How to use the Derby database in SSL mode

This topic describes how to use the Derby database in SSL mode.

To use the Derby database in SSL mode, use the following steps:
  1. Enable Impact to use keyStore and trustStore for SSL.
  2. You can find a template file in the $IMPACT_HOME/install/dbcore directory.

    This file contains the following lines:

    The sslMode parameter takes one of the following values:
    • peerAuthentication: Requires keyStore and trustStore to be configured in Impact (this is the most common, and recommended, setting).
    • basic: Requires just keyStore to be configured in Impact.
    • off: Means that SSL mode for Derby is not enabled
    Note: If Impact is enabled with TLSv1.3, the valid derby sslMode values are either off or peerAuthentication.
  3. Modify, or create, a file in the $IMPACT_HOME/db/<ServerName>/derby directory.

    If you already have a file located in $IMPACT_HOME/db/<ServerName>/derby, you will need to modify it, and add one of the SSL mode properties described in Step 2. If not, copy the file from $IMPACT_HOME/install/dbcore and enable one of the sslMode properties.

  4. Go to the Data Model UI and find the Derby data sources (ImpactDB, RelatedEventsDatasource, seasonalEventsDatasource, NOIReportDatasource, and any others).
  5. Modify each data source and select the required SSL Mode (off, basic, or peerAuthentication).
  6. You will need to restart Impact Servers/Cluster for the changes to take affect.