
You can configure Turbonomic policies that log Turbonomic actions in your ServiceNow instance, and that submit actions for approval in ServiceNow workflows.

For more information concerning orchestration, see Automation Workflow.


When creating the action orchestration policy as explained in the section above, the scope of the policy must match the scope of the ServiceNow target.


  • A ServiceNow user with the web_service_admin role and the custom role x_turbo_turbonomic.user that is created during installation that can communicate with Turbonomic via the REST API

Adding ServiceNow Targets

  1. Click Settings > Target Configuration.

  2. Click New Target > Orchestrator.

  3. Select ServiceNow.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Address

      Specify the hostname of the ServiceNow instance without the http or https protocols. For example,

    • Username

      Specify the username for the account Turbonomic uses to connect to the ServiceNow instance.

    • Password

      Specify the password for the account Turbonomic uses to connect to the ServiceNow instance.

    • Client ID

      Specify the client ID Turbonomic uses if Use OAuth is checked.

    • Client Secret

      Specify the password Turbonomic uses if Use OAuth is checked.

    • Port

      Specify the port used to access the ServiceNow instance.

    • Use OAuth

      Use OAuth to communicate with the ServiceNow target.

      Currently, Turbonomic supports OAuth 2.0 when this protocol is enabled in the ServiceNow target.

    • Proxy Information

      Specify proxy information only if you connect through a proxy.

      • Proxy Host

        Specify the address of the proxy used for this target.

      • Proxy Port

        Specify the port to use with the proxy used for this target. By default, this is 8080.

      • Proxy Username

        Specify the username to use with the proxy.

      • Proxy Password

        Specify the password to use with the proxy.

      • Secure Proxy Connection

        Select this option if Turbonomic will connect to the proxy via HTTPS.

ServiceNow Integration

In order to complete target addition, see the Turbonomic Actions for ServiceNow documentation.