Configuring the Advanced Allocation Management Monitoring Agent

For the Advanced Allocation Management Monitoring Agent, you must include the Advanced Allocation Management base product load library (SGLOLOAD).

About this task

For general information about Configuration Manager and PARMGEN, refer to the OMEGAMON Shared documentation:

Perform the following steps in Configuration Manager or PARMGEN:


  1. For Configuration Manager, ensure the override embed support is enabled. For more information about override embed members, see
  2. Modify member KRJ$SST1 in rtePlibHilev.rteName.EMBEDS (Configuration Manager) or WCONFIG (PARMGEN) to add / uncomment the DD definition for SGLOLOAD.
    That will then be added to the generated monitoring agent STC JCL:
    //          DD DISP=SHR,                         
  3. Optional: Configure any of the common agent parameters as described in

    For an out of the box installation, no customization of these parameters is necessary.

    1. To add/change any of the common agent parameters, edit the WCONFIG (rte_name) data set member for PARMGEN.

      If you are using Configuration Manager, create a member RTEDEF(KRJ$PARM) with the respective parameter changes.

  4. Run the GENERATE action (Configuration Manager) or the $PARSE step (PARMGEN) to generate the needed RKANPARU members and the proper STC definition.
  5. Follow the general Complete the Configuration steps as listed in

    There are no specific steps to perform for this product other than the generic tasks like APF authorization, PROCLIB, VTAMLST setup, and so on.