Viewing maintenance windows

The main Maintenance Window page displays the full list of maintenance windows, grouped by window type. You can use the Filter control to view the windows of a single window type (All Windows, One Time, Day of Week, Day of Month, Nth Day of Week in Month, Active, or from FP22 onwards: Weekly).

In the One Time window, the color of the status icon indicates whether the window is active (green), expired (purple), or has not started yet future (blue).

In the other windows the color of the status icon indicates whether the window is active (green) or inactive (orange).

You can sort the maintenance windows by column by clicking on a column header of the table. Clicking again reverses the sort.

To edit an existing maintenance window, click the Edit icon for the window.

You can delete maintenance windows by checking the boxes next to the windows to delete, and clicking Delete for that window type.


Viewing maintenance windows in Fix Pack 31 or later

The main Maintenance Window displays one maintenance window at a time, separated by tabs. You can use the Tab control to switch between multiple windows (One Time, Day of Week, Day of Month, Nth Day of Week in Month or Weekly).

To edit an existing maintenance window, click the overflow icon (three dots) for the entry you want to edit, and under the dropdown click Edit.

You can delete the maintenance window by clicking the overflow icon and clicking Delete. In addition, you can delete multiple windows by checking the boxes next to the windows to delete and clicking Delete towards top of the table.

To edit multiple existing maintenance windows, select multiple windows using the check box and click Edit towards top of the table. This allows you to update multiple entries at once (limited to options that change the maintenance window periods). For items that do not fit the requirement (for example, when start time is greater than the end time), the entry will not save and continue trying to save the rest of the fields.

Searching for maintenance windows

There are two types of searching available for maintenance windows: The SQL filter search and table search.

The SQL filter search is located at the top of the page next to the status symbols. This search is the same as the SQL filter search on the ImpactDB mm_window table. You can use the same query on this page to filter the list of items for maintenance windows.

Note: The column name needs to match the one listed under mm_window page, and not the ones listed on the MWM page.

The table search is located within the table, above the columns. This search filters results on what is currently being shown on screen, and does not search through other pages. It gives quick access to find the desired record on the displayed page.