Hardware and software prerequisites

Before you install and configure Transaction Analysis Workbench, make sure that your environment meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.

To install Transaction Analysis Workbench, you use SMP/E and standard RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT processing. For complete information about installation requirements, prerequisites, and procedures for Transaction Analysis Workbench, see the Transaction Analysis Workbench Program Directory.

Hardware prerequisites

Transaction Analysis Workbench operates on any hardware configuration that supports the required software.

Software prerequisites: mandatory

Before installing and configuring Transaction Analysis Workbench, ensure that the following software requirements are fulfilled:

  • z/OS®, V2.1, or later

Software prerequisites: conditional

Transaction Analysis Workbench can read the log records from many types of system. Except under some specific conditions relating to automated file selection, Transaction Analysis Workbench does not require the systems that wrote the records: just the log files that contain the records.

For example, suppose you work for the information systems support department of an enterprise that uses CICS®, and you want to use Transaction Analysis Workbench, which is installed on your local z/OS system, to analyze the performance data from a CICS region that is running on a z/OS system in another country. To analyze the performance data, you do not require CICS to be installed on your local z/OS system: you just need copies of the dumped SMF data sets (containing the CMF records written by that region) for the time period that you want to analyze.

Under the following conditions, Transaction Analysis Workbench has additional software requirements:

Analyzing logs
You can use Transaction Analysis Workbench to analyze logs that have been created by the following product versions:
Table 1. Prerequisite product versions for supported log records
Log records Must have been created by one of the following product versions…
IMS log IMS, V12.1, or later
DB2® log, or SMF records written by DB2 DB2 for z/OS, V10.1, or later

DB2 for z/OS Value Unit Edition, V10.1, or later

IBM® MQ log extract WebSphere® MQ for z/OS, V7.1

IBM MQ for z/OS, V8.0, or later

IMS Connect Extensions journal (contains IMS Connect event data) IMS Connect Extensions for z/OS, V2.4

IMS Performance Solution Pack for z/OS, V1.3

CICS monitoring facility (CMF) records (SMF type 110, subtype 1) CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, V4.1, or later
OMEGAMON® for IMS Application Trace Facility (ATF) journal IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS, V4.2, or later
Submitting IMS Performance Analyzer for z/OS or CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OS batch reports
The Transaction Analysis Workbench ISPF dialog allows you to submit batch jobs that request reports from the following products:
  • IMS Performance Analyzer for z/OS, V4.4
  • CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OS, V5.2, or later

If those products are not installed, the batch jobs will fail.

Using the automated file selection utility
When you use the Transaction Analysis Workbench automated file selection utility for the following types of log file, Transaction Analysis Workbench requires the systems that manage the archiving of those log files:
DB2 logs
Automated file selection of DB2 logs requires DB2. Specifically, the automated file selection utility uses output from the DB2-supplied print log map utility, DSNJU004. The print log map utility generates a list of DB2 log files and their time spans from information in the DB2 bootstrap data set (BSDS). When you use the Transaction Analysis Workbench ISPF dialog to run automated file selection, the dialog generates JCL that includes a step that calls DSNJU004; this requires DB2 to be installed on the system.

However, even in this situation, you can remove the requirement for DB2: perform the DSNJU004 job step on the system where DB2 is installed; save the results to a data set; and then adjust the JCL for the Transaction Analysis Workbench automated file selection utility to refer to that data set, rather than calling DSNJU004. Remember that, if you copy the DSNJU004-generated data set and the DB2 log files from their original z/OS system to another system where Transaction Analysis Workbench is installed, the Transaction Analysis Workbench automated file selection utility will expect the DB2 log files to have the same data set names that they had on the original system.

IMS logs
Automated file selection of IMS logs requires IMS. Specifically, the automated file selection utility uses the IMS DBRC API to access the IMS RECON data sets, containing information about IMS log (SLDS) files and their time spans.
IMS Connect Extensions journals
Automated file selection of IMS Connect Extensions journals requires the IMS Connect Extensions definition repository (a VSAM KSDS), containing information about journals and their time spans. This is not quite the same type of requirement as for DB2 or IMS logs, because it does not involve using any IMS Connect Extensions-supplied programs or programming interfaces. Just remember that, if you want to use Transaction Analysis Workbench to analyze IMS Connect Extensions journals, and you want to use the Transaction Analysis Workbench automated file selection utility to select those journals, then, in additional to the journals, you also need the corresponding IMS Connect Extensions definition repository.