IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Converting files using the krarloff program

The krarloff rolloff program can be run either at the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server or in the directory where the monitoring agent is running, from the directory in which the history files are stored.

Attributes formatting

Some attributes need to be formatted for display purposes. For example, floating point numbers that specify a certain number of precision digits to be printed to the left of a decimal point. These display formatting considerations are specified in product attribute files.

When you use the krarloff rolloff program to roll off historical data into a text file, any attributes that require format specifiers as indicated in the attribute file are ignored. Only the raw number is seen in the rolled off history text file. Thus, instead of displaying 45.99% or 45.99, the number 4599 displays.

The warehouse proxy inserts data according to the type, length, and data precision specified in the attribute files. However, the Tivoli Data Warehouse database displays the correct attribute formatting only for those attributes that use integers with floating point number formats.

You can use the krarloff rolloff program to covert the history file of the Tivoli System Monitor Agent into a text file on Linux and UNIX. The krarloff rolloff program is used because the Tivoli System Monitor Agent does not provide the command itmcmd history on UNIX and Linux.


Run the krarloff rolloff program from the directory in which the monitoring server or the monitoring agent is run by entering the following at the command prompt:
krarloff [-h] [-g] [-x] [-d delimiter] [-m metafile] [-r rename-to-file] 
[-o output-file] {-s source | source-file name}
Where the [ ] square brackets denote the optional parameters and the { } curly braces denote a required parameter listed below.
  1. Set the environment variables:
    export PATH=$PATH: $CANDLEHOME/tmaitm6/<interp>/bin/  
    export ATTRLIB=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/tables/ATTRLIB 
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/gs/lib  
  2. Copy the header and data file to another directory:
    mkdir $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/hist/tmp
    cp PVTHIST_LNXCPU* $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/hist/tmp
    cd tmp
  3. Execute the krarloff program to convert the history file into a text file. For example:
    krarloff -h -d ";" -m PVTHIST_LNXCPU.hdr -o PVTHIST_LNXCPU.out 
  1. Set the environment variables:
    export PATH=$PATH: $CANDLEHOME/tmaitm6/<interp>/bin/
    export ATTRLIB=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/tables/ATTRLIB
  2. Copy the header and data file to another directory:
    mkdir $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/hist/tmp
    cp PVTHIST_UNIXDISK* $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/hist/tmp
    cd tmp
  3. Execute the krarloff program to convert the history file into a text file. For example:
    krarloff -h -d ";" -m PVTHIST_UNIXDISK.hdr -o PVTHIST_UNIXDISK.out 

After the conversion is finished, the history file is renamed to *.old. For example; PVTHIST_LNXCPU becomes PVTHIST_LNXCPU.old.

The agent outputs all private history files to this subdirectory:
  • Windows install_dir\TMAITM6\logs
  • LinuxUNIX install_dir/<arch>/<pc>/hist
Restriction: The krarloff rolloff program is not supported for the i5/OS™ agent on AS400 systems.

Krarloff rolloff program parameters

The following table lists the krarloff rolloff program parameters, their purpose, and default values.
Table 1. Parameters for the krarloff rolloff program
Parameter Default Value Description
-h off Controls the presence or absence of the header in the output file. If present, the header is printed as the first line. The header identifies the attribute column name.
-g off Controls the presence or absence of the product group_name in the header of the output file. Add the -g to the invocation line for the krarloff rolloff program to include a group_name.attribute_name in the header.
-x off Excludes the SAMPLES and INTERVAL attributes in the output file.
-d tab Delimiter used to separate fields in the output text file. Valid values are any single character (for example, a comma).
-m source-file.hdr metafile that describes the format of the data in the source file. If no metafile is specified on the command-line, the default file name is used.
-r source-file.old Rename-to-filename parameter used to rename the source file. If the renaming operation fails, the script waits two seconds and retries the operation.
-o source-file.nnn where nnn is Julian day Output file name. The name of the file containing the output text file.
-s none Required parameter. Source short-term history file that contains the data that needs to be read. Within the curly brace, the vertical bar (|) denotes that you can either use an -s source option, or if a name with no option is specified, it is considered a source file name. No defaults are assumed for the source file.
