to be used, you can use the following additional instructions to configure the systemcl service:

  1. Navigate to the staging directory /run/systemd/generator.late and locate the newly created *.service files (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service).

    If Impact JRExec server was not selected for auto start, then you will not see the ncijrexec.service file being generated.

  2. Edit the *.service files (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service):

    1. Locate the [Service] section in each file and add the following two lines, replacing the values Impactuser and Impactgroup with the actual values of the ID that installed Impact on the system (as a minimum, define the User entry.):

    2. Add the following to the bottom of the files (and customize as needed). In most cases, you will want to use the, instead of

    3. At this point you can add any other additional customization, for example to the [Unit] section, if you have any specific requirements such as: only allow start if something else has taken place. Refer to systemd and systemctl documentation for details of usage and customization.

  3. Copy the newly updated *.service files (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service) to the /etc/systemd/system directory.

  4. Enable the services using the following command for each of these new files (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service):

    Note: systemctl should be used here:

    systemctl enable <servicename>

    For example:

    systemctl enable nci.service


    systemctl daemon-reload

    Note: deamon-reload is needed when the service file is edited and needs to be reloaded (alternatively, use disable and enable).

  5. Change the file properties for each of the files that will be used to start and stop the services. Make the files executable using the chmod command:

    chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/nci*

    The above command will make the nci, ncigui and ncijrexec scripts executable, allowing systemctl to execute the logic on behalf of the Impact user.

  6. Start the services using the following command for each of the new services (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service):

    systemctl start <service>

    For example:

    systemctl start nci.service
  7. To get the status of the services, use the following command for each of the new services (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service):

    systemctl status <service>

    For example:

    systemctl status nci.service
  8. To stop the services, use the following command for each of the new services (nci, ncigui and ncijrexec):

    systemctl stop <service>

    For example:

    systemctl stop nci.service
    Note: The services might not stop. It depends on the dependencies and customization used in the nci*.service files. Refer to the systemd and systemctl documentation for your system.
  9. To disable the services, use the following command for each of the new services (nci.service, ncigui.service and ncijrexec.service):

    systemctl disable <service>

    For example:

    systemctl disable nci.service
Note: If you already have set up and have been using the /etc/init.d startup services for your Impact/GUI/JRExec services, then before starting for the first time using systemclt, make sure you stop the services using init.d. You should then be able to start using systemcl commands.

When using the uninstall_autostart script to uninstall the services and you are using systemctl, make sure to stop the services and then issue the systemctl disable command for each of the services. The uninstall_autostart script will automatically remove the services entries from the /etc/rc.d/init.d and etct/init.d directories, as well as, the staging directory /run/systemd/generator.late, but will not be removed from the /etc/systemd/system directory (because those were manually copied). If the services were disabled and the nci* files were removed from /etc/rc.d/init.d, then the files in /etc/systemd/system will not be usable.

Uninstalling Impact Auto Start

To uninstall Netcool Impact Auto Start from UNIX and Linux platforms, use the following steps:

  1. Open the command line prompt.
  2. Login as root by typing:

    su - root

  3. Change to the following directory:


  4. Run the following command:


  5. At the prompt, type Y