Decrypting the Impact Derby database

This topic describes how to decrypt the Impact Derby database.

To encrypt the Impact Derby database, use the following steps:
  1. Ensure IMPACT_HOME is set correctly:
    export IMPACT_HOME=/opt/IBM/tivoli/impact
  2. Login to the Impact UI and modify the ImpactDB, RelatedEventsDatasource, NOIReportDatasource, and seasonalReportDatasource Derby data sources, disable the check-box to encrypt the database, and provide an encryption boot password.
  3. Stop all Impact cluster members, including the Primary server.
  4. Run the following command, replacing NCI with the correct value for the Impact server name and impact/derbypass/encryptderby with the correct Derby username and password:
    $IMPACT_HOME/sdk/bin/java -classpath 
    $IMPACT_HOME/wlp/usr/servers/NCI/apps/NCI.ear/nci.jar:$IMPACT_HOME/lib3p/derby.jar:$IMPACT_HOME/lib3p/derbyclient.jar:$IMPACT_HOME/lib3p/derbyrun.jar:$IMPACT_HOME/lib3p/derbytools.jar -Dderby.system.home=$IMPACT_HOME/db/NCI/derby -Dderby.user=impact 
    -Dderby.password=derbypass -Dderby.encrypt.password=encryptderby com.micromuse.response.service.ImpactDatabaseDecrypt
    Note: You should see the message: Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Database 'ImpactDB' shutdown.
  5. Start all Impact cluster members, starting the Primary server first.