Availability sections

An availability section displays the availability of resources over time.

The left side of an availability section shows resources. The query in the availability section properties defines which resources and columns are displayed. All columns returned by the query display on the left side.

The right side of an availability section shows the availability of the resources over time. The availability of each resource is determined by its calendar set. For more information, see the IBM® TRIRIGA®: Application Administration User Guide.

The availability pagination is described in Availability pagination.

The colors within an availability section are set in the Style Manager. The Style Manager is discussed in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform: User Experience User Guide.

Print preview is not supported for availability sections.

Several properties in TRIRIGAWEB.properties control the Availability section.

Determines whether to process Reserve Queries concurrently. Set to True if you want to process Reserve Queries concurrently. The default is True.


If ENABLE_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY is true, this property determines the maximum number of system wide threads that will be used in processing availability. The default is 50.


If ENABLE_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY is true, this property determines the maximum number of threads that each availability request can use to process availability. The default is 10.

When the record in an availability section is a recurring event, the user sees a Ratio column to the left of the data displayed about the record in the left side of the availability section. This column shows how available the resource is for all occurrences of the recurring event within the view of the right side of the availability section. For example, if the record is an event that is to happen once a day for five days and the resource is available for each of those days, the Ratio column contains 5/5. If the resource is available for three of those days, the Ratio column contains 3/5.

The maximum number of occurrences that will be displayed and created in the Availability section defaults to 20. This means that if you create, for example, a recurring event that occurs each week for a year, only 20 occurrences, not 52, are displayed and created in the Availability section. To change this limitation, you can change the following property in the TRIRIGAWEB.properties file.

Sets the maximum number of occurrences when creating a recurring booking. The greater the number of occurrences set for this variable, the greater the chance that performance will degrade. The default is 20.