Generating event history reports from the ISPF interface
Use the Advanced Allocation Management event recording and reporting facility to create reports online or through a batch reporting utility. With the options that are available on the Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management View Event History panel, you can customize and generate Advanced Allocation Management event history reports.
Before you begin
Note: Advanced Allocation Management does
not record event data unless you specifically configure it to do so.
For more information, see Enabling event recording.
For information about the batch reporting utility, see Batch reporting utility.
About this task
- From the Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management Primary
Option Menu,
type 4 (View Event History).
The Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management View Event History panel opens. For example:
Figure 1. Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management View Event History Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management View Event History Input Options: SMF Source File (**). SMF Record ID . . . . Filter Set Criteria . Enter "/" to select option Specify additional SMF source files Specify additional filter set criteria Report Options: Sort-By Field . . . . Detail Report . . . . (Basic, All, or No) Summary Report. . . . (Yes or No) Format. . . . . . . . (Report or List) Work DS Prefix. . . . (Defaults to TSO userid) Output Options: Listing Data Set (**) Output Mode . . . . . (View or Browse) **- data set names must be fully qualified, without quotes
- In the Input Options area, specify
the following options:
Option Description SMF Source File (Required.) Type the name of the non-VSAM SMF data set to search for Advanced Allocation Management event records. Note: If the data set is on tape, use the batch utility to create the report.SMF Record ID (Required.) Type the 3-character numeric value that is specified by SMF_RECORD_ID in the OPTIONS member. For more information, see Specifying subsystem options. Filter Set Criteria Specify the filter set criteria. For more information, see Report filter criteria and filter sets. Specify additional SMF source files (Optional.) Type a forward slash, and specify up to nine additional non-VSAM SMF source files. Note: If the data set is on tape, use the batch utility to create the report.Press Enter to process the additional files.
Specify additional filter set criteria (Optional.) Type a forward slash, and specify up to nine additional filter criteria. Note: To specify more than ten filter criteria, use the batch reporting utility.Press Enter to process the additional criteria.
- The View Event History report options
(Detail Report, Summary Report,
and Format) are designed to work in combination
with each other to produce the appropriate output. Specify the following Report
Option Description Sort-By Field (Optional.) Specify the field to sort the report. Note: If you do not provide a sort field, the records are reported in the order in which they are read.Detail Report Detail records provide a detailed description of each entity that encounters an event that is recorded. Specify one of the following options:
- Y
- (Default.) Include detail records in the report.
- N
- Do not include detail records in the report.
- A
- (ALL) Generate an expanded report with additional values.
- B
- (BASIC) Include detail records in the report. (Specifying this option is the same as specifying Y.)
Note: If Format=R (Report) is also specified, the detail records are formatted. If Format=L (List) is also specified, the detail records are composed of raw data, in a format that is suitable for input into another report writing utility.Summary Report Specify whether to generate a summary of the records that are processed: - Y
- Generate a summary of the records that are processed.
- N
- Do not generate a summary of the records that are processed.
Note: Because the summary report is always formatted, Summary Report=Y is valid only when Format=R (Report) is also specified.Format Specify the type of output to generate: - R (Report)
- Generate a formatted report.
- L (List)
- Generate raw data records in a format that is suitable for input into other report writing utilities.
Work DS prefix (Optional.) By default, temporary work data sets are created using a high-level qualifier of your user ID. If you want to specify a different high-level qualifier, enter it here. Ensure that the data set name node that you specify meets the following requirements: - The first character must be an alphabetic or national ($, #, @) character.
- Characters 2 - 8 must be an alphanumeric or national character, a hyphen, or an open-bracket ("{").
If the resulting data set names do not exist, they are created. If the data sets you specify exist, their contents are overwritten.
- Specify the following Output Options:
Option Description Listing Data Set Specify the name of the listing data set: - To retain the output, specify a data set name. If the data set does not exist, it is created. If the data set exists, the contents are overwritten.
- If you do not specify a data set name, a temporary data set is allocated and then deleted after you finish browsing or viewing the output.
Output Mode Specify the ISPF facility to display the resulting report: - V (View)
- Type V to specify ISPF VIEW. View allows for greater manipulation (such as record sorting and line manipulations) of the displayed data, but is limited by the size of the report that it can display.
- B (Browse)
- Type B to specify ISPF BROWSE. Browse is unlimited in the size of the report it can display. However, it is much more limited in the way the data can be manipulated.
- When you finish specifying options, press PF3.