Email Settings

If you enabled the Embedded Reporting component, you can configure email settings to send reports from Turbonomic.

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page.

    Settings button

    Click to navigate to the Settings Page. From there, you can perform a variety of Turbonomic configuration tasks.

  2. Navigate to the Email Settings Page.

    From here, you can configure:

    • SMTP settings

    • General email settings

SMTP Settings

SMTP settings

The SMTP Settings fields identify the mail relay server you use on your network to enable email communication from Turbonomic.

If the server requires authentication, provide the username and password here. You can also choose the following encryption options for notifications:

  • None

  • Ssl

  • Tls

General Email Settings

General email settings

Use this setting to specify the return address (the FROM address) for emails that Turbonomic generates and sends for report subscriptions.