Supply Chain of Entities

Turbonomic Supply Chain

To perform Application Resource Management, Turbonomic models your environment as a market of buyers and sellers linked together in a supply chain. This supply chain represents the flow of resources from the datacenter, through the physical tiers of your environment, into the virtual tier and out to the cloud. By managing relationships between these buyers and sellers, Turbonomic provides closed-loop management of resources, from the datacenter, through to the application.

Reading the Supply Chain

By looking at the Supply Chain, you can see:

  • How many entities you have on each tier

    Each entry in the supply chain gives a count of entities for the given type.

  • The overall health of entities in each tier

    The ring for each entry indicates the percentage of pending actions for that tier in the datacenter. Ring colors indicate how critical the actions are - Green shows the percentage of entities that have no actions pending. To get actual counts of pending actions, hover on a ring to more details.

  • The flow of resources between tiers

    The arrow from one entry to another indicates the flow of resources. For example, the Virtual Machine entry has arrows to Hosts and to Storage. If the VMs are running in a Virtual Data Center, it will have another arrow to that as well. This means that your VMs consume resources from hosts, storage, and possibly from VDCs.

Listing Entities From the Home Page

The Supply Chain shows the relationships of entities in your environment. When you're on the Home Page with a global scope, the supply chain filters its display according to the view you have chosen:

  • APPLICATIONS – All your Business Applications

  • ON-PREM – All your on-prem entities

  • CLOUD – All your entities on the public cloud

To see a list of entities, click an entity tier in the Supply Chain.

List of Virtual Machines