Creating Groups


This page includes enhancements and a more modern look-and-feel that are only available when you enable the new design framework. To switch to the new framework, click New Feature Toggle button in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle. For more information, see Design Framework for the User Interface.

The images in this topic show the new design framework.

Groups assemble collections of resources for Turbonomic to monitor and manage. When setting scope for your Turbonomic session, you can select groups to focus on those specific resources. For example, if you have a number of VMs devoted to a single customer, you can create a group of just those VMs. When running a planning scenario you can set the scope to work with just that group.

Turbonomic discovers groups that exist in your environment and allows you to create custom groups. Turbonomic supports two custom-grouping methods:

  • Dynamic — You define these groups by specific criteria. You can group services according to naming conventions (all VM names that start with ny), resource characteristics (all hosts with four CPUs), or other criteria such as time zone or number of CPUs.

    These groups are dynamic because Turbonomic updates the group as conditions change.

  • Static — You create these groups by selecting the specific group members.


Do not use the Turbonomic user interface to delete discovered groups. If you do, later analysis cycles will discover them again, and add them to your environment. In the meantime, any analysis that relies on those groups can give unexpected results.

You can delete any custom group you have created. Before you do, verify that you do not have any charts, plans, or policies that use the group you want to delete. After you delete the group, such charts, plans, or policies will lose their scope. For example, a policy with no scope has no effect.

To create a group:

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page.

    Settings button

    Click to navigate to the Settings Page. From there, you can perform a variety of Turbonomic configuration tasks.

  2. Choose Groups.

    Groups button

    Click to navigate to the Group Management Page.

    This page lists all the custom groups that you currently have configured for Turbonomic.

  3. Perform tasks in the Group Management page.

    Group Management page

    You can perform any of the following tasks:

    • (Non-react view) Filter groups by type

    • Sort by name or severity.

    • Search for groups

    • (Non-react view) Click a group name to edit it

      (React view only) Click on the pencil icon to edit group name.

      For a dynamic group, you can edit the set of criteria that select the group members. For a static group, you can add or subtract specific members.

    • (React view only) Filter by name using equals (Regular Expression) and not equals (Regular Expression).

    • (React view only)Can download a list of groups

    • Expand an entry to see group details

      (React view only) Click on Show more details button Show more details button to see group details

    • Select an entry to delete the group

    • Create new groups

    To work with a long list of groups, you can filter by group type. For example, only show groups of VMs, or groups of host machines. You can also type a string in the Search field to filter the list.

  4. Expand an entry to see group details.

    View of Group details

    The details show you information about related entities such as how many hosts provide resources for a group of VMs. If there are any pending actions for the group, the details list those actions as well.

  5. Create a new group.

    Click NEW GROUP, choose a group type, and then specify the group settings.

    Create new group process
    • Give the group a unique name. To prevent issues, you should never use duplicate names for groups of the same entity type.

    • Set whether the group will be static or dynamic.

      To create a static group, select the member entities from the list. To filter the list, set group criteria.

      To create a dynamic group, set group criteria. The list updates to show the resulting group members.

    • (Non- react view) Specify group criteria.

      These criteria are entity attributes that determine group membership. You might create a group of all VMs that have 4 VCPUs. You can choose properties of the member entities, and you can choose properties of entities that are related to the members. For example, you can make a group of VMs that are hosted by PMs with the substring "Development" in their names.

      As you set criteria, the list of entities updates to show the member entities. You also can sort the list by severity (per the most critical entity in group) or group name.

      Note that you can use regular expression to express your match strings.

    • When you are finished, save the group.

      Save adds this group to the My Groups collection.

      (React view only) Create adds this group to the My groups collection.