License Installation and First-time Login

Before you begin, make sure you have your full or trial license key file that was sent to you in a separate email. Save the license file on your local machine so you can upload it to your Turbonomic installation.

To use Turbonomic for the first time, perform the following steps:

  1. Type the IP address of your installed Turbonomic instance in a Web browser to connect to it.

  2. Log in to Turbonomic.

    • Use the default credential for USERNAME: administrator.

    • Type a password for PASSWORD.

    • Type the password again to verify it for REPEAT PASSWORD.

    • Click CONFIGURE.

  3. Continue setting up your Turbonomic installation.

    Click LET'S GO.

  4. Open the Enter License fly-out.


  5. Upload your license key file.

    1. In the Enter License fly-out, you can upload the license in one of the following ways:

      • Drag and drop the license key file into the Enter License fly-out.

      • Browse to the license key file.

      Be sure to upload only .xml, .lic, or .jwt files.

    2. Click SAVE.

Depending on which license you have installed, the license enables either a trial or a full unlimited license for Turbonomic.