Accessing cluster information using the REST API

This functionality allows users to access information about the Impact server and cluster through the REST interface.

Users must possess the impactAdminUser role to access the REST interface.

The following examples demonstrate its usage with the curl command line tool.

Request the host of the acting Impact primary

To request the host of the acting primary, send a GET request to any cluster member:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/primaryserverhost


USERNAME is the name of the Impact user, such as impactadmin.

PASSWORD is the Impact user's password.

HOST is the hostname or IP address of the Impact server.

PORT is the backend port for the Impact server. The default port is 9081.


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/primaryserverhost

If the request succeeded, the host of the acting primary is returned in a JSON string:


Request the server name of the acting Impact primary

To request the server name of the acting primary, send a GET request to a cluster member:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/primaryservername


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/primaryservername

If the request succeeded, the server name of the acting primary is returned in a JSON string:


Request the list of active secondary servers

To request the list of active secondary servers, send a GET request to the acting primary:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/secondaryservers


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/secondaryservers

If the request succeeded, a list of acting secondary server names is returned:


An empty list will be returned, if there are no active secondary servers or the request wasn't sent to the acting primary:


Request JVM memory usage

To request the current memory usage or total memory available to the Java runtime, send a GET request to any cluster member:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/<SERVERNAME>/memoryusage
curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/<SERVERNAME>/totalmemory


USERNAME is the name of the Impact user, such as impactadmin.

PASSWORD is the Impact user's password.

HOST is the hostname or IP address of the Impact server.

PORT is the backend port for the Impact server. The default port is 9081.

SERVERNAME is the name of the Impact server, such as NCI.


Returns the current JVM memory usage in bytes of the acting primary:

curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/NCI/memoryusage

Returns the total JVM memory in bytes of the acting primary:

curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/NCI/totalmemory

Check whether the server is the acting primary

version To check whether the current server is the acting primary and preferred primary, send a GET request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/isprimary


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/isprimary

If the request succeeded, a JSON message is returned:


Get the server name, cluster name and secondary servers

version To get the server name, cluster name, acting primary and registered secondary servers, send a GET request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/clustername


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/clustername

If the request succeeded, a JSON message is returned:


The list of secondary servers, activeClusterMembers is only populated for the acting primary. This list will be empty when querying a secondary server.

Get the Impact version

version To retrieve the Impact version, send a GET request to /restui/serverinfo/version.

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/serverinfo/version


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/serverinfo/version

If the request succeeded, a JSON message is returned:
