Multiple-record smart sections
Laying out the fields in a smart section connected to a multiple-record smart section is different from laying out a single-record smart section. Instead of laying out individual fields you lay out columns of fields.
Laying out a multiple-record smart section is simpler than laying out a single-record smart section because you do not have to specify the position of each field. All you have to do is specify the order in which the columns will appear. The order in which the columns appear is determined by the value of each field's Start Row property. The values of the Row Span, Start Column and Col Span properties are ignored.
In the properties of the connected business object, if the check box for the Vertical Section property is checked, you will be laying out rows of fields instead of columns. The Vertical Section property of a business object is discussed in "Record organization".
One other difference between a single-record smart section and a multiple-record smart section is that you cannot add form fields to a multiple-record smart section. A multiple-record smart section can only contain data fields.
In a multiple-record smart section, the properties of fields not related to their layout are interpreted the same as in other kinds of sections. For descriptions of these properties, see Form field properties.